FY2017 Grant Application

EZ Arts Access

Postmark Deadline April 1

(For projects occurring between July 1-June 30)


Postmark Deadline October 1

(For projects occurring between January 1-June 30)

Applications must be postmarked on or before this date. If the date falls on a weekend, the application must be postmarked by the following Monday.

NEW! Submission of a draft for staff review two weeks prior to the deadline is required for participation.


In addition to the enclosed guidelines, All Grants must adhere to the West Virginia Commission on the Arts General Guidelines; find them here:


Program Snapshot, Instructions, and Application


Contact Debbie R. Haught, Community Arts Coordinator at or

304-558-0240, extension 714

This is a program of the West Virginia Division of Culture and History & Commission on the Arts

The Culture Center / 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East / Charleston, WV 25305-0300

P: 304-558-0240 / TDD: 304-558-3562 / F: 304-558-3560

We are an AA/EEO and welcome your questions and comments.

What is the purpose of this grant program?

The EZ Arts Access competitive grant program utilizes a simplified application process to provide funds for new applicants and smaller organizations and communities to plan and present public arts experiences.

Who may apply to this program?

Any non-profit 501c3 WV organizations providing arts experiences in the community—including nonprofit organizations that do not have an arts focus, but who present arts projects—with an operating budget of $30,000 or less. NOTE: budget should be based on programming budget without capital income/expenses.

What are qualified project activities?

This grant seeks to support projects that:

  • Provide arts experiences to new or underserved audiences.
  • Show partnerships in communities to help build an arts infrastructure that will allow for future arts programming growth.
  • Clearly fill a need in the community.
  • Use the arts in an innovative way to enhance community life.
  • In addition, arts learning projects are eligible for funding within these guidelines, but the arts learning must be community-based and not curriculum-based. All curriculum-based projects must apply through Arts in Education grant program.

What are some examples of successful project activities?

  • Community choir concerts for public and senior centers featuring local and state artists.
  • Community mural project, engaging youth with professional artist as designer and mentor.
  • Local juried exhibition featuring community artists and professional jurors.
  • A mentoring program that matched professional artists with rural students looking for arts lessons.

What are ineligible activities?

Awarded funds may not be used for hospitality costs, administrative fees or overhead costs

What funding amounts are available?

Up to 50% of the overall project costs, excluding administrative/overhead costs, with a cap of $3,000 per applicant per fiscal year. Applicants may have more than one project per application cycle and may apply to both cycles (up to three projects per cycle), but an annual funding cap of $3000 is in place.

Applicants cannot apply for the same project in more than one cycle.

Does this grant require a match?

Yes, applicants are required to match grant funds on an equal dollar-for-dollar (1:1) cash match basis from earned income, federal, foundation, corporate, or local private contributions.

How will the grant be evaluated?

Application will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Is the project clearly described with good planning?
  • Are quality artists included in the planning and the project?
  • Is the project clearly connected to the mission of the sponsoring organization? Does the organization show the planning and budget oversight to complete the project successfully?
  • Does the project fill community need or enhance community life through innovative use of the arts? Does the project offer greater community access to quality arts experiences?
  • Does the project serve a new or underserved audience? Are partnerships in place to further develop the ability to produce arts programs?

How do I apply to this grant program?

First time applicants must contact staff prior to completing the application to discuss the proposed project. All applicants must submit a draft of their application at least two weeks prior to the postmark deadline for staff review. Staff will provide written comments to focus and improve the application and its chance of success; review does not guarantee funding but will work to strengthen application.

TWO WEEKSRequired application draft submitted for staff review



APRIL 1Postmark application deadline for projects taking place July 1-June 30

OCTOBER 1Postmark application deadline for projects taking place January 1-June 30

MAY/NOVEMBERPanel review of grants held

JULY /DECEMBERNotification of Award

If funded, what are my obligations?

Successful applicants are required to:

  • Sign and notarize a contract
  • Spend grant money only in accordance with the approved project; any and all changes require advance written approval from the Director of Arts.
  • Give credit in all publicity, printed materials, programs or press releases to the West Virginia Division of Culture and History, the West Virginia Commission on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.
  • File a Final Report with the West Virginia Division of Culture and History within 30 days of the project end date.

Will receiving this grant change my eligibility for other WVCA grant programs?

Yes. Successful applicants to the EZ Arts Access grant program are ineligible for other West Virginia Commission on the Arts grants, with the exception of American Masterpieces or Challenge America.

Application Instructions

  • Do not staple or bind materials
  • Do not use folders, binders, or notebooks to enclose or separate materials
  • Handwritten applications will not be considered
  • Form fields are highlighted in gray; fields will automatically expand
  • Forms are compatible with Microsoft Word
  • Save often!
  • Spell Check is not active within the application, proofread outside of the document
  • Text is automatically formatted in form fields – applicant cannot alter the font, its size, or color
  • Make ONE complete copy of your grant application packet, including ONE copy of all supporting documents. Submit the original and keep the copy for your records.

Part I: Applicant Cover Sheet

-This form requires the organization’s legal name as recognized by the IRS and the WV Secretary of State.

-If you are not a tax-exempt organization under IRS code 501, you are not eligible.

-List your Senate and House district numbers and their members’ first and last names.

Part II: EZ Arts Access Narrative

-Be sure that it is concise, clear and tells your story. Applicants MUST address ALL points in your narrative.

-For multiple projects, download and complete the EZ Arts Access Additional Project Forms Packet .

PART III: Individual Project Form and Budget

Complete one form for each project in your application.

-Income: This is where you show how you will support the project and match a WVCA grant.

  • Enter any revenue (money earned by your organization) from admission fees, contracted services fees, or other. These amounts may be projected.
  • Provide figures showing the amount of financial support received in the form of grants, awards, donations, etc. On the lines provided list names of corporate, foundation, federal, state and local contributors.
  • Note: any money from a pending grant, award, etc. must be labeled “pending.” Include documentation of support as an attachment.
  • Applicant Cash refers to your organization’s cash available to put toward this project.
  • Add the Cash Income column; enter as (Line A) Total Applicant Matching Cash Funds. Enter the Grant Amount Requested (Line B). Line A must be equal to or greater than Line B.
  • Add Total Applicant Matching Cash Funds and Grant Amount Requested to get Total Cash Income (Line C). Line C must equal Line D under Expenses.


  • Personnel: enter the amount paid to employees working on this project.
  • Outside Professional Services: list artists, contractors, or other professionals who have been contracted to work on the project and enter contract fees. Total these amounts and record under Cash Expenses.
  • Travel: enter the amount you will spend on travel for the artist (may include food/lodging) directly relating to the project.
  • Shipping: enter the amount of any shipping costs associated with the project.
  • Other Fees and Services: miscellaneous expenses specific to your project.
  • Marketing: enter the amount that you will spend on publicizing the project.
  • Remaining Operating Expenses/Space Rental: enter any project expenses not addressed in the above categories to the left of the slash. If you are renting a facility for the project, include the amount you will pay in rent to the right of the slash. Enter the total of the two amounts in the right column.
  • Add the Cash Expenses column. That figure is Total Project Expenses (Line D).

Appeal Process

-Any applicant denied a grant under the provisions of this rule may appeal by writing to the director of Arts, requesting that the application be reconsidered.

-The letter of appeal must be received no later than sixty days after receipt of the notice of denial.

-The WVCA will consider appeals only if the applicant can document specific examples that demonstrate the application was misrepresented or improperly reviewed.

-The director of Arts shall review the letter and submit it along with a copy of the application to the WVCA for consideration at the next regular meeting.

-The director of Arts shall notify the applicant within ten days of the decision of the WVCA.

-If an appeal presents new material or adds new purposes to the project which is the subject of the appeal, the request will be treated as a new application by the WVCA. New applications shall be reviewed in the next grant cycle.

Submission Checklist

Use the Submission Checklist to finalize your package; the Checklist represents an entire Application package, and the order in which the materials should be packaged. All items are required.

PART IApplicant Cover Sheet with original signature

Certification Statement with original signature

PART IINarrative

PART III Individual Project Form


Artist resumes

Artist contracts – must stipulate performance fee, date, and location and must include signatures of both parties

Front page of your last submitted IRS 990

List of current Board of Directors of the organization

Letters of support from listed participants or partner organizations

W-9 Taxpayer Identification and Certification (available online at

Statement of Compliance-Americans with Disabilities Act

Accessibility Inventory


Send your completed package to:

West Virginia Division of Culture and History
Commission on the Arts

Attention: Debbie R. Haught

The Culture Center

1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East

Charleston, WV 25305-0300


PART I: Applicant Cover Sheet

Application is forCycle 1 Cycle 2

Applicant Legal Name:

Applicant Mailing Address:

City, State, Zip: County:

Telephone: Email:


Use the national coding key (provided) to code your ORGANIZATION; you may select multiple codes

Applicant Status: Applicant Institution: Discipline (number and letter):

Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN):

Data Universal Numbering System or D-U-N-S® Number:

*You may request a D-U-N-S Number at

The WVCA/Arts staff will only share information regarding your grant with the Contact Person signer of the Certification Statement.

Name and Title of Contact Person:

Contact Email / Contact Phone:

Senate District:

First / Last Name of District Members:

House District:

First / Last Name of District Members:

APPLICATION SUMMARY:List the title of each project, date, and amount requested

1. / $
2. / $
3. / $
Total Grant Amount Requested / $
Total Applicant Matching Cash Funds / $
Total Project Expenses / $



The person signing the application must have legal authority to obligate the organization and cannot be a recipient of grant funds.

I certify that

1) The information in this application is true and correct to the best of my ability

2) The organization’s Board of Directors has approved this project

3) I have the legal authority to obligate the applicant.

Profits made from any project receiving support from the West Virginia Commission on the Arts (WVCA) will be used in support of the arts or artists. I have read and understood the guidelines and will comply with all rules, regulations, laws, terms, and conditions described therein. I agree to allow the WVCA to duplicate any materials submitted with this application for the purposes of selection process, education, and reports to the National Endowment for the Arts.



Signature: ______DATE: ______


PART II: EZ Arts Access Narrative


Applicant Name:

Project # of

  1. Briefly describe:

Organization history

Mission and goals

  1. What is the beginning and ending date of your organization’s fiscal year? (Example: January 1- December 31 or July 1 - June 30)

What is the ending date (including year) of your most recently completed fiscal year and the actual income for that fiscal year? actual expenses for that fiscal year? Please do not include capital income or expenses.

  1. Briefly describe your community with an overview of all arts opportunities, where does your organization fit into the picture?

What are your challenges? Your strengths?

  1. Describe your arts advocacy efforts locally and on a state level. How do you educate, engage and inform decision makers about the impact of your programs on the community you serve?
  1. Describe each of your projects separately (Project 1 of 3, 2 of 3, etc) using the following criteria.
  2. Describe the project and its goals. What do you want to accomplish? How does this project further your organizational mission and goals?
  1. Identify the artists, describe how they were selected (be sure to include contracts/resumes).
  1. Who will benefit from this project? How will they benefit? Be specific. Give examples.
  1. How will you evaluate this project? Describe how you will know that you were successful.
  1. Who is your target audience for this project?
  1. How will you let your community know about this project?



Applicant Name:

Project # of

Project Title: Project Start/End Date; Time:

Project Location (Facility; City and County):

Use the national coding key (provided) to code your PROJECT

Type of activity: Arts Ed (number and letter):

Discipline (number and letter): NEA Primary Outcome:

Coding: For “Populations benefitted by” select all categories that made up 25% or more of the population directly benefitting, excluding broadcast and online programming,

Population Benefited Race: Population Benefited Group: Population Benefited Age :

Estimate and provide numeric totals for the following; totals reflect participation in grant project:

Artists Engaged Adults Engaged Youths Engaged

Open to the Public (Yes/No): Ticket Prices: Adults $ Students $

INCOME: for this project

Revenue (may be projected) / Amount
Admissions / $
Contracted/Other Revenue / $
Other Revenue / $
Corporate/Foundation / $
Other Private Support / $
Government (exclude this grant request)
Federal / $
State/Regional / $
Local / $
Applicant Cash / $
LINE A: Total Matching Funds / $
LINE B: Grant Amount Requested This grant / $
LINE C: Total Cash Income / $

EXPENSES: for this project

Personnel: your staff, administrative, artistic, and technical / $
Outside Professional Services: Artistic Fees and Services
Total / $
Other Fees & Services
Space Rental
Remaining Operating Expenses / $
LINE D: Total Project Expenses Lines C and D must be equal / $



  1. Artist resumes
  2. Artist contracts – must stipulate performance fee, date, and location and must include signatures of both parties
  3. Front page of your last submitted IRS 990
  4. List of current Board of Directors of the organization
  5. Letters of support from listed participants or partner organizations
  6. W-9 Taxpayer Identification and Certification (available online at


Yes. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires cultural organizations to make their programs, services and activities, including employment, accessible to qualified persons with disabilities. ADA is based on Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended, which mandates nondiscrimination by federal grantees; however, ADA is more comprehensive in its scope. ADA applies whether or not an arts organization receives federal funds.

  • ADA Title I, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 12111 et seq. mandates equal opportunity in employment. As of July 26, 1994, employers with 15 or more employees are covered. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issued rules, 29 CFR Part 1630, and administers Title I.
  • ADA Title II, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 12131 et seq. requires all state and local governmental arts and humanities entities make all programs, services and activities, including employment, accessible. There are requirements for self-evaluation, transition plans, grievance procedures and an ADA Coordinator.
  • ADA Title III, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 12181et seq. mandates museums, galleries, theaters and all other places of public accommodation remove architectural barriers that are readily achievable and otherwise ensure nondiscrimination in their programs, services and activities. The U.S. Department of Justice issued rule, 28 CFR Parts 35 and 36 and administers Title II and III. There are no exemptions based on the number of employees, physical size, or budget. SOURCE:
  • Claiming undue burden or fundamental alteration does not relieve a public entity/accommodation of all obligations to provide access to people with disabilities. Even if an entity is not able to undertake a particular measure to provide access, it must find other modifications that are feasible or readily achievable to ensure that it does not discriminate against individuals with disabilities in programs, services, or activities.

For complete ADA regulations, standards and guidelines contact the U.S. Department of Justice ADA Information hotline at 800-514-0301 (voice) or 800-514-0383 (TTY) or visit the Department of Justice ADA information website at