Foreign Trade Activity of Yaroslavl Oblast in January-September 2012

Foreign trade turnover of Yaroslavl oblast in January-September 2012 amounted to 1103.4 million US dollars (exclusively of trade volume with the Customs Union countries).

Foreign trade volume in January-September 2012 increased by 12.1% in comparison with the same period of 2011.

Basic Indicators of Foreign Economy Activity of Yaroslavl oblast in January-September 2012

9 months / 2012 *
9 months / 2012 in % in comparison with 2011
Foreign trade turnover, million US dollars
including: / 984,6 / 1103,4 / 112,1
Exports / 374,4 / 435,7 / 116,4
Imports / 610,2 / 667,7 / 109,4
Balance / - 235,8 / - 232,0
With non CIS countries
including: / 852,2 / 947,8 / 111,2
Exports / 295,8 / 350,3 / 118,4
Imports / 556,4 / 597,5 / 107,4
Balance / - 260,6 / - 247,2
With CIS countries
including: / 132,4 / 155,6 / 117,5
Exports / 78,6 / 85,4 / 108,7
Imports / 53,8 / 70,2 / 130,5
Balance / 24,8 / 15,2

(exclusively of trade volume with the Customs Union countries)

Geographical structure of exports

The largest trading partner countries of Yaroslavl oblast (exports)

Thousand US dollars

No. / Countries / 2011 / 9 months / 2012 / 9 months
Vietnam / 33292,4 / 107584,5
Poland / 86890,0 / 102269,2
Ukraine / 48508,9 / 50298,6
Austria / 3871,3 / 35191,0
Hungary / 20040,3 / 15904,7
Azerbaijan / 14687,3 / 13497,3
Finland / 11062,5 / 13161,5
Brazil / 11028,4 / 9900,5
Italy / 6529,2 / 8618,4
France / 13124,0 / 7554,4

The results of 9 months of 2012 demonstrated the leading positions of Ukraine (11.5%) and Azerbaijan (3.1%) among the CIS countries in the volume of products purchased in Yaroslavl oblast.

Vietnam (24.7%), Poland (23.5%) and China (8.1%) play major roles in the exports of Yaroslavl oblast. Poland, Ukraine and Vietnam demonstrate significant annual volume growth of goods exported from Yaroslavl oblast. In 2012 export volume to Austria and Vietnam increased in comparison with 2011.

Geographical structure of imports

The largest trading partner countries of Yaroslavl oblast (imports)

Thousands US dollars

No. / Countries / 2011 / 9 months / 2012 / 9 months
Germany / 143524,8 / 93354,9
China / 59845,5 / 81567,1
United States of America / 19019,6 / 58736,3
Ukraine / 38307,1 / 55842,5
Japan / 55135,6 / 49671,0
Argentina / 277,1 / 37908,6
Italy / 27040,8 / 31305,4
Belgium / 25119,5 / 28298,8
France / 18159,4 / 27487,5
Switzerland / 12303,7 / 17563,7

According to the data, geographical direction of imports in Yaroslavl oblast has slightly changed in 2012 in comparison with 2011. USA and Argentina were included into the top ten largest.

Yaroslavl oblast increased the import volume from the following countries: China (chemical products, equipment and components, motor cars and their components), USA (nickel products, electric machines and equipment), Ukraine (oil products, equipment and its parts).

For the first time in the recent years import volume from Argentina (grain) has considerably increased. Import volume from Vietnam has sharply decreased in 2012 (before Yaroslavl oblast purchased rubber in Vietnam).

Main types of exported products (thousands US dollars)

HTC codes / Product group / 2012 / 9 months
CIS countries* / Non CIS countries / Total
01-24 / Food products and raw materials / 10983,2 / 3549,9 / 14533,1
27 / Mineral products / 4993,8 / 5655,4 / 10649,2
28-40 / Products of chemical industry, rubber / 13812,0 / 199869,8 / 213681,8
41-43 / Tanning raw materials, furs, leather and fur goods / 887,7 / 727,5 / 1615,1
44-49 / Wood, pulp and paper goods / 2375,1 / 12941,1 / 15316,2
50-67 / Textile materials, soft goods and footwear / 1405,6 / 241,6 / 1647,2
72-83 / Metalsandmetalgoods / 1186,2 / 10015,0 / 11201,2
84-90 / Machine-building goods / 48127,5 / 106286,7 / 154414,2
68-71, 91-97 / Other goods / 1614,5 / 11022,3 / 12636,8
Total: / 85385,6 / 350309,1 / 435694,7

* - exclusively of export volume to countries of the Customs Union

Export volume in 9 months of 2012 increased by 14% in comparison with the same period of 2011.

The greatest share in the total export volume belongs to machine building products (49.1%) and chemical products (35.4%). Delivery volume of machine building products has increased by 30% in comparison with the same period of the last year.

Main types of imported goods (thousand US dollars)

HTC codes / Product group / 2012 / 9 months
CIS countries* / Non CIS countries / Total
01-24 / Food products and raw materials / 8548,0 / 71103,2 / 79651,2
25-27 / Mineral products / 10211,9 / 11338,4 / 21550,3
28-40 / Products of chemical industry, rubber / 3540,0 / 117461,1 / 121001,1
41-43 / Tanning raw materials, furs, leather and fur goods / 2,8 / 2512,4 / 2515,2
44-49 / Wood, pulp and paper goods / 618,7 / 9670,6 / 10289,2
50-67 / Textile materials, soft goods and footwear / 9478,6 / 4604,2 / 14082,8
72-83 / Metalsandmetalgoods / 2041,0 / 59993,9 / 62035,0
84-90 / Machine-building goods / 35059,9 / 314179,3 / 349239,2
68-71, 91-97 / Other goods / 675,2 / 6644,2 / 7319,4
Total: / 70176,1 / 597507,4 / 667683,5

* - exclusively of import volume to countries of the Customs Union

Import volume in 9 months of 2012 increased by 10% in comparison with the same period of 2011.

Basic products imported to Yaroslavl oblast are machine building products (52.2%) necessary for production activity of the oblast enterprises (machines and various equipment, parts and equipment for motor cars), products of chemical industry (18.1%), food products and raw materials (12.0%).