Instructor:Mary Silva

Phone No:575 7721

Email: (best way to contact me!)


Office:Yosemite 154A (West Campus)

Office Hours:______


College Study Skills***

(StSk 78)


This course is designed to increase your success in college by assisting you in obtaining the skills necessary to achieve your own individual educational objectives. Through lecture, discussions, presentations, group and individual exercises you will be introduced to a variety of topics critical to student success; time management, motivation, learning styles, principles of learning and memory, reading and research skills, note taking, test taking, thinking, writing and health. Study Skills 78 is a three unit course which applies toward an Associate’s degree and also meets the graduation requirement for guidance.


Students successfully completing Study Skills 78 will

  • Demonstrate study strategies that will lead to success in college (including note-taking, test-taking, time management, and reading);
  • Demonstrate knowledge of resources and tools available for career and academic planning;
  • Create an individualized educational plan;
  • Identify beliefs, attitudes and habits that increase success in college and in life.


  • On Course, Study Skills Plus Edition, by Skip Downing. (ISBN 978-1-4390-8522-6 . Make sure you get the right one if you order it online)
  • Composition notebook, or computer journal with entries printed and stored in a 3-ring binder.
  • 10 scantrons 882
  • 3x5 index cards (as many as you can afford!)
  • MJC college catalog 2011 -20112
  • Student planner (your choice)
  • A supply of pens, paper, pencils (Number 2), highlighters.

You are expected to bring all the above supplies with you to every class meeting.


Grading Policy:

Your grade will be the average of each of the following components:

  • Quizzes (5 points each)
  • Success Journals (5 points each)
  • Study Skills plans (10 points each)
  • Participation (including Educational Plan)
  • 1 Final Essay

(Each of these is described in more detail in the next section. Basically, each requirement is 20% of your grade so must do well in each area to earn a passing grade.)

Course Grades:

  • A = 90-99%
  • B = 80-89%
  • C = 70-79%
  • D = 60-69%
  • F = below 60

Plagiarism and Cheating:

A student representing somebody else’s work as his/her own will receive a failing grade on that assignment. Examinations and all other assignments are to be completed individually without any collaboration from other students.


  1. Educational Plan:

Because this class meets the graduation requirement for guidance, you are required to complete an educational plan and submit a copy to me. You may complete this with your EOPS or DSPS or other counselor or you may do it yourself and I will give you feedback. We will spend at least two class sessions on this topic.

  1. Quizzes

This is a course for students who wish to be successful in college and in life. One of the most important factors of success in any endeavor is consistent and active participation. To encourage and reward your preparation for active participation at every class, fifteen unannounced quizzes on the readings will be given. If you have read the assignment and completed your journal entry, you should have no trouble earning the maximum points (5) for each quiz. No quiz may be made up.

  • Great success is created one small step at a time. Each time that you earn your quiz points you take an important step toward your success in this course . . . and in life!
  1. Journals

Your Success Journal provides an opportunity to explore your thoughts and feelings as you experiment with the success strategies presented in On Course. By carefully examining each strategy in your journal, you will discover which ones will assist you to create a rich, personally fulfilling life. Although I will be collecting your journals and looking through them, write your journal for yourself, not for me. Your journal entries may occasionally be read by your classmates.

Journal Writings:During this semester, you will write journal entries from the textbook. These entries will be written outside of class. Additionally, you will write occasional lettered journal entries based on class exercises. These entries will be written in class. At various times you may have an opportunity to read a journal entry to one or more classmates. therefore, please bring your textbook and journal to every class.

Journal Evaluations:Journals are due weekly. It is not my intention to read every journal entry you write. Instead, I will look through your journal book to verify the completion of each assignment and to give credit for a job well done. I read occasional journal entries to get a sense of the issues you are working on. With this knowledge I can be of greater assistance to you this semester. If you want my comment on a specific journal entry, please let me know.

Journal Points:Each journal entry will be awarded up to 5 points. A journal entry will be awarded the maximum of 5 points if it fulfills the following two criteria:

1.The entry is complete (all steps in the directions have been responded to), and

2.The entry is written with high standards (an obvious attempt has been made to dive deep).

Grammar, spelling, and punctuation will NOT be factors in awarding points in this journal. You are free to express yourself without concern for Standard English conventions.

  1. Study Skills Plans (60 Possible Points)

You will complete a personal Study Skills Plan for the following six topics:

Reading (Chapter 2)

Taking Notes (Chapter 3)

Organizing Study Materials (Chapter 4)

Rehearsing and Memorizing Study Materials (Chapter 5)

Taking Tests (Chapter 6)

Writing (Chapter 7)

The creation of each Study Skills Plan provide anopportunity for you to apply a problem solving model to determine the most effective way for you to deepen your learning in college and beyond, not to mention raising your grades! In addition to improving your learning skills and grades, these activities will help you learn how to approach and solve virtually any problem you encounter, whether academic, personal, or professional.

Each of your personalized Study Skills Plan can earn up to 10 points; thus, all six Plans will be worth a possible total of 60 points or 20% of your grade. To complete each Plan, simply follow the six-step process that you will find explained in each chapter, filling in your answer to the following questions:

1. What’s my present situation?

2. How would I like my situation to be?

3. What are my possible choices?

4. What’s the likely outcome of each possible choice?

5. Which choice(s) will I commit to doing?

6. When and how will I evaluate my plan?

  1. Final Essay (65 Possible Points)

As your final project, you will choose one of the threetopics below and write an essay.

Option 1: Personal Philosophy of Success Essay

In this essay, you will present your own Personal Philosophy of Success, identifying the On Course success strategies that you will use for years to come. This essay is your opportunity to write the script that will keep you on course to a rich, personally fulfilling life!

An “A” paper will . . .

1.Offer the writer’s personal definition of success.

2.Demonstrate the writer’s careful consideration of three or more On Course success strategies that he or she will use to achieve success.

3.Contain extensive support (examples, experiences, evidence, and/or explanation) for each strategy, and

4.Show a commitment to excellence in preparation, including professional appearance and a command of Standard English.

Option 2: One Student’s Story

In this essay, you will relate the story of how you used a specific On Course strategy to overcome an obstacle to your success in college or in life. Use the “One Student’s Story” essays in our textbook as models of how to write your story

An “A” paper will . . .

1.Explain a specific obstacle the writer faced, the specific On Course strategy used to overcome the obstacle, and the outcome.

2.Show a commitment to excellence in preparation, including professional appearance and a command of Standard English.

Option 3: Career Research Assignment

There is a separate handout for this assignment. You will research, in detail, a career of your choice. You must interview someone in the field and use at least five reputable resources.


To create the very best environment for supporting your success and the success of your classmates, this course has three important rules. The more challenging these rules are for you, the more value you will experience by adopting them. By choosing to follow these three rules, you are choosing to be successful not only in this course but in your life. These rules will support your success in every goal you pursue!

  • Show up!To support my success, I choose to attend every scheduled class period in its entirety. You may be dropped if you miss three classes.
  • Do the work!To support my success, I choose to do my very best work in preparing all of my assignments and hand them in on time. No late work will be accepted. No homework will be accepted via email.
  • Participate actively!To support my success, I choose to stay focused and involved in every class session, offering my best comments, questions, and answers when appropriate.

The following policies have been added over the years to avoid misunderstandings!

  • All electronic devices must be turned off during class. This includes pagers, cellular phones, headphones, etc. You may be asked to leave if you disturb the class.
  • Children may not attend class.
  • Disruptive students will not be tolerated. A verbal warning will be given for the first incident. On the next occasion of disruptive behavior the student will be dismissed from the class and for the following class meeting. The Dean will also be notified.
  • In a situation where class cannot be held in the usual classroom, class will meet at the regular class hour in the quad area in front of the MaryStuartRodgersStudentCenter.
  • This class will follow all MJC policies as stated in the schedule and catalog.


Tutoring Center. As an MJC student you are entitled to academic support services without cost. Tutors are available for most subjects and will work with you individually or as a group. Locations are changing due to construction. Check website for up to date information.

The Health Center. Nurses are available to provide first aid and other general health services. There is a cot room should you need a nap! Call 575 6360 or visit Yosemite 114. On East Campus call 575 6037 or go to Morris 108.

Career Development and Transfer Center is located on the East Campus in Library Annex Room 103. The staff and resources there provide career planning services, job hunting assistance and information on transferring to four year schools. Call 575 6239.

The Center for Learning Assistance provides self-paced, computerized instruction in reading, writing, and math. Call 575 6475 or stop by Founders 105.

The WritingCenter, located in Founders 224 on East Campus and in Sierra Hall 214 on West, provides services to assist students in their writing. Tutors will work with you on any writing-related task. Call 575 6682 (East) or 575 7847 (West).

The Math Drop-In Center is designed to help students with problems that arise during math homework. The center is located in Founders 128C on East Campus and on West it is in Sierra 214. Call 575 6662 (East) or 575 7845 (West).

Please see your catalog for a complete listing of other services available.


September 25: Last day to drop a class without a W showing on your transcript

November 17: Last day to withdraw from this class (so you get a W and not a bad grade.)

December 7: Last day of class. Last day to turn in educational plan.


While I expect you to take the above very seriously, please don’t be intimidated by either the rules or my high expectations. It is my honest intention that this class not only is educational, but enjoyable. If you find the class boring, irritating, or in any way bothersome to you, please see me immediately. Similarly, if you find yourself confused or “behind”, please see or call me right away to discuss the situation. However, don’t wait until the end of the semester to bail out of a sinking ship! If you need special accommodations because of a disability or otherwise please let me know. My ultimate objective is to help you succeed in this class and at MJC. GOOD LUCK!


******The instructor reserves the right to modify this syllabus according to class and individual need.***

No Questions Asked (NQA) Coupon: Everyone deserves a second chance, so here is yours. You may use an NQA coupon if you are unable to turn in a homework assignment on the day it is due. That assignment will be accepted at the beginning of the very next class period if you attach this coupon. Please fill in your name and the assignment the coupon is being used for. Coupons attached to homework that is more than 1 class period late will be declared void, and will not count. Any homework turned in after the due date without a coupon attached will earn a zero. Remember there are many ways to get the homework to me on time, even if you don’t make it to class. Coupons will not be accepted for anything other than homework assignments. Hold on to this coupon, because it is the only one you will get. You may use only one coupon a semester (I keep track!).

Study Skills 78
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Only valid for Homework Assignments
Expires: 11/30/2011

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