Sport Class Formation Standard Procedures
1. Brief- Mandatory for all members of the formation
a. Time/Place- set by flight lead/pace
2. Radio Procedures
a. Freq Changes Directed by Flight Lead/PACE
b. “Sport 15 Flight GO 123.45”
c. Acknowledge by Race (Sport) number “99, 49, 22…”
d. “Sport 15 Check”
e. Check in by Race (Sport) number “99, 49, 22…”
f. Acknowledgments and Check-in use number only (“99, 49, 22…)
g. Pattern Calls use “Sport 99”, etc. (Downwind Abeam, Base-Gear, Cold)
3. Spot Time / Final Brief at Aircaft Time
a. Meet at lead’s aircraft 10 minutes prior to engine start
i. Lead/Pace will cover any last minute changes
b. Spot Aircraft in flight order prior to Final Brief time
i. Order not mandatory during FAST/PRS
4. Engine Start
a. Start at engine start time or on Lead’s signal (as briefed)
b. Aircraft pull forward 5 feet when ready
c. Flight check-in will be after all aircraft have moved forward
d. Flight Lead/Pace will check-in flight
i. All check-ins will be by Race (Sport) Number (FAST/PRS/Race)
1. “Sport 15 Flight check”
2. “99”
3. “49”
4. “22”
5. Taxi
a. FAST/PRS/RACE: Flight Lead/Pace will direct formation taxi and taxi last
b. Wingman 1 or Pole Position will taxi first
c. All aircraft will taxi in stagger
6. Run-up
a. FAST/PRS/Race- Wingman 1 or Pole Position will stop short of runway for engine run up.
b. All aircraft enter run-up area and park at 45, circle around run-up as required.
c. Lead/Pace will hold in run-up area entry and observe flight run-ups
d. All aircraft conduct run-up checks automatically (no signal)
e. After engine checks, last wing or race aircraft will initiate thumb’s up when ready
f. All aircraft will pass a thumbs up forward in sequence to Wingman 1/Pole Position.
g. Wingman 1/Pole Position will pass “XX Ready” to Lead/Pace
h. Lead/Pace will switch flight (“Go”) to Race Control (PRS/Race). No auto freq switch.
i. Lead/Pace will check in Flight on Race Control (PRS/Race)
j. Lead/Pace will announce Flight’s departure on CTAF (FAST), or report ready for takeoff to Race Control (PRS/Race)
7. Runway Line up and Takeoff
a. Lead/Pace will direct Flight to taxi onto runway
b. Wingman 1 or Pole Poistion aircraft will taxi down far enough on runway for all aircraft to line up at 45 degree angle
c. Stop aircraft at a 45 degree angle on the COLD (near) side of the runway
d. FAST/PRS, lead rolls when last plane on
e. Lead/Pace taxis by all aircraft for thumbs up
f. Lead/Pace will call “rolling”
g. Lead/Pace will call “60kts”
h. Aircraft will roll 5-7 seconds behind the aircraft in front of them (1000’)
i. Last aircraft will call airborne
j. Takeoff aircraft will use HOT side takeoff, COLD side abort procedures
8. Abort
a. Maintain Aircraft Control
b. Aborting aircraft will call aborting as able
c. Aborting aircraft will move to COLD side when under control
d. Aircraft already on Takeoff roll will continue on HOT side (if appropriate)
e. Aircraft not moving will hold position until runway clears
i. Lead (FAST) or Pace/Race Control (PRS/Race) may be directive on subsequent takeoffs or flight clearing runway
9. Takeoff Rejoins
a. All rejoins will be to the outside of the turn
b. All rejoins will be at briefed airspeed
10. Overshoots/Under-runs
a. Overshooting wingman will call “XX overshooting”
b. Under-run below and behind the formation
c. Stabilize and move slowly into position in echelon
d. Other wingmen shoud leave a hole for overhsooter
11. Fingertip
a. Standard fingertip formation will be Strong Right “2” to the left, “3” and “4” right
i. Strong left OK for training as well.
12. Cross-under
a. Initiated by radio call - no acknowedgement
13. Echelon
a. Initiated by radio call (Cross-under as needed) - no acknowledgement
b. All aircraft step-level with lead in turns
c. All turns away from the flight members
14. Route
a. Initiated by radio call – no acknowledgment
b. All aircraft will separate to a lateral distance of 2-4 ship widths
c. Position is slightly acute (abeam to no further aft than 45 deg bearing line)
15. Ops checks
a. Initiated by Lead with a radio call “Sport 15 flight Go Route, ops check”
i. Use “Go Route” If not already in Route
b. Flight members go to route and check systems
c. Lead initiates check-in with fuel state, “15, 60 minutes”
d. Flight members check in with fuel “99, 90 mins”, “49, 60 mins”…
e. Lead reforms flight with radio call
i. “Spot 15, bring it in to Fingertip”
16. Pitchout & Rejoins
a. Initiated by radio call
i. “Sport 15, Pitchout and Rejoin, 3 second interval”
ii. No acknowledgement
b. Standard Interval in working area is 3 second spacing
c. 60 deg bank, 2g turn standard
d. Last aircraft calls in after 180 degree turn and in trail
e. Radio call (“Rejoin Right”) and Exagerated wing rock to begin rejoin
f. Rejoin at pre-breifed airspeed
g. All rejoins will be to the outside of the turn
h. Standard Overshoot/Under-run rules apply
17. Extended Trail
a. Only entered from Echelon
b. Initiated by radio call
i. “Sport 15, go Extended Trail, 3 second interval, acknowlege”
ii. Wingmen acknowledge “99”, “49”, “22”
c. Standard Interval in working area is 3 second spacing
d. Lead normal pitchout, 60 deg bank, 2g turn
e. Flight members take 500-1000 foot spacing
f. Last aircraft calls in when spacing achieved (don’t wait for 180 deg of turn)
g. Lead begins maneuvering on last aircraft’s in call
h. Any lost tally results in Knock It Off
18. Bingo Fuel
a. Prebrief Bingo
b. Set Bingo so as to land with no less than 30 minutes of fuel
c. Any aircaft at Bingo, entire flight will rejoin and recover to landing field
19. Recovery
a. Fingertip or Route formation until 5-10NM from field (as directed by Lead)
b. Echelon formation approaching initial
c. Standard Radio calls from Lead cue wingmen
i. First call at least 10 NM out with direction from field and intentions: “Sport 15, flight of 4, 10 NW, Entering Straight-in, Overhead Approach, Runway XX”
ii. 3-5 mile initial call: “Sport 15 Flight, 3 mile straight in initial, Overhead Approach, XX
iii. Call the break: Sport 15 Flight in the break XX
d. Lead gives kiss-off signal and breaks
e. Wingmen follow in sequence at standard 5 second interval (for breaks to land…leads may brief lesser interval for an all fixed gear flight)
f. Overhead altitude is 1,000’ AGL for fixed gear aircraft, 1,500’ AGL for retractable gear aircraft
20. Landing
a. Overhead Pattern
b. Break to downwind
c. 5 second interval on break to landing is standard
i. Lead may brief lesser interval for flight with all fixed gear aircraft
d. Turn Base when preceding aircraft is half way through final turn (90 degrees off)
e. Land on HOT side
f. When safe, clear to COLD side, call COLD side
g. Exit runway at standard location (turnoff will not be made at the mid field taxiway)
21. Pattern Radio Calls
a. “Sport 15 Downwind Abeam”
b. “Sport 15 Base, Gear”
c. “Sport 15 Cold”