No. 756/2017
3rd January 2017
For the Immediate Attention of All:
Postal Branches
Divisional Representatives
Area Distribution Representatives
RDC Representatives
Area Delivery Representatives
Dear Colleagues
Branches and representatives will be aware that LTB 767/14, Joint Statement on Revision of Air Network Services, communicated the details of the process that would be adopted in relation to review activity.
The business presented their initial proposals in relation to the Phase 5 activity in Summer of 2016. These proposals highlighted a number of concerns for the CWU and for the first time indicated that Delivery Arrival times would be impacted, which was out with the Joint Statement agreed in 2014.
Extensive cross departmental discussions have therefore been taking place with the business in order to address the areas of concern. Those discussions have culminated in the attached Joint Statement being agreed and endorsed by the Postal Executive, which now enables the Phase 5 review activity to commence.
Branches will note that the attached Joint Statement confirms the necessary safeguards and agreed actions to mitigate the impact on the Delivery Function and formalises the commencement of the formal Air Network process agreed in 2014, a copy of which is also attached for your ease of reference.
Branches will also note that the attached joint statement establishes that in effect the formal Air Network Review process commences from this point and discussions will be progressed in line with the established Working Group approach, including the full involvement of representatives from the affected sites.
Following discussions, in line with the agreed Air Network Review process the Air Network Working Group will be required to agree a formal recommendation to the NLSG on deployment and until that point the company will not serve notice on existing arrangements with the Air Service supplier.
In commencing the process both departments recognise that significant challenges remain in relation to the proposal. However, we believe that we are now in a position where the discussions can commence in line with the terms of the Air Network Review and the attached Joint Statement.
Any enquiries in relation to this LTB should be addressed to:
Davie Robertson, Assistant Secretary, quoting reference: 211.08.
Email Address:
Bob Gibson’s Office, quoting reference: 535.
Email address:
Yours sincerely
Davie Robertson Mark Baulch
CWU Assistant Secretary CWU Assistant Secretary – Outdoor