P/D Subcommittee Meeting Minutes
The P/D Subcommittee met on Feb. 4, 2004 to begin development of a list of terms-to-be-defined for the P/D area. The subcommittee used two documents (attached) to begin the terms list: 1) Data Needed for Academic Program Review; and 2) the original Performance Indicators draft matrix that had been developed for the defunct Institutional Effectiveness initiative.
For P/D purposes, we need definitions for the following terms:
faculty department
fulltime faculty
parttime faculty
department (needs definition and agreement with those definitions applicable to faculty, student, and course)
year (AY, FY, Calendar Year)
academic term
major (including dual degree)
undergraduate core courses
lower division courses
upper division courses
graduate (masters, Ph.D., other) courses
This list is far from complete. Our next meeting will be on Feb. 11, at 1:00 in Joan's office. Subcommittee members will have reviewed the two source documents and come to the meeting with recommendations of terms needed on the list. Mike Metzler will be joining our subcommittee.
Data Needed for APR
Section B
- Number of faculty by rank, tenure status, gender, and minority status
- Faculty research productivity as measured by total annual average number of refereed articles, creative and scholarly works, external funding, internal funding, and conference presentations for each of the previous 3 years.
- Graduate and undergraduate programs and majors offered, with number of students (headcount) in each program for each of the previous 3 years, as well as a three-year average.
- Number of credit hours generated per year for the previous 3 years, listed by faculty type, and level (undergraduate core, undergraduate lower division, undergraduate upper division, and graduate).
- Current faculty roster w/ name, hire date, entry rank, current rank, tenure status, and full or part-time status.
Section D
- Evaluative statements about the quality of the curriculum derived from the results of surveys of current faculty, undergraduate students, and recent alumni.
- List of courses offered by the department for the past 3 years, the frequency with which the courses were offered, the number of sections, the total number of students, and the average number of students per section organized by undergraduate lower division, undergraduate upper division, and graduate.
Section E
- Average SAT score and Freshman Index for undergraduate majors.
- Mean standardized graduate admission test scores and GPAs of applicants to graduate programs, all students offered admission, and matriculating students for each of the past 3 years.
- Numbers of applicants to graduate programs and numbers of accepted students for each of the past 3 years (selection ratio).
- Results of standardized tests where applicable, with comparison to national or peer norms.
Section F
- Results of promotion and tenure reviews
- Faculty honors
- Faculty service and outreach contributions
- List of graduate faculty
Section G
1. Student/faculty ratio data for each of the past 3 years compiled separately by number of students taught by tenure-track faculty, non tenure-track faculty, graduate teaching assistants, and PTIs per the following categories: undergraduate core, undergraduate lower division, undergraduate upper division, and graduate.
Performance Indicators
6/23/03Data that can be queried directly from Statware
Data that can be easily compiled
Data that would be difficult to compile
Data that are currently not collected
New Additions
Undergrad / All undergraduate student data should be able to be cross-tabbed using any of the following variables: ethnicity, gender, age (cut-offs at 25 and 62),geographic origin (country, state, GA county), Freshman Index, SAT/ACT scores, admission status (freshman, transfer, postbac, transient, non-degree, nontraditional, joint enrollment, GSU-62),admission status of international/non-U.S. academic credential/non-native English speaker, native language, TOEFL score, FLC participation, Honors, level, GPA by semester, cumulative GPA, degree, program, major, concentration, joint degree enrollment, department, collegeKEY(?) / # and %s of apply/admit/enroll / Average hours / Time to degree by enrollment status (FT/PT/Mixed)
# and % by admission status / Retention rate / # graduates
High school GPA / Select NSSE data: % reporting
Community service activity
Research w/ faculty
Culminating senior experience
Ed. experience at GSU good or
Excellent / Pass rate and avg. scores on standardized exams (Praxis, licensure, certification, e.g.)
High school CPC GPA / Pass rate on Regent’s Exams by # of times taken / # and type of certificate earned
# and % by enrollment status (FT/PT) / # and % students participating in study-abroad programs
OTHER / # and % on financial aid / Reasons for drop-out / Avg. GPA at graduation
H.S. curricular background (highest level and grade in math, English, social science, physical science, foreign language) / Progress rates through core curriculum / Total hrs. at graduation (break out by 10s)
# AP, IB, CLEP, Joint Enrollment credits / Avg. GPA in core areas / Graduation rate for FTFTFr, transfer, nontraditional
% admitted and % enrolled attending Incept / # and % of A/B and D/W/F grades in core / Status upon graduation (employment/grad school admission)
Originating institutions of transfers, transients, joint-enrollments / # and % of students who drop/add / # and % of eligible students receiving semester honors
Ratio of # hrs. entering transfer credit requested to # hrs. granted / Frequency of academic advising (e.g., never, 1-3, 3+) / # and % of eligible students receiving honors at graduation
# and % transfer students (in and out of system) / Time (# of course hrs. completed) students get advised / # and % of postbac who go to grad school at GSU
Origins of non-degree students / # and % of students involved in research / # and % of non-degree students who enroll in GSU degree program
Origins and destinations (for GSU students) of ARCHE students / Re-entry student at drop-out and re-entry: # earned credit hours; GPA; Regent’s Pass / Avg. grade in student practicum courses (COE)
GSU placement test scores
# and source of funding (Hope, Hope Promise, Pres. Assistants, Pres. Scholars, etc.)
Graduate / All graduate student data should be able to be cross-tabbed using any of the following variables: ethnicity, gender, age, income level, funding source, type, *source, and amount of financial aid, geographic origin (country, state, GA county), graduate admission test scores, LSDAS Index (Law only), undergrad GPA, admission status, admission status of international/non-U.S. academic credential/non-native English speaker, native language, TOEFL score, GA appointment type (include multiple appointments), GPA by semester, **enrollment status (FT/PT),degree program, joint degree enrollment, major, concentration, cohort, college, department*Source break down by Federal (DOD, NIH, Other HHS, NSF, NASA, DOE, Other Federal) and Non-Federal (Institutional, Foreign, Other U.S. Source)
**For Law, 12 hrs. x 3 semesters = fulltime
KEY (?) / # and % of apply/admit/enroll / Average hours / Time to degree by enrollment status (FT/PT/Mixed)
Apply/admit/enroll grad admission test score averages / Ratio of Ph.D. to M.A. students by # and credit hours / # graduates
# and % by enrollment status (FT/PT) / Retention rate / Pass rate and average scores on standardized professional exams
Undergraduate institution / # and % annual academic exclusion / Avg. grades in practicum courses(COE)
# and % w/ deposit by deadline date (esp. Law) / # and % annual probation rates
OTHER / # and % on financial aid / Avg. GPA / Employment status upon graduation
Avg. amount of financial aid (include range and median) / Progress rates / Awards and honors
# on fellowship / Annual (AY & FY) stipend by GA appointment level (% of total appt.) / Thesis/dissertation/project publication rate
# and % of special admits / GTA:GLA:GRA support ratio / # and % of post-doc appointments
# and % w/ Hope Promise funding / Publications/creative activity/ presentations / # and type of certificate earned
# transfer students / # and % collaborating in faculty research
# hrs. transferred / # and % team-teaching w/ faculty
# transient students / Avg. amount of travel support
# and % admitted to candidacy
/ All faculty data should be able to be cross-tabbed using any of the following variables: ethnicity, gender, age, highest degree, rank, rank modifier (e.g., tenure-track, visiting, visiting), faculty category (FT, PT, PC, GTA, Other), grad faculty status, college, departmentKey (?)
Major issue w/ faculty workload. How to include diss, thesis, practicum, honors, GTA supervision, etc.
For COE and HHS, service/ field-based time major issue / # faculty / Grade distributions
# and % tenure track / Average time in rank / # and $ amt of ext grants
# and % tenured / # advising undergrad students / # and $ amt of ext grants per FTE
Average AY salary (chairs?) / # advising grad students / # grant applications
Source of highest degree / # refereed and non-refereed pubs/ creative activity
# refereed and non-refereed pubs/ creative activity per FTE
# and % FTE publishing/doing creative work
# editorial board memberships
# and % FTE on editorial boards
National honors
Professional development
P&T results
Post-tenure review results
OTHER / # and % w/ SACS justification / # and % collaborating with students
# and % of non-native speakers / # and % team-teaching with students
Professional development funding
Average time at GSU
Program/Dept / To include relevant student and faculty indicators above.
Program/Dept. data should be able to be cross-tabbed using the following variables: faculty category (FT, PT, PC, GTA, Other) course category (core, lower division, upper division, graduate), program
KEY (?)
Benchmarking data (internal & external);
Quality controls on refereed publications / # students by major and concentration / # enrollments by course and section / # degrees awarded (UG, masters, doctoral)
Ratio of students to faculty by rank and status for each course category / Avg. section size by level / # graduates (UG/Grad) per FTE
# Regents professors / # core courses and enrollments by major and nonmajor / Gen ed learning outcome assessment/achievements
# and % of GTAs, GRAs, GLAs / % core/lower division/upper division/grad courses by faculty category / Course learning outcome assessment/achievements
Avg. stipend for GTAs, GRAs, GLAs / # required courses and enrollments by major and nonmajor / Program learning outcome assessment/achievements
Program accreditation (where applicable) / # unique courses w/ avg. enrollment per AY / Program review results, including student satisfaction
# and avg. salary of support staff / # sections w/ avg. enrollment per AY / Peer institution data
Supply $s per faculty member and per FTE student / # and % FT students funded at standard level (“standard” defined by college) / Student course evaluations
Equipment expenditures: initial and maintenance / # and % FT students funded at minimum level (“minimum” defined by college) / Status and # of eligible programs accredited by professional organizations
Technology expenditures: initial and maintenance / Avg. workload for GTAs, GRAs, GLAs
Instructional costs per FTE student
(not to include research & service $) / A/B and D/W/F totals by course
A/B and D/W/F totals in gateway courses
# endowed chairs / % of courses requiring prerequisites
# endowed scholarships / # and % of programs w/ capstone course, portfolio, sr. project, or end-of-program synthesizing experience
# active alumni / # courses taught by year
Credit hour production by level
Average # years to retirement eligibility
Credit hour production by level
OTHER / Degrees offered / # and % of grad faculty advisors / Highest degree granted
Avg. # of UG majors per FTE / % of full professors participating in degree program / # of curriculum revisions based on course and learning outcomes
% of degree program faculty publishing/doing creative work / #, type, and sq. footage of faculty office space
# and % of tenure-track faculty / #, type, and sq. footage of course-related student labs
# of post-docs by source of support (Federal [Fellowships, Traineeships, Research Grants]) / #, type, and sq. footage of student support labs
# non-faculty research staff / Ratio of instructional expenditure per FTE student associated w/ lower division courses with that for all courses
# students by thesis/non-thesis
/ # and % of online courses
Library resources / Quality of communications with stakeholders (e.g., web pages, alum lists, newsletters)