The Anglican Cycle of Prayer
for use in the Diocese of Rupert’s Land
December 2017
Advent 1 to the 1st of Christmas
Church Year BYear 1 Daily Office
The Joint Anglican-Lutheran Commission has designed this cycle for use in Canadian Anglican and Lutheran congregations and communities in Sunday liturgies throughout the year.
For each Sunday there are intentions for specific dioceses/synods/groups in both The Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC). One of the characteristics of the Christian community throughout the ages has been our commitment to pray for the whole world but especially for our Christian sisters and brothers in churches closely linked to our own. Anglicans and Lutherans in Canada are accustomed to praying for the Anglican Communion and the Lutheran World Federation, so it is appropriate for us to pray for our immediate Anglican and Lutheran neighbours.
Prayer cycles can be overwhelming and ‘crowded’ pieces of liturgies. Care needs to be exercised in setting a context – we are intentionally, as churches in ‘full communion’, holding each other in prayer – some words of explanation may be needed to set this cycle of prayer in context.
National and Local Leadership
•our Primate, FredHiltz and National ELCIC Bishop, Susan Johnson
•our Diocesan Bishop, Donald Phillips and MNO Synodical Bishop, Elaine Sauer
•the National Indigenous Bishop, Mark MacDonald
•our Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert’s Land,
Greg Kerr-Wilson
•the Council of the North Dioceses, (December: Diocese of Athabasca)
•the Bishop of our Companion Diocese, Michael Lubowa
National & Local Leadership: (see page one)
Anglican Communion world-wide:West Buganda - (Uganda) The Rt Revd Henry Katumba-Tamale
ACC The people of the Anglican Church of Canada
ELCIC The people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
Diocese of Rupert’s Land
•the People of the Parishes of St. Andrew
St. Andrew, Woodhaven; The Rev. Ray Knight, Priest
St Andrew, St. Andrews; The Rev. Karen Laldin, Incumbent
St. Andrew's Sudanese Anglican Mission
National & Local Leadership: (see page one)
Anglican Communion world-wide:
Western North Carolina - (IV, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd José Antonio McLoughlin
ACC The Primate, the Most Reverend Fred Hiltz, and Staff of the Primate’s Office of the Anglican Church of Canada
ELCIC The National Bishop, The Most Reverend Susan Johnson, and National Staff of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
Diocese of Rupert’s Land
For all those mourning the loss of loved ones this Christmas season.
National & Local Leadership: (see page one)
Anglican Communion world-wide:
Wyoming - (VI, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd John Smylie
ACC The General Secretary, Archdeacon Michael Thompson, and National Staff of the Anglican Church of Canada
ELCIC Director Trina Gallop and staff of Communications & Stewardship of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and Director Kyle Giesbrecht, and staff of Finance & Administration.
Diocese of Rupert’s Land
The people of the Missions of:
•saint benedicts table, The Rev. Jamie Howison, incumbent
•Emmanuel Mission, The Rev. Monybuny (Abraham) Kuol Chuol.
Incumbent and The Rev. Reuben Garang, Hon. Asst.
•St. Andrew's Sudanese Anglican Mission
National & Local Leadership: (see page one)
Anglican Communion world-wide:
Yola - (Jos, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Markus Ibrahm
ACC The Director, The Rev. Dr. Eileen Scully, and Staff of the Faith, Worship and Ministry Department
ELCIC Rev. Paul Gehrs, Assistant to the National Bishop for Justice and Leadership, and Gretchen Peterson, Assistant to the Bishop for Youth.
Diocese of Rupert’s Land
For healing and reconciliation this Christmas season.
WEEK OF DECEMBER 31 1st after Christmas
National & Local Leadership:(see page one)
Anglican Communion world-wide:
Zululand - (Southern Africa) The Rt Revd Monument Makhanya
ACC Director Meghan Kilty and staff of Communications and Information Resources and Director Hannah Goschy and staff of Financial Management.
ELCIC The Assistant to the National Bishop Rev. Andre Lavergne, Ecumenical and Interfaith and Rev. Lyle McKenzie, Assistant to the National Bishop for Worship of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
Diocese of Rupert’s Land
Pray that we may all discover, develop, and deploy our ministries as disciples of Christ in Rupert’s Land.