Bakersfield City School District
Sample Elementary School Compact
Compacts are written commitments/agreements between school personnel and families of students. A compact defines the role of each party member and outlines their responsibilities for the academic success of each student. The development of the compact is a good opportunity to bring in parents who have not felt connected to the school it is an opportunity to give families and school staff a voice.
Each compact should have the schools philosophy as an opening. Each bullet should translate into an action statement. The bullets should target what each group will do to make the statement a reality. The compact serves as a blueprint of the commitments all partners agree with.
Please note the following sentences are required to be in the school compact:
School - section
o Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables students to meet the state standards.
o Communicate regularly with families about student progress through annual conferences, report on student progress, provide access to staff and an opportunity to volunteer and participate in and observe the educational program.
Parent - section
o Communicate the importance of education and learning to my child.
See Sample Below:
Sample Philosophy
The staff, parents, and students at ABC school believe in academic success for each student. We are committed to working together for the positive outcome and academic success of each and every child. We understand the importance of communication between all parties and recognize that interactions and exchanges between school staff and parents must be ongoing in order to achieve student success. To achieve these common goals we agree to participate as follows:
(Place school logo)
Teacher Student
Parent/Guardian Date