三年____班 座號____ 姓名______

高雄市立正興國中99學年度第一學期 第二次模擬考 三年級英語科試題


1.Look at the picture. The girl can buy all the things on the list in a ______.
(A) supermarket / (B) bank / (C) playground / (D) restroom
2. Nina likes baseball very much. Therefore, she ______a lot of baseball cards.
(A) blends / (B) feeds / (C) collects / (D) learns
3. It is convenient for me to go to school by train. There is a (n)______in front of my school.
(A) MRT station / (B) train station / (C) police station / (D) gas station
4. It has been rained for over a month. It is so wet and _____ inside the house that I don’t feel good.
(A) bright / (B) comfortable / (C) fresh / (D) humid
5. Lily is not friendly to her sister. She is quite _____ to her sister.
(A) successful / (B) mean / (C) polite / (D) strange
6. John is a hard-working student. He often studies ______, goes to bed late and hardly watches TV on the weekends.
(A) hardly / (B) hard / (C) first / (D) fast
7. Jill and John are good friends. Both of them have a lot ______. For example, going fishing is their favorite.
(A) in common / (B) for a while / (C) from then on / (D) on a diet
8.The puppy is still weak, and their parents ______it carefully all the time.
(A) look for / (B) look after / (C) look around / (D) look at
9. Mark said that he a tiger at school yesterday evening. But no one believed him.
(A) sees / (B) has seen / (C) seeing / (D) saw
10. If Mary next weekend, please tell me. It’s because I want to share an interesting idea with her.
(A) will come / (B) come / (C) comes / (D) has come
11. Dad always tells me not _____ only for tests. If that’s all I’m doing, he says, I will soon lose interest in learning.
(A) study / (B) studying / (C) studied / (D) to study
12. I noticed some cats ______fish when I was taking a walk along the river bank.
(A) eating / (B) ate / (C) eaten / (D) to eat
13.Mr. White has one son and two daughters. _____ of them is in Taipei now and the others are in Tainan.
(A) All / (B) Both / (C) Two / (D) One
14.A: What date is today? B: It is ______November 11th.
(A) in / (B) on / (C) at / (D) X
15.Sam: I am going to the party with Jill. Do you feel like _____ us? Tim: No, I have to do the laundry. Enjoy yourself.
(A) join / (B) to join / (C) joining / (D) joined
16.Most of the students get up early _____ they don’t want to be late for the trip.
(A) though / (B) so / (C) because / (D) until
17.You have watched TV for a long time. Please stop _____ a rest, or you will be a couch potato.
(A) taking / (B) to take / (C) take / (D) took
18.Take a map with you. It is dangerous ___ you to get lost in the mountains.
(A) with / (B) to / (C) of / (D) for
※背面有題※ 第 三英文 1頁
19.The weather report says there ______a lot of rain tonight if the typhoon comes this afternoon. Remember to take an umbrella with you.
(A) will have / (B) is / (C) are / (D) will be
20.Here is your mother’s CD. Please give ______.
(A) her the CD / (B) it for her / (C) your mother it / (D) her to it
21. My sister is always early to school, but I ______.
(A) never am / (B) am usually / (C) never do / (D) do seldom

II. 下列題組(題號22-45),請依據選文或所附圖表資料,選出一個正確或最佳的答案。


Ted: I feel so tired. But I still have a lot of work to do.

Ken: How about 22 a cup of coffee?

Ted: No, thanks. I don’t drink coffee. If I drink coffee, I won’t sleep well at night.

Ken: You seldom drink coffee, right? Maybe you should try some low caffeine coffee.

Ted: Low caffeine?

Ken: Yes, it 23 to pregnant women, breast-feeding mothers or some sick people.

Ted: Or some people just like me!

Ken: Yeah. Do you want to give it a try?

Ted: Yes. I hope it can make me more energetic, but not too 24 .

low caffeine 低咖啡因 mainly 主要地 pregnant 懷孕的breast-feeding 餵母奶的

22. / (A) have / (B) to have / (C) had / (D) having
23. / (A) has sold / (B) is sold / (C) sells / (D) to sell
24. / (A) excite / (B) exciting / (C) excited / (D) to excite


Dear Pearl,
25 , my dear sister? You know the weather here is so different from that in our hometown. The weather here is too hot for me to go out. 26 is a good idea, right? However, it is not allowed to go swimming because it doesn’t rain for a long time and the pool can’t be filled up with water. How poor!
I envy you because there 27 . How about you? Write to me, please.
28 ,

25 / (A) How’s it going
(B) What’s wrong / (C) Which is your favorite subject
(D) How is the weather today
26 / (A) Going hiking in the mountains
(B) Taking a walk along the river bank / (C) Doing the dishes at home
(D) Staying in the swimming pool
27 / (A) have a lot of rain / B. often rains a lot / (C) is a lot of rain / (D) is a rainy day
28 / (A) My goodness / B. How come / (C) Best wishes / (D) No wonder


Student Home BBS
◎Wild dogman (07-06-2010, 21:03) / #1
What are good ways to get up early in the morning?
I’m a junior high school student. I go to school late almost every day. In fact, I go to bed not very late, usually about 10:30 pm. But I still get up late. This morning, my mom said if I went to school late again, I would be grounded on the weekend. Please help me. I really need some good suggestions.
◎Jennifer (07-06-2010, 22:15) / #2
Do you do exciting things before you go to bed? Like surfing the Net, watching TV or listening to noisy music.
If so, stop them. Because they’ll make you too excited to sleep well. You can do some quiet things, like reading books, listening to light music. When people feel relaxed, they’ll fall asleep quickly and sleep well.
◎Steve357 (08-06-2010, 11:32) / #3
Are you interested in playing sports? After school, I usually go swimming or go jogging before I go home. It makes me tired and helps me sleep well at night. Or you can do some easy exercise before you go to bed. It’ll help you too.

be grounded 被禁足 suggestion 建議 fall asleep 睡著

※請接下一張※ 第 三英文 2頁

29. What will happen if Wild dogman goes to school late again?

(A) He can’t surf the Net. (B) He can’t listen to music.

(C) He can’t go out on the weekend. (D) His mother will go to school with him.

30. 30. What is NOT Jennifer’s suggestion?

(A) Stopping surfing the Net. (B) Listening to light music. (C) Doing exciting things. (D) Reading books.

31. Which of the following is true?

(A) Wild dogman thinks that sports and exercise are good ways to help sleep well.

(B) Steve357’s mother will not allow him to go out on the weekend.

(C) Jennifer thinks listening to noisy music can not help sleep well.

(D) Wild dogman’s father thinks going to school late can help him get grades.


People believe Mickey Mouse should be the most famous mouse in the world. Do you know where the mouse lives with his group of friends. Bingo! It’s Disneyland Park. Disneyland was built in America in 1955. It is said almost 600 million people from all over the world have visited it and about 16 million in just 2009.

Disneyland is a wonderful place to people of all ages. People can enjoy not only many shows in the day but fireworks at night. Besides, visitors can find many restaurants and gift shops there. Each of the themed areas in the amusement park is popular with everyone. Visiting Disneyland can make the old return to their young age from the heart, and children’s dreams come true. One day is too short to look around all the areas. But don’t worry. Now you can find there have been a lot of hotels to stay for another day.

In 1983, the first Disneyland outside America was built in Japan. It is called Tokyo Disneyland. A lot of Taiwanese people travel far away to visit Japan because of it. Besides Tokyo, Disneyland can be found in Paris, Hong Kong and even in the near future, the newest one will be found in Shaghai.

Tokyo 東京 amusement park 遊樂園 themed area 主題區 another day 隔天

32. What can people see at night in Disneyland? (A) Paintings. (B) Fireworks. (C) Shows. (D) Gifts.

33. What does “one” mean? (A) A themed area. (B) Disneyland. (C) A hotel. (D) Mickey Mouse.

34. Why is Disneyland popular?
(A) Because it was built only in America, not in other countries.
(B) Because millions of people have lived there since 1955.
(C) Because people can have delicious food in the restaurants.
(D) Because there are several themed areas to give much fun to people.


Sam :The show is great. It’s a great work!
Betty:Yes, it is. I love it very much.

Sam :Da Vinci is a wise man.
Betty:He started to practice painting when he was a teenager.

Sam :Besides painting, he also liked to design many different machines and always paid attention to the world around him and tried to take notes. By taking notes, he could keep a lot of his ideas well. But now few people remember he is a scientist.

Betty:Wow! He is a hard-working man.

Sam :You can say that again!

pay attention to 留意
35.When did Da Vinci start to practice painting?

(A)He was 7-year-old. (B) About 18years old. (C) At the age of 25. (D) We don’t know.

36. Which is true?
(A) Betty and Sam go to visit the department store together.
(B) Betty drew many great paintings.
(C) Sam thinks Da Vinci is a hard-working man, but Betty doesn’t.

(D) Da Vanci is not only a scientist but a painter.

※背面有題※ 第 三英文 3頁


HAPPY GIFT SHOP
Buy and send your gifts online now!
Just give us the item number, your e-mail address, credit card number and cellphone number. Then you will get a confirm e-mail right away. / Item #134 / Item#135 / Item#136
$ 300
/ $200
/ $1600

Item #137 / Item #138 / Item #139 / ※You can ask to change the gifts with the same price if you don’t like them after getting our gifts.
/ $1100
/ $1100

confirm 確認 item項目

37. What may NOT be needed when you buy the gifts at this online shop?

(A) Credit card number. / (B) E-mail address. / (C) Cellphone number. / (D) Student number.

38. Mike bought his brother a basketball, but his brother didn’t like it. However, both Mike and his brother like sports a lot. What can Mike do now? complain 抱怨 exchange 交換

(A) He can ask his money back. / (B) He can write a letter to complain about this.
(C) He can exchange it with MP3. / (D) He can mail the gift back and exchange it with the glove.


Today’s Weather Forecast


Treasure Island


39. Mandy would like to go to the beach to enjoy the sunlight. Which city should she visit?

(A) Sutty is the right place. / (B) She should visit Sintich. / (C) Bendison is a good choice. / (D) She should visit Pooly.

※請接下一張※ 第 三英文 4頁

40. Which is ture?
(A) The weather in the north could be too cold for people to have a picnic.
(B) It is a rainy day in Sintich.
(C) People couldn’t see anything clearly and the weather is not clear in Bendison.
(D) Remember to take a jacket if you want to go to Pooly.


I was jogging with my dog this morning when I saw John Archer at a street corner. He was sitting on a bike with one of his feet on the ground. “He’s waiting for someone,” I thought. John and I were both in the ninth grade. He was a basketball player on our school team and was very popular with many girls. But I never talked to him before. He was not my type.
John saw me, too. He smiled. For a moment I thought he was smiling at someone else. But he was not. “Hi, Mary Jones,” he said to me. “You have a cute little dog.” I smiled but did not say anything, because I did not know what to say. “I’m here waiting for you. Would you…would you like to go to the movies with me?” he asked. I was very surprised. I never thought he would do this, and I never thought about going out with him.
I said “no,” of course. But he seemed nice and friendly. Maybe I would go to watch him play basketball some day.
corner 角落 my type 我喜歡的類型 seem 似乎
41. What was John doing on the street when Mary saw him?
(A) Jogging.ˉ(B) Talking to a girl. (C) Riding a bicycle.ˉ(D) Waiting for someone.
42. What does this mean in the second paragraph? paragraph 段落
(A) Smiling at Mary’s dog. (B) Being surprised to see Mary.
(C) Playing basketball with Mary. (D) Asking Mary to go to a movie.

43. What do we know about John and Mary from the reading?
(A) They are in the same school. (B) They like each other very much.