Haslingden Task Force Meeting




Marilyn Proctor –(Chair)

Alison Wilkins Rossendale Borough Council (RBC)

Heather Mullins Rossendale Borough Council (RBC)

Evette Whelen – Dry Cleaners

Tony Whelan – Dry Cleaners

Cllr Granville Morris

County Cllr David Stansfield

Graham Hackett - Osprey


Cllr Ann Kenyon

Leesa Amin - Library and Love Haslingden

Cllrs Alyson Barnes

Martin Proffitt– Proffitts
Darren Law

Karen Burgess

  1. Welcome & Introductions

 Acting Chair of the forum Cllr Marilyn Proctorwelcomedmembers to the meeting.

  1. Haslingden Traders Association - Tony Whelan provided an update

Treasury and Chair have stepped down due to family commitments

New Chair will be Denise from Heads Above and Treasurer Ann Kenyon

At the last meeting the group decided to cut the agenda down and focus on events including a street fair on the Queen’s birthday,

Christmas event and a monthly craft fair on the Saturday before the Farmers market. The group have requested from RBC a market discount.

The group are working closely with Leesa from Love Haslingden

TW raised the issue of business rates and asked if it can be confirmed if some traders may lose their discount

Action:Chase up information about business rates

Action: Advise if traders can have discount for Market.

Who: HM AW

  1. Promoting The town Centre -Graham Hackett [Osprey] provided an update

Graham explained why he was attending the meeting, and updated the group on his involvement so far and previous work carried out for RBC.

Overall the objective was to raise the profile, create an identity and a strong brand for Haslingden.

 The group discussed creating a guide for Haslingdenthat will support the Rossendale guide. This guide could be placed in businesses and other areas.

The Haslingden information would be tagged onto the Visit Rossendale website.

Graham explained the Haslingden Trail.

County Cllr David Stansfield raised the issue of bins and the impact this will have on the promoting Haslingden project if not resolved.

Suggestion made by Cllr Morris about bringing in external funds for Haslingden

The group suggested sending a letter to all members inviting them to Graham’s presentation of ideas at the next meeting.

The group have asked see all costs for the promotion of Haslingden

The group agreed they would like to see ideas at the next meeting.

Action: Graham to produce ideas for the next meeting and present to the group.

Who: Graham Hackett [Osprey]

Action: Send out invites to all members inviting them to see draft ideas.

Who: HM AW

  1. Clean Up For The Queen – Alison provided update

Event will take place on the 5th March

Love Haslingden are leading on the event.

AW advised the pavement deep clean would start the week after

  1. On Street Parking Proposals. – Alison provided update

AW and HM have met with Brenda Garside from LCC. Proposals include:

Extend the parking bays (30 minutes) on Blackburn Rd to nearer the main junction of Blackburn Rd / Manchester Rd / Deardengate

Mark out parking bays on one side of Warner St (opposite side to health centre) and mark double yellow lines next to health centre.

Warner St - Create loading bay by the Health Centre and create no loading restrictions at the junction with Manchester Road

Put double yellow lines on the corner of Warner St and Lower Deardengate, on the right hand side of Lower and Higher Deardengate (opposite the parking bays) – i.e. tighten up existing restrictions to make it clear you can’t park.

Blackburn Road - Put double yellow lines by the garage and market up to the junction with Deardengate and remove restrictions further up Blackburn Road outside numbers 56 – 66

Bank Street - Put double yellow lines on both sides – road is too narrow to stop

Alison gave out copies of the new proposals and asked the group to feedback.

Action: Group to feedback on street parking proposals


  1. Shop Front Improvement – Alison updated

Received 27 expression of interest forms back

AW and HM are working with the planning, and conservation officer and referring to the RBC shop front design guide

There will be two phases to the project. Phase 1 will be general painting and tidying up of shop fronts and 2nd phase more physical works.

A design guide proforma will be given to all traders, advising them of standards required when carrying out works.

Traders will be asked to provide quotes for all works and information on leasing arrangements including permission from owners to carry out work

RBC will give the go ahead for works once full details and quotes are received, and planning permission obtained where necessary.

Business owners will be responsible for obtaining quotes, planning permission and contracting the work.

Grants will be paid on completion following inspection of the works by RBC

Action: Design proforma and send out to all Traders who have expressed an interest.

Who: HM AW

  1. Victoria Park – Cllr Granville Morris

There has been a rethink about the maintenance of the park re standards which is positive

Alison RBC has managed to secure approx. £15.000 funding for the outdoor gym in the park, including funding from Up and Active, Friends of Victoria Park and RBC.

Cllr Morris thanked Alison for all her hard work on such a successful project.

  1. Rising Bridge Roundabout – Alison gave update

The project is about easing congestion and improving safety

New traffic lights will be installed

Work to start end of Feb beginning of March

Landscaping is the next piece of work

Suggestion that should make a request to Winfields if they want to sponsor roundabout

  1. AOB –

Cllr Proctor informed the group that there will be a Street Fair on the 4th Sept

The group discussed changing the day to of the meeting to enable more people to attend - need to check Cllr Barnes availability

Date of next meeting: 17 March

Venue: Haslingden Community Link