P.O. Box 919 ~ Bristol, IN 46507

Year End 2015

DUE: January 31, 2016

For the Program Activity Funded by the

Drug Free Community Fund

Program Name:

Agency or Corporate Chief Executive Officer: (include address, phone & email)

Project Coordinator:

Fiscal Officer:

Federal Identification Number:

Report Period (Check One):

January 2015-June 2015 July 2015 – September 2015 October 2015- December 2015 & Year End

To the best of my knowledge, all of the statements in this report are true and correct:

Signature: ______Title: ______

Date: ______

Copies of your report must be sent to each of the following people:

Jessica KoscherKris Krueger

Elkhart County Drug-Free PartnershipElkhart County Commissioners

P.O. Box 919117 N. 2nd Street

Bristol, IN 46507 Goshen, IN 46526

Budget Page

Please use your DFCF Grant you submitted for reference.

DFCF Original Grant Amount:

Amount Claimed:

Balance: (unclaimed amt)

Below please report expenses from this quarter and YTD which pertain to the DFCF monies. (Do not include your total program budget with other revenue sources. We only wish to understand how you have spent down the DFCF monies.) These figures should match your approved allocation and/or grant proposal.

Expenses: / Current / YTD
Personnel Benefits
Office Supplies
Other (as outlined and approved in your grant)
Total Expenses:


A representative of my (grantee) program attended Partnership meetings/activities on the following dates:


Lunch & Learn:

Committee Meetings:

This person is a member of the following committee (check one):

Criminal JusticeSocial Norming Advisory Treatment Board of Directors

Program Progress

In your grant proposal you outlined through activities, key outputs, methods and indicators how you would address one of the Partnership’srecommended actions. In the space below (include extra pages as needed) outline specificallyhow your funded program has made an impact on the “recommended action” you picked (below). Include relevant statistics which relate to the recommended action you chose. (It is essential that you are detailed on how successful you have been in making an impact on your selected recommended action and as a result helping to reach the outlined goal. Make sure the recommended action matches the one you selected in your original grant proposal).

Please include the following:

A blank copy of any pre/post test used including participant surveys used in your program (only required once)

Copies of press releases, newspaper articles, etc.

Copies of workshops/conference brochures if we funded training (cover is sufficient)

Comprehensive Plan Goals

Section A: All funded programs. Any organization receiving DFCF monies must address a recommended action from the approved Comprehensive Plan. The following section pertains to your work within these action items. This section of the report mustbe complete and detailed.

In your approved grant, you stated you would focus on one of the following recommended actions. Please check which recommended actions you originally stated you would impact.

Problem Statement:

There is a gap between the “perception” and the “reality” of both use and the harmful nature of substances (including alcohol, marijuana, synthetic marijuana and prescription drugs).


Survey students, parents and community groups to measure the difference between perception and reality of use, risky behaviors and harm.

Create public awareness materials to educate the community on the reality of use/risky behaviors and harm.

Continue hosting take back days and supporting local drug return boxes.

GOAL:Reduce the gap between perception and reality in prevention programs by 5%.

Problem Statement:

Local treatment agencies report the continual needs to subsidize treatment for clients 20-50% due to financial barriers is putting a strain on their organizations and clients. This includes a need for childcare and scholarships.


Provide scholarships and financial assistance for treatment.

Provide financial assistance for childcare during treatment programs.

GOAL: Increase the amount of financial assistance for treatment (including childcare) by 5% annually for clients who are deemed unable to afford treatment on their own.

Problem Statement:

People in Elkhart County in need of detox, residential and psychiatric support are unable to seek these supports in Elkhart County.


Provide financial support for psychiatric consultations for those addicted to substance that also require medications.

Increase the potential for people to be detoxed in Elkhart County through a feasibility study for a detox facility and a plan to include community partners for funding.

Increase the potential for residential programming in Elkhart County for those in recovery through a feasibility study for a residential facility and a plan to include community partners for funding.

GOAL: Determine the feasibility of establishing detox and residential treatment services in Elkhart County. Establish a structure to assist those in treatment who are in need of a psychiatric consult the ability to do so.

Problem Statement:

Law Enforcement requires additional resources for AOD (Alcohol and Other Drug) related crimes.


Provide mobile video cameras for both officers and vehicles in the current Law Enforcement Agency fleet for the purpose of OWI and other AOD roadside stops.

Provide financial support to purchase equipment needed for interdiction and investigation for AOD enforcement.

Provide additional resources for OT hours for special AOD investigative units (i.e. FACT Team, STAR, other tactical AOD teams).

Provide local law enforcement the opportunity to be trained in interdiction by Desert Snow.

GOAL: Increase the number of AOD arrests by 10% annually in local LEA.

If you have a:

~ Criminal Justice grant => go to Section C

~ Prevention grants => go to Section D

~ Treatment grants => go to Section E

Demographic Data/ Statistics

Section B: Criminal Justice Grants

Answer the area which applies to activities requested for in your grant. i.e. additional man hours for increased OWI patrols would answer # of roadside stops, # of contacts and # of additional man hours.

This Quarter / YTD
Number of roadside stops/citations (camera/video equipment grants)
Number of arrests/citations (for all non-video camera programs)
Number of additional man hours (OT hours)

Section C: Prevention Grants

Social Norming Grants:

  • Northern Illinois University Teen Survey will be/was conducted (for this grant cycle):
  • Survey information will be/were available and submitted to Partnership on:
  • Social Marketing materials will be/were posted on this date:
  • Additional enrichment programs occurred on:
  • The impact of this program was further “tested” by the following activities/surveys. Please outline the findings to show the impact of the program.

  • Section C: Treatment Grants

Prevalence of Substance: # of participants who reported the below as “primary drug used” (diagnosis)

This Quarter
(currently in tx) / YTD
(in tx this year/ unduplicated)
Prescription Drugs
Other Narcotics
Other Psychedelics
Other Stimulants

Age of Onset: # of participants who reported their first use at the below ages:

This Quarter
(currently in tx) / YTD
(in tx this year/ unduplicated)
Under 10 years of age
Between 10-15 y/o
Between 16-20 y/o
Between 21-25 y/o
Between 26-29 y/o
Between 30-39 y/o
Between 40-49y/o
Over 50 y/o

Number of Scholarships: Number of participants who received scholarships.

This Quarter
(currently in tx) / YTD
(in tx this year/ unduplicated)
Number of Scholarships
% of poverty for recipients
Number of drop-outs

Other Data: Please answer for your entire treatment clientele

This Quarter
(currently in tx) / YTD
(in tx this year/ unduplicated)
# of clients needing detox
# of clients receiving detox
# of clients needing psychiatric services/med evals
# of clients receiving psychiatric services/med evals
# of clients needing childcare during tx


Please use this section to provide any other information you deem important or relevant. Please feel free to include short success stories (150 word max), further explanations pertaining to program changes or reasons the program has been altered from the one proposed.

Drug Free Partnership Page 1 of 9Y:\USERS\JESSICA\Jess' Stuff\LCC\DFCF GRANTS\2010 Grant\2010 mid-year report.doc