APHG BellRingers
For the week of October 12 – Population/Migration (Next week:Culture)
Make sure you are reading and watching all the articles and videos included in these questions.
What is migration? What causes it? What problems and opportunities does itpresent? Great (7:38) video you need to view and then answer/discuss the questions presented.
Define the concepts of intervening opportunity and intervening obstacle, and give examples ofeach.
What is a refugee? What is an internally displaced person (IDP)? What is amigrant?
ISIS in conflict in Iraq and Syria in maps, photos and video at: video.html
How to build the perfect refugeecamp:
The difference between migrant andrefugee?
How difficult would it be to give up everything you knew in order to make a dangerous journey to tryto gainfreedom?
Watch this short video clip which discusses the tragic case of the African migrants who were tryingto reach Spain in 2013 when their boatcapsized.
(1:27) Do an analysis of the data reflected in the following sources: What is being done? What needs to be done? How can individuals like you and me help?
In relation to question#4:
How difficult would it be for Sudanese refugees to relocate in the UnitedStates?
The trailer for the film The Good Lie (released late 2014) deals with the true story of an employment agency worker (played by Reese Witherspoon) who is tasked with finding work for some of “The Lost Boys” whocame to the United States fromSudan.
Some of you are learning about the “Lost Boys” in your English classes. Watch the Good Lie for extra credit write a one page report on the movie.
Other relatedresources:
Excellent 60 Minutes segments on the “Lost Boys” experiences over a 12 year time period at: (July,2013)
ALSO: the following site deals with the experience of Somali refugees who have settled in Europe, and their associated experiences. You will find it interesting looking at these, as they are in cartoonformat.
Meet the Somalis was produced by the Open SocietyFoundations. It is a collection of 14 illustrated stories depicting the real life experiences of Somalis in seven cities in Europe. The stories allow readers a unique insight into what everyday life is like as a Somali in Europe. Meet the Somalis is based on the firsthand testimonies of Somalis in Europe interviewed duringsix months in2013.