Access to Learning Fund 2011/12 Application Form
For Part Time Students on Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses
You should read the accompanying guidance notes whilst you complete this form. They will help you ensure that you fill out the form correctly and include all the evidence you need. Your application will be delayed if you do not follow the guidance notes carefully.
CONFIDENTIALITY: Applications are seen only by Student Financial Support and Student Information Point staff. It may be necessary for additional supporting information to be sought from other University staff in order to reach a decision on your application.
Where you see the reference indicates the section you should refer to in the
guidance notes. For example = Section One, Paragraph 5.
Part 1: Personal details
First name(s)
Surname or family name
MMU Student ID Number Date of birth
Full address, including post code
All letters will be sent to this address.
You must inform us if you move
or require anything sent to an
alternate address.
Mobile phone number
MMU email address
Do you have any children who are financially dependant on you? Yes No
Are there any adults who are financially dependant on you? Yes No
Tick all that apply:
I am single I live with my spouse/partner I am a lone parent
I live with my parents I live alone or with other independent adults
For office use only Date received:
E mail sent to student acknowledging application is complete
on date: initials:
Received via: SIP int mail ex mail email other
Part 2: What course are you on?
Course title
Course leader/tutor
What level is your course? Undergraduate PG Number of weeks
What year are you in? e.g. 1, 2 Is this a repeat year? Yes No
How many units are you studying this year? And how many credits is this?
Mon / Tues / Weds / Thurs / FriMorning
How many days or evenings
are you required to attend
each week?
Using the grid, indicate
the number of hours you
attend for each session
Confirmation of course details
To be completed by your course tutor or programme leader.
I confirm the number of units and credits the above named student is studying during the academic year 2011/12 to be: Units Credits
Signed Date
Print name Email Extension
Part 3: Your bank or building society
This will be the account we pay into should you receive an award from the Fund. We can only make payments into an account bearing your name. Please read the guidance notes for this section carefully.
Name of bank/building society in BLOCK CAPITALS
Name of account holder in BLOCK CAPITALS
Sort code Account number
Have you received a payment from the University into this account before? Yes No
For office use only Enrolled SAP checked Initials
o/s EHL Year of EHL
Previous award from ALF: Yes No Bank details – New Same Different
Part 4: Your income and expenditure
Please provide weekly figures except where indicated.
Your income You & your partner’s expenditure
Professional and Career Tuition fees
Development Loan (postgraduates) If you pay them yourself
Net earnings Childcare costs
Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) Travel costs
To and from the university during term
Disability Benefits (excluding DSA) Course costs
Please specify Books, equipment, photocopying, etc.
Tax credits Disability costs not covered the DSA
Please specify
Partner’s income
Other income including savings
Net earnings
Net earnings
Please specify Other
Please specify
Annual income
Please provide total figures for the year:
Tuition Fee Grant
Undergraduates only
Course Grant
Undergraduates only
Part 5: Your supporting statement
You must submit a supporting statement outlining the reasons for your application.
Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary.
Part 6: Declarations
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, I fulfil the following criteria:
UK national students must answer (a) and (c). All other students must answer all sections.
(a) I am a UK National. If YES, go to (c)
I am an EU National.
There are no restrictions on my stay and I am therefore settled on the first day of the first academic year of my course within the United Kingdom (UK); i.e. I have the Right of Abode in the UK or have Indefinite Leaver to Enter/Remain (ILE/R in the UK).
I have been recognised by the UK Government as a Refugee and have Full Refugee Status/ILE/R as a result.
I have Exceptional Leave to Enter/Remain in the UK/Humanitarian Protection/Discretionary Leave (ELE/R/H P/DL).
I am an EEA or Swiss Migrant Worker.
I am the spouse/child of an EEA Migrant Worker, Swiss employed person, Swiss national or Turkish Worker.
If you are an EEA Migrant Worker or Swiss employed person, do you Yes intend to continue working while studying?
(b) I have been ‘ordinarily resident’ within the UK and Islands for 3 years immediately before the start of my course. (Anyone with ELE/R/HP/DL or anyone recognised by the UK Government as a Refugee should have maintained ‘Ordinary Residence’ from the date this status was granted.)
None of this time was wholly or mainly for the purple of receiving full time education, or if it was I was resident in the EEA immediately prior to this 3 year period.
(c) I confirm that I am supporting the children named in the application.
I confirm that I am not living with a spouse/partner.
I confirm that I am registered and in attendance on the course described in Part 2 of this form.
I declare that the information I have given on this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that giving false information will automatically disqualify my application and may also lead to disciplinary procedures resulting in possible expulsion from the University and the repayment of any monies obtained by me as a result of giving false information.
I agree to inform the Student Financial Support Unit if there are any changes in my circumstances.
Your name in CAPITALS (do not type) Your signature Date
Final page - nearly there, just need to check you’ve done everything.
Before you submit your application, look at the list below. Have you included everything? If not, remember your application will be delayed. Have you signed your form?
Tick what information you are including
I have answered all the questions. I have attached all the documents asked for
I have signed and dated the declaration. I have read and kept a copy of the guidance.
I have attached copies of my… (tick all that apply to you)
Fee and Course Grant Notification Professional and Career Development
Undergraduate students only Loan agreement or other income source
Postgraduate students only.
Tuition fees payment plan or receipt Complete award notice for any means-
If you are paying your own fees tested benefits claimed
Partner’s income and expenditure Childcare costs – receipts or invoice
Indicating regular weekly/monthly amount paid
Complete award notice for Child Tax
Credit/Working Tax Credit – all pages
Tell us how you first heard about the Access to Learning Fund
MMU Website Other website Tutor/Programme Office
MMU Advice Centre Poster Advert Other: (please specify)
For office use only: Documents seen by SFSU staff:
Where to send your form
Your completed form, together with all relevant supporting documents as shown, should be posted to:
Student Financial Support Unit,
Student Services,
Student & Academic Services,
Manchester Metropolitan University,
All Saints Building,
Oxford Road,
Manchester M15 6BH
Data Protection Act 1998
Manchester Metropolitan University is a data controller in terms of the 1998 legislation. Student Services follow University policy in matters of data protection. The data requested in this form is covered the notification provided by the University under the Data Protection Act. Personal data will be used solely in the department for statistical purposes and electronic records keeping.
The data will not be passed to any other third party without your consent, except when the University is required to do so by law. Any formal enquired concerning the use of data noted here should be addressed to the Assistant Director of Student Services (Student Administration).