Class of 2018
Brag Sheet
All Guidance Counselors require students and their parents to complete their Junior Brag Sheet posted in Family Connection on Naviance, due by Friday, June 16th, 2017 at the end of the day.
The Brag Sheet is required for counselors to write your letter of recommendation for college.
For your convenience, the eleven questions are listed below.
Please note that once you request your first transcript for college in your senior year or prior,
your counselor has 10 school days to complete and send the counselor letter of recommendation.
Please contact your Guidance Counselor with any questions.
- List any careers and/or an intended major that you are considering and why.
- What is your proudest academic accomplishment? Also, please name any Academic Honors or Awards you may have won.
- Are there any personal circumstances that have impacted your academic performance in High School? Please note, anything you share can be mentioned in your counselor's letter.
- What academic skills have you demonstrated in High School that provide evidence that you will be successful in College (e.g. self-advocacy, note taking, public speaking). Be specific, and please provide a concrete example.
- Describe your Radnor High School experience.
- List your in and out of school activities in order of importance to you. Please include years involved, positions held, and/or significant contributions. Activities can include clubs, sports, jobs, internships, community service, etc.... You'll thank us later, because your college applications will require this information.
- Please write about creative work, hobbies, interests or anything else not listed above to which you have devoted substantial time.
- Talk about your reading habits, and reflect on your favorite book.
- *Parent/Guardian: What are his/her out of school interests and activities that may not be known at school.
- *Parent/Guardian: What are the qualities and traits that make your child who they are?
- *Parent/Guardian: In what ways do you feel your student is well prepared for their post-secondary experience? This could include academic, personal, social, and any other pertinent information.
Log onto Family Connection > Click on about me tab > On left, under surveys to take: click on brag sheet for counselor letter of recommendation hyperlink: > Complete Brag Sheet for Counselor Letter of Recommendation
Brag Sheet for Counselor Letter of Recommendation
It's important that your counselor know all of the great things that you're doing, as well as any important information about challenges or obstacles you may have faced through your High School Career.
This Brag Sheet will only be seen by your counselor, and we use this as our guide to writing your letter of recommendation. Please be as thorough as possible! Your counselor cannot write your letter of recommendation until you complete this survey.
All eleven questions are required questions. Please save your answers periodically if you need longer than one hour to complete this form. Your session will expire after one hour if you have not changed the page. You may ‘Save and return later’ or ‘Save and I am finished’.
Another option is to answer questions in a Microsoft Word document, then cut and paste your answers onto your Brag Sheet and then save all at once.