Workshops March+2014

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Workshop time may be found on the registration site.
Most of these are free but a few do charge fees.
To register for the webinars/workshops below, either click the heading or the provided link. Also check the WebJunction Pennsylvania Calendar for additional offerings.
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Here are the rest of the non-profit webinars in chronological order:

March 1, 2014
You’re Not Bilingual, So What? (TLA)
Librarians all over Texas serve an ever-increasing bilingual population, but many librarians are not Spanish speakers themselves. Dr. Jo Anna Patton will give tips and strategies for providing excellent service to K-12 students, even if you don’t speak Spanish. (Part of the TLA Strategic Diversity Series)
Time: 10-11:00 a.m.

March 3
A Webcast with Thirteen Reasons Why
Author, Jay Asher! (School Library Journal)

New York Times bestseller and teen favorite Thirteen Reasons Why author Jay Asher continues to inspire empathy and anti-bullying discussion in schools across America. Join us to hear Jay talk about his work, his inspiration, and Thirteen Reasons Why—a powerful story that broaches the sensitive issues faced by high schoolers today. We encourage you to set up an assembly for this Livestream Event so all of your kids, parents, and teachers will be able to watch and participate.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

Re-Thinking Library: The urge for good design is the same as the urge to go on living (Teacher Librarian Virtual Cafe)

Join Teacher Librarians to learn more about redesigning library spaces.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

March 4

Streamline Content for Your Users & You: Content strategy for sustainable site maintenance (Washington State Library)

Did your library's website growing quickly, perhaps without a clear direction or consideration for responsive design? Do statistics show that many pages on your site get low use? Sno-Isle Libraries is tackling these issues. They will share how they structured their project, the outcomes, and how they were able to get support for these unglamorous yet important web projects. Leave this session knowing the benefits of doing a website content analysis, usability studies, and the steps you can take to put your own project into action.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

Engaging the Volunteer of the Future (VolunteerMatch)

At VolunteerMatch we have a unique view into what volunteers are looking for in an opportunity. The age of one-size fits all volunteer engagement is coming to an end. This webinar will start with a review of some of the things that we know about what volunteers are looking for in an opportunity. It will then help you use this information to start designing volunteer opportunities and determining who is the “right” volunteer for your program. You’ll also learn how “word of mouth” plays such a large role in attracting volunteers to your organization and how social media makes this even more important.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

Reaching Your Patrons in the Digital Age (Booklist)

The role of the public library has changed dramatically as society shifts into the digital age, providing challenges for libraries as they adapt. Luckily, technology has provided ample opportunities for librarians to reach out to patrons of all ages in new and exciting ways. Join representatives from Britannica as they discuss new resources that will help your library connect with patrons and the community. Moderated by Rebecca Vnuk, Booklist’s Reference and Collection Development editor.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

Grantseeking Basics (GrantSpace)

Are you a representative of a nonprofit organization? Are you new to fundraising? Do you want to learn how the funding research process works, and what tools and resources are available? Learn how to become a better grantseeker! In this class we will cover: what you need to have in place before you seek a grant; the world of grantmakers; the grantseeking process; and available tools and resources.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

Measurements that Matter: Analyzing Patron Behavior (Infopeople)

If you suspect that better data might contribute to better decisions, you're right! Let's face it – as library services evolve, traditional statistics paint an increasingly limited picture of what's really going on. Today's library is supposed to be a "people place," yet we pay relatively little attention to people-related data. In this webinar we'll explore the human side of library measurement, taking special care to improve our understanding of our users without sacrificing confidentiality or invading their privacy.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

Build-A-Lab: Media Labs in Ela Area, IL (Utah State Library)

The Ela Area Public Library has two digital media labs in the same building. The purpose of the digital media labs is to provide Library patrons with a space where they may use various digital media technologies that support their educational, professional, and personal goals and endeavors. Topics: What inspired the library to obtain a media lab, List of equipment, Possible classes/training offered to the community, and How the community has responded to the lab (attendance, project successes, etc.).

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

March 5
Migrating To A New ILS (Nebraska Library Commission)

Your library's out-of-date ILS is running on an old server that needs to be retired. You need to upgrade the ILS, but you don't know where to start. Let me show you how to plan and execute this migration successfully based on how my library did it and the assistance I have provided to numerous other small libraries during their ILS migrations. I will cover the Selection, Preparation, Migration and Follow-up that has proven to be successful for my library and many others when migrating to a new ILS.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

Hiding Your Trail! Smart Online Sleuthing (Washington State Library)

Hiding Your Trail! Smart Online Sleuthing is a 60 minutes class designed to help people learn about protecting their privacy and ensuring attorney/client confidentiality while doing online sleuthing for individuals and businesses. More and more information is not found in a subscription product but in savvy searching of social networks and publicly accessible documents. The class will highlight websites for accessing free background information on individuals and businesses, with an emphasis on tips for using anonymous search engines.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

Is Leadership Coaching Right for Us? (4Good)

Professional leadership coaching is becoming increasingly familiar to—if not yet commonly used in—the nonprofit sector. While some very small organizations may indeed not able to afford leadership coaching, many more nonprofits may decline to use coaching mainly out of uncertainty about whether coaching is really an investment that meets their needs. This webinar answers such questions as: What is coaching, particularly leadership coaching, really like? How exactly does it benefit the client? When is coaching an effective approach to enhancing leadership capabilities? What criteria should we look for in a coach? How do we ensure our organization gets the maximum benefit from leadership coaching?

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

The Magic of Marketing Databases (Library Journal)

Libraries are constantly challenged on how to get their customers to use the databases they purchase. This webinar will demonstrate how, with just the right mix of marketing and advertising magic, your library can increase usage of any database. That’s really what great advertising is all about! Join expert marketer Nancy Dowd, author of Bite Sized Marketing: Realistic Solutions for Overworked Librarians, and Ryan Maxey, a graphic designer fresh from NYC, as they inspire you with ideas and examples that will turn around your database marketing.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

Fundraising the SMART Way: Why We Need a Fundraising Revolution (4Good)

Fundraising: the business function that nonprofit professionals love to hate. Why? Without predictable, consistent income growth, charities struggle mightily to fulfill their missions and achieve their visions. Yet the data show income growth for most charities is sluggish or worse, in spite of the onslaught of new technologies, training programs, and graduate schools offering advanced degrees. Maybe it’s time to do something different: to look at the way fundraising is managed, not just the way it’s done.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

What is and What’s Next: Making Assessment and New Opportunities (American Library Association)

ALA President Barbara Stripling’s ongoing, three-part Winter Webinar series focused on making concludes March 5, 2014 at 3pm CST with “What is and What’s Next: Making Assessment and New Opportunities,” a free webinar focusing on academic, public and school libraries that are building community and supporting student and user success through making. Nationally recognized speakers include Leslie Preddy, School Librarian at Perry Meridian Middle School in Indianapolis; Margaret Portier, Director of Innovative Family Services and Mike Cimino, Technology Integration Specialist, both of the Fayetteville (NY) Free Library, Tara Radniecki, Engineering Librarian, University of Nevada, Reno and Tod Colegrove, Head of DeLaMare Science & Engineering Library at the University of Nevada, Reno.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

March 6

10 Ways to Integrate Your Communications (idealware)

You know that you should integrate your communications, but how do you get started? How do you take different channels with different audiences and allow them to shine individually while creating a cohesive voice for your organization? Let us help you with 10 steps that can get you going in the right direction.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

Lean for Social Good 101 Webinar (GrantSpace)

The Lean Startup Methodology has taken the startup world by storm, and lean principles have been adopted by everyone from Fortune 1000 companies to the U.S. Government. How can more social good organizations adopt Lean methodology to amplify their impact? In this webinar, the co-founder of Lean Impact and one of the publishers of The Ultimate Dictionary of Lean for Social Good will walk you through some of the best (and worst!) examples they've seen throughout the impact sector -- from A/B testing to Vanity Metrics. We'll leave plenty of time for discussion, so bring your questions!

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

New Common Core Connections (Booklist)

If you’re searching for new resources for the Common Core—or just want a look at new fiction and informational books for youth—tune in for this spring preview of titles for children and teens that will help teachers and librarians implement the standards across subjects and grade levels. Moderated by Booklist’s Books for Youth Editorial Director, Gillian Engberg, this free, hour-long presentation is sponsored by DK Publishing, HarperCollins Children's Books, Holiday House, and Listening Library.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

March 7

Inside the Digital Public Library of America (OCLC)

In this OCLC Research Distinguished Seminar Series presentation, Dan Cohen goes behind the scenes to discuss how the DPLA was created, how it functions as a portal and platform, what the staff is currently working on, and what's to come for the young project and organization.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

Grantseeking Basics: An Orientation for Nonprofits
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM at the East Liberty Library, Pittsburgh FREE
This class is an introduction to the world of foundation grantmaking for nonprofits. If you work with or have just started a nonprofit organization and are new to the grantseeking process, this class is for you. We will cover what your nonprofit needs to have in place before you seek a grant; the world of grantmakers; the grantseeking process; and the tools and resources available through the Nonprofit Resource Center. To attend this free class, please register by calling 412-622-6277.

March 7

Innovation and Creativity in Promotion of Resources (GALE CENGAGE Learning)

Join us this week to hear from Barbara Westrick, MA/MIBOA Program Chair with Ross Education LLC, who has some of the best usage on GVRL in the country. Wondering how the magic happens? Barb will be talking about their efforts to partner with other departments at their medical education center, why faculty value their digital library, and the innovative and creative ways that they promote resources with students.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

National Endowment for the Humanities Preservation Assistance Grants (LYRASIS)

Attend a session to talk about your project ideas, as well as to get advice on crafting your narrative and goals. We will also be talking about what is eligible for potential digital preservation projects – now included in the Preservation Assistance Grant as an option.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

March 10

Marvel Moon
The ALA Public Programs Office (PPO) and the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) invite library professionals to attend a free online learning opportunity demonstrating hands-on activities to engage young audiences in space science. Entitled “Marvel Moon,” the online session will acquaint library audiences with NASA's investigations into the ongoing saga that has shaped our Moon and will present the LPI’s Explore! learning module that makes these investigations fun and interactive for children and teens.
The “Marvel Moon” webinar will take place at 2 p.m. CDT Monday, March 10, and will explore the cultural connections to the Moon and how it affects our everyday lives, inviting participants to engage the presenter, ask questions and take away an interactive module to present to youth and young adult audiences at their libraries. Registration for this webinar is required( webinar is the second in a two-part series, but participation in the first part is not required to join the second.
The first “Marvel Moon” webinar, held on February 24, delved into the science behind Earth’s moon, exploring its geological background through a presentation of hands-on activities. Anarchive of the presentation ( is available online for free viewing.
Both sessions are presented by Andy Shaner of the Lunar and Planetary Institute.Shaner leads both lunar and Mars education efforts for the LPI, including the Exploration of the Moon and Asteroids by Secondary Students program and Education/Public Outreach for the ChemCam instrument onboard NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory rover, Curiosity. He also actively helps in the planning and implementation of trainings for the LPI Explore library program.
LPI ( a division of the Universities Space Research Association, is an intellectual leader in lunar and planetary science. The institute serves as a scientific forum attracting world-class visiting scientists, postdoctoral fellows, students and resident experts; supports and serves the research community through newsletters, meetings and other activities; collects and disseminates planetary data while facilitating the community's access to NASA science; and educates the public about space science and invests in the development of future generations of explorers.
TheALA Public Programs Office ( promotes cultural and community programming as an essential part of library service in all types and sizes of libraries. Successful library programming initiatives have includedLet’s Talk About Itreading and discussion series, traveling exhibitions, film discussion programs, the Great Stories CLUB, and LIVE! @ your library. The website brings librarians valuable information to support them in the creation of high-quality cultural programs for their communities.
Contact:Sarah OstmanCommunications ManagerALA Public Programs Office

3 Questions You Need Answered Before Designing Virtual and Blended Learning (InSync Training)

You have heard the buzz about Blended Learning, but have you tried to make it work in your organization? If 2014 is the year that you need to implement a Virtual Blended Learning Solution, you can relax. Early adopters have helped to establish best practices, and you can take advantage of them. This session will help get you started by introducing best practices for designing a Virtual Blended Learning solution. You will leave with strategies to plan for what needs to get done and what resources are required.