KS1 / KS2 / KS1 / KS2 / KS1 / KS2
accurate / approximate / animal / adaptation / (in)visible / angle
ask / average / camouflage / amphibian / beam, / energy
carry out / believable(data) / differences / anther / binoculars / optical
chart / best fit / domestic / bacteria / block / screen
compare / change / environment / carnivore / bright / source
decide / compare / farm / classification / bulb / translucent
explain / conclusion / field / consumer / camera
fair / contrast / garden / decay / candle
find out / control / grass / ecosystem / colour
group / describe / habitats / energy / dark
guess / diagram / home / environment / electricity
how? / discuss / insects / fertilization / eye/pupil/iris
investigate(start) / effects / litter / food chains / fire
measure / evaluation / living / webs / flame
observe / experiment / mini-beasts / herbivore / glasses/
picture graph / fair test / never been / mammal etc / kaleidoscope
plan / graph / non-living / parts of plant / lens
question / group / park / photosynthesis / light sensitive
sort / investigation / parts of plant / poison / look
suggest / label / leaf, stem etc / pollination / mirror
table / learned / place to live / pollution / opaque
talk / maximum / plant / predator/prey / photograph
test / measure / pollution / producer / picture
what do you think will
happen? / method / pond / recycle / prism
what happened? / minimum / seashore / relationships / rainbow
why? / observe / sorting / reproduction / ray
pattern / underground / reptile / reflect(ion)
plan / wild / rot / see
predict / woodland / stamen / shade
reading / stigma / shadow
recognize / survival / spectrum
reliable / variation / star
repeat / sun
resources / telescope
results / torch
sort / transparent
colder warmer shorter taller
hotter slower faster
darker lighter smaller larger
decrease increase smoother rougher
dimmer brighter softer harder
duller shinier thinner thicker
falling rising
fuzzier sharper
less more
lighter heavier
lower higher
bend / attraction / attract/repel / electromagnet / absorb / affect
bounce / balance / bar / field / air / alter
change / cm/m / bell / magnetised / bendy / attract
change direction / displacement / compass / cold / burn
coming back / force / force / corners / characteristics
different / friction / fridge-magnet / damp / condense
drop / gravity / horse-shoe / dissolve / conductor
flick / grip / iron fillings / dry / density
further(furthest) / magnetic force / iron, steel / dry / effect
height / mass / magnetic / dull / evaporation
make it move / movement / non-magnetic / fabric / filter
pull / newton / north / fibre / filtering
push / repulsion / pole/poles / freeze / flammable
pushing back / rotate / pull / grains / flexible
roll / slope / push / group / fluid
rough / support / south / heat / fray
slope / surface / spin / heavy / gases
smooth / time / stick / hot / insulator
squash / weight / liquids / irreversible
steep / OURSELVES & ANIMALS / magnetic / manufactured
stretch / KS1 / KS2 / melt / mass
turn / alive / arteries / metal / natural
twist / animal / blood / mixture / opaque
up/down / baby / diet / mound / properties
big, small / food chain(use) / pair / reaction
ELECTRICITY / bird / life-cycle / plastic / repel
KS1 / KS2 / blood / living / rough / reversible
battery / cell / body / movement / see through / solution
bulb / connector / bones / muscles / separate / structure
cable / loop / breathe / non-living / sharp / translucent
circuit / parallel / dead / nutrition / shiny / transparent
conductor / series / ears / organs/systems / similar / value
current / short-circuit / egg / (names and their functions) / smooth
flex / eyes / pulse / soak
heat / feed / sensitivity / soft
hot / fish / skeleton / solids
insulator / fly/walk/swim / veins / sort
lamp / food / weight / stretchy
light / fur/hair/scales/skin / strong
motor / grow / thread
movement / hands/feet / water
plug / heart / weigh
power station / human / wet
pylon / insect / wood
safety / lungs/gills / wool
shock / move
sound / plant
spark / senses
static / skeleton
switch / short
wire / tall