Date:May 12, 2017


SUBJECT:Request For Quotation # 3

for:“Super Snackables” Community Engagement and Education

The Cityof GreaterSudburyisseekingQuotations from qualified suppliers forthe “Super Snackables” Community Engagement and Education program.


Quotations should be submitted on the Quotation Forms provided to the City of Greater Sudbury, attention Kate Barberby 12:00 pm on May 23rd, 2017, to


Communication (includingclarification requiredfrom a technicalperspective and/orfrom apurchasingperspective,)between the CGSandprospective Suppliersmustbe in written formatviaemailor fax. Tofacilitate comprehensive responses,Suppliersare encouraged to emailtheirquestionsassoon aspossible toor fax to the Authorized Person’s e-mail or fax below.Noverbalinstructions orverbalinformationto Supplierswill bebindingon the CGS.Do notcontact anyotherstaff persons,otherthan the Authorized Person belowregardingthis Quotation.

The Authorized person for this Request for Quotation is:

Name: Kate Barber

Title: Local Project Manager, Healthy Kids Community Challenge

Phone Number: 705-674-4455 ext 4313


Fax Number: 705-671-4789

Address: 199 Larch St. 7th Floor, Children Services Section

Quotation forms Attached:

  1. Declaration of Accessibility Compliance
  2. Quotation Form

Quotation for “Super Snackables” Community Engagement and Education

Instructions to Bidders

1.0Quotation Requirements

All Quotations in relation to this request are subject to the Purchase Order/Standing Offer Standard Terms and Conditions that may be found on the City’s website. Please click on the link to open the Terms and Conditions.

Should you have any questions or problems with the link, please contact the Authorized Person indicated on page 1.

It is the intent of the City to award the Quotation to the Supplier with the lowest compliant quotation meeting all requirements. The successful Supplier will be issued a Purchase Order upon award and shall provide the Goods, Services or Construction in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this Request for Quotation.

The City, in its entire discretion, may reject or accept whole or any part of Quotation or any Quotation submitted in response to this Request for Quotation. The lowestoranyQuotation notnecessarilyaccepted.

2.0Insurance Requirements

The successful supplier shall ensure that the City is provided with Certificates of Insurance on the City’s standard form showing that the Supplier is maintaining the necessary insurance coverage at a minimum, in accordance with paragraph 14 of the Purchase Order/Standing Offer Standard Terms and Conditions.

Insurance requirements are as follows:

$2 Million Commercial General Liability Insurance (with the City named as the Additional Insured)

$2 Million Automobile Liability Insurance

To access the insurance form, please click on the link to open the Certificate of Insurance forms

Should you have any questions or problems with the link, please contact the Authorized Person indicated on page 1.

3.0Delivery Terms:

Alldeliveriesand/orsupplyofgoodsandservicesare to be F.O.B.destinationtoCityofGreaterSudbury.

4.0ScopeofWork / Specifications/Requirements:

Name:“Super Snackables” Community Engagement and Education

Description: The intervention will provide Health Promotion “Animators” to visit local events and schools to engage with children and families to promote increased consumption of vegetables and fruit, using incentives and prizes and food tasting.
The animators will support and promote the “Super Snackables” social marketing campaign that promotes consumption of vegetables and fruit using simple, clear messaging and multiple media venues and which address the barriers and facilitators of healthy eating and will focus on advocacy for healthy eating and healthy policy in recreation centres and other City facilities. This campaign will align with and support the other interventions identified to promote increased consumption of vegetables and fruit.

The social marketing campaign will be overseen by CGS communications but supporting messaging and content will be provided by the animators.

The program will:

  • hire, train and support at least two staff who will act as the “Super Snackables” Animators- recommended full time staffing during July and August and part time during school year.
  • arrange for the purchase and distribution vegetables and fruits and program materials to support programming.
  • support, promote and contribute to the “Super Snackables” social marketing campaign
  • align with and support the other interventions identified to promote increased consumption of vegetables and fruit.
  • prioritize visits to other Healthy Kids events and programs (ie. Bright Bites celebrations, Mobile Market Sessions, Cultivate Your Neighbourhood Community Garden events)
  • offer visits to all potential partners (as identified by HKCC) in a way that is provides equitable access.
  • maintain flexibility in the schedule flexible to respond to community/ HKCC needs.
  • track and evaluate performance measures
  • be offered in both official languages.
  • be in accordance with the Guiding Principles of the Healthy Kids Community Challenge (see attachment)

Dates of Implementation: Programming must be delivered between June 1st (or before) and December 22nd, 2017.
Deliverables (at a minimum):

  • 900 staffing hours
  • 70 community/ program/school visits by animators
  • 1000 targeted promotional items distributed
  • 1000 children visits
  • 15 organizations served
  • 10 HKCC special events supported
  • The successful agency/candidate must actively participate in the monthly CGS HKCC Theme #3 working group meetings and participate in HKKC evaluation activities.


All staff delivering the programming must have the following qualifications:

  • At least one year of post secondary education completed in health promotion, nursing, nutrition or related subject matter.
  • Experience working with children

At least one staff delivering the programming must have the following qualifications:

  • Ability to communicate fluently in French

All staff hired/ delivering must complete the following training prior to commencement of program:

  • Certificate in Food Handler Training
  • Health Nexus It Takes a Village Online modules (free)
  • Weight Bias training as offered by the SDHU (free)
  • All training outlined in the CGS Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Staffing and support costs submitted must be inclusive of training costs, mandatory benefits, travel costs, and admin support costs.

Program Materials

$12,250 has been allocated for the purchase of food and materials required in the delivery of the program. This full amount should be included in the quote.

The cost of translation of program materials will be coordinated and paid for by the City of Greater Sudbury- Healthy Kids, through the Local Project Manager. These costs do not need to be included in the quote.

Reporting and approvals

The agency must develop and submit a final report to the CGS no later than January 20th, 2018. This report will highlight performance measures including as a minimum:

  • # of community/ program/school visits by animators (and list of locations)
  • # of targeted promotional items distributed
  • # of children visits
  • # of organizations served (and list)
  • # of HKCC special events supported
  • A full financial reporting of funds received, spent and remaining.
  • Other indicators as necessary

Bilingual program promotional materials and messaging must be submitted for review to the Healthy Kids partners, through the HKCC Local Project Manager.

Purchases over $200, made as part of the program must be must be submitted for review to the Healthy Kids partners, through the HKCC Local Project Manager

5.0Occupational Health & Safety

The successful Bidder acknowledges that it has read, understood and shall at all times comply and ensure compliance by its workers and any subcontractors with all applicable federal, provincial or municipal legislation relating to occupational health and safety, all applicable regulations thereunder and any and all applicable industry standards and guidelines pertaining to the Work. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the successful Bidder shall be responsible for taking every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of all workers associated with the Work, whether employed by the successful Bidder, or a third party.

The successful Bidder shall ensure that it has implemented and maintains a comprehensive safety program in relation to the Work including but not limited to having written policies and procedures relating to health and safety aspects of the Work, training on all applicable health and safety requirements, standards and guidelines and monitoring and enforcement of its safety program. The successful Bidder shall maintain and shall provide forthwith to the City upon request records relating to: 1) critical, lost time or medical aid injuries related to the Work; 2) training, monitoring and enforcement records including any Orders issued by enforcement authorities; 3) its health and safety policies and/or program. Where advised by the City, the successful Bidder shall comply with the City’s policies and or procedures and in such circumstances the successful Bidder shall ensure proper training and supervision.

The successful Bidder shall provide adequate levels of supervision to ensure all safety aspects of the Work and shall attend safety meetings with City representatives as requested throughout the duration of the Work. The successful Bidder shall be fully responsible for ensuring that any subcontractors and their employees are qualified to perform the Work and fully trained in applicable health and safety requirements. Prior to commencement of any Work, the successful Bidder shall provide a list of the names and addresses for any subcontractors that it proposes to use for the Work.

The successful Bidder and any subcontractors shall immediately comply with any and all directions given by the City representatives where Work being performed is not in compliance with applicable legislative requirements relating to health and safety.

Prior to commencing any Work hereunder and in addition to the requirements above the successful Bidder shall ensure that they successfully complete the NORCAT CGS EHS Rules - Service Contracts training module.Upon successful completion of the NORCAT training, a NORCAT Safety Wallet Smart Card shall be issued to each Worker and must remain on their person throughout the duration of the contract and be provided upon request to a CGS representative. Course registration can be made by phone at 705-521-8324 extension 243, Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The cost of the training, as established by NORCAT, shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor.

The City of Greater Sudbury has partnered with NORCAT to manage the training records as required by each contract. Contractors may submit their training records to the Registration Office at NORCAT. Training records can be physically brought into NORCAT at 1545 Maley Drive in Sudbury or, if more convenient e-mailed to: to be uploaded on behalf of the clients but will not show as fully compliant until the service fee is paid in person at the NORCAT facility. The fee for this service is $20 per individual per year and records may be updated as often as necessary within the year at no additional cost. These records of training will be uploaded onto the individual’s NORCAT Safety Wallet Smart Card. City of Greater Sudbury personnel will be scanning the NORCAT Safety Wallet Smart Card periodically to ensure compliance with the training outlined in the contract documents.

Please be advised of the following in regards to the Health and Safety Training requirements:

1)Training is conducted by a competent (as defined in the OHSA) person. If it is equipment training for example, the person conducting the training must be well-versed in the operation and function of the equipment as well as any inherent hazards and regulations pertaining to the operation of that equipment.

“competent person” means a person who,

(a) is qualified because of knowledge, training and experience to organize the work and its performance,

(b) is familiar with this Act and the regulations that apply to the work, and

(c) has knowledge of any potential or actual danger to health or safety in the workplace

2) The organization provides a written record of training including date and content of training and training record is signed by an official of the organization who can vouch for the validity of the training. As training records must be submitted to NORCAT for uploading, the training titles must match what has been requested in the tender. (sample included in Schedule 1)

3) The City reserves the right to review the training records and training content at their discretion, therefore each organization must keep a record of content of training readily available upon request.

Prior to commencing any Work hereunder and in addition to the requirements above the successful Bidder shall ensure that it obtains within 30 days of the quotation award

Ministry of Labour “Health and Safety Awareness in 4 Steps” for workers (free/ online) / No expiry
Ministry of Labour “Health and Safety Awareness in 4 Steps” for workers (equivalency) / No expiry
Ministry of Labour – Mandatory “Health and Safety Awareness in 5 Steps” for supervisors (free/ online) / No expiry
Ministry of Labour – Mandatory “Health and Safety Awareness in 5 Steps” for
Supervisors (equivalency) / No Expiry
Hazard Recognition and Control / 3 Years
Injury, Near Miss and Hazard Reporting / 3 Years
Basic Electrical Safety / 3 Years
Workplace Violence & Harassment (Norcat- online 29.95) / 3 Years
Slips, Trips & Falls / 3 Years
WHMIS 1988 / Annual
WHMIS 2015 (Norcat online 29.95) / Annual
Safe Driving (William Day- or your own) / 3 Years

Your own- sign off form (sample)

Occupational Health and Safety Training

This is to certify that Occupational Health and Safety training has been provided by (Company Name) to (Employee Name) on (date) and included the topics as outlined below:

Hazard Awareness and Control

  • Describe what a hazard is
  • Define Occupational Illness and Latency
  • Define category hazards
  • Discuss hazard controls and the control hierarchy

Workplace Housekeeping

  • Discuss the principles of workplace housekeeping and its role in injury prevention

Slips,Trips, Falls

  • Define slips, trips and falls
  • Outline causes and situations leading to slips, trips and falls
  • Review potential severity of injury due to falls
  • Review methods and steps to prevent slips, trips and falls in the workplace

Biological Hazards – Sharps Training

  • Describe what a biological hazard is
  • Outline sources of biological hazards
  • Outline how biological hazards are transmitted
  • Discuss controls for biological hazards and prevention of biological related illness
  • Define sharps and provide examples
  • Discuss what to do if you find a sharp
  • Discuss proper handling and disposal of sharps
  • Outline controls for needlestick injury prevention
  • Outline protocols for responding to a needlestick injury should one occur
  • Outline protocols for blood and body fluid handling and clean up

Basic Fire Safety

  • Discuss the Fire Triangle Concept
  • Review types of fires
  • Review fire extinguisher classes and which fires they are to be used with
  • Review the proper use of a fire extinguisher including the P.A.S.S. concept
  • Review General Fire Safety Plan information

Authorized Signature ______Position ______

Quotation for “Super Snackables” Community Engagement and Education

Submission Forms

Quotation for “Super Snackables” Community Engagement and Education



I/ we acknowledge that as a Contractor/Consultant of the City of Greater Sudbury we are bound to comply with all accessibility Standards under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 as amended from time to time.

I/we declare that I/we have read, understand and will meet or exceed all enacted accessibility Standards as amended from time to time.

I/we further declare that I/we will undertake to ensure all sub-contractors hired by us in completion of our work will also comply with the above Standards.

Authorized SignatureDate

Quotation for “Super Snackables” Community Engagement and Education

Quotation Form for Services


Price for “Super Snackables”

Community Engagement and Education$

(AsperScope of Work)

PLUS HST(13%)$


Provide a detailed price breakdown with description of Services included in the above Price:

# / Description / Cost

The above Services will be completed by or within days/weeks upon order.

I have read, acknowledge and understand all terms, conditions and requirements contained in this Request for Quotation:






(Please Print)



Priortoanyworkcommencing, the SuccessfulSupplier,willsupplycurrentproofofthefollowingdocuments; Insurance Certificates, WSIBto the attention of the Authorized Person.