UNITY in Cincinnati
UNITY in Cincinnati
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Cheryl Meadows
More Than 60 Organizations Join in Support
CINCINNATI, OH – April 19, 2007 – The Cincinnati Human Relations Commission, in collaboration with more than 60 local organizations and individuals, has organized a Unity Rally for Friday, April 20 at 1 p.m. at the Washington Park gazebo in Over the Rhine – the rally is in response to the threatened appearance by a national neo-Nazi group.
“When Cincinnati was targeted by the neo-Nazi hate group, many of us who represent diversity and inclusion in our community met to counter their appearance with a positive statement of unity,” said Cheryl Meadows, executive director of the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission. “Tomorrow we will gather as a unified group to present the Unity statement and to encourage other organizations and citizens to sign the statement in support,” she added.
The current list of supporters continues to grow across a diverse, cross section of the community and includes BRIDGES for a Just Community, American Jewish Committee, Urban League of Greater Cincinnati, YWCA of Greater Cincinnati, Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati, many churches and other faith-based and human relations organizations. Organizations, corporations, and faith-based leaders are all invited to support the official statement. The UNITY statement is attached.
Statement of Unity
We the undersigned call upon the Cincinnati community to join together in rejecting the message of hate of the Nazi party. We stand in solidarity and support of the African-American community in Over the Rhine and every peace loving community. The people of Cincinnati will prove that we are bigger than hate, stronger than ignorance, and more caring than the Nazi party can imagine. All over the city, people of all faiths, races, ethnicities, cultures, socio-economic backgrounds, genders and age groups are standing as one voice, one faith in justice, and as one just community.
We deplore the Nazi party’s goal of inflaming our community with words and actions that are against the spirit of our community of caring.
We believe that our community must:
- Respect and protect all people;
- Send forth a message of compassion and dignity;
- Engage all citizens of good will in affirming actions; and
- Embrace non-violent action.
Over The Rhine has been designated as the target of racist activity. With Cincinnati having been identified amongst the top ten most segregated and impoverished cities in the nation, we recognize that we have a lot of work to do internally. However, we cannot and will not allow external forces such as the Neo-Nazis to hinder the progress that has already been made.
We understand that we have a long way to go, but we do not want to thwart the progress that has already occurred. We are committed to a new Cincinnati and will hold the city accountable to the progress that will get us there. By making this collective statement, we are declaring that we are committed to working together until Cincinnati reflects the type of City that does not attract hate groups- a Cincinnati that we all can be proud to live, work and play in.
American Jewish CommitteeBeth Messiah Synagogue
BRIDGES for a Just Community
Carol Hettel
Cecilia Kloecker
ChristChurch Cathedral
Christ Emmanuel Christian Fellowship
Cincinnati Human Relations Commission
Cincinnati Mennonite Fellowship
Council on American-Islamic Relations – Cincinnati Chapter
Doug Armstrong
Dr. Adam Kamesar
Dr. Jason Kalman
Dr. Jonathan Cohen
Dr. Michael A. Meyer
Dr. Nili Fox
Dr. Samuel Greengus
Emily Zaebst
Equality Cincinnati
Faith Community Alliance of Gr. Cincinnati
First Christian Assembly
Francis M. Collins
Grace Christian Fellowship
Greater Anderson Promotes Peace
Greater Cincinnati Chinese Chamber of Commerce (GCCCC)
Gwendolyn Robinson, retired CPS School Administrator
HeirsCovenantChurch of Cincinnati
HOME (Housing Opportunities Made Equal)
In the Cleft of the Rock Ministries, Intl.
IntercommunityJustice & PeaceCenter
Interdenominational Ministers Alliance
InterEthnic Council of Gr. Cincinnati
International Socialist Organization of Cincinnati
Iva M. Brown
Jackie Robinson
Jeanne Kortekamp
Jewish Federation
Kathleen Brogle
Kingdom Life Ministries, Inc.
Macedonia Living Word Fellowship
Martin Luther King, Jr. Coalition
Mary Kahal
MountAuburn Presbyterian Church
Muslim Mothers Against Violence
National Coalition for the Protection Of Children & Families
New JerusalemBaptistChurch
North American Indian Council of Greater Cincinnati
North Presbyterian Church
Over the Rhine Community Council
Public Allies Cincinnati
Rabbi Dr. Barry Kogan
Rabbi Dr. David Aaron
Rabbi Dr. David Ellenson
Rabbi Dr. David Weisberg
Rabbi Dr. Edward Goldman
Rabbi Dr. Gary Zola
Rabbi Dr. Haim Rechnitzer
Rabbi Dr. Mark Washofsky
Rabbi Dr. Michael J. Cook
Rabbi Dr. Richard Sarason
Rabbi Dr. Samuel K. Joseph
Rabbi Kenneth Ehrlich
Rabbi Susan L. Einbinder
Serenity Zaebst
Sherrie Heyse
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati
Sisters of Divine Providence Peace & Justice Task Force
Sisters of Divine Providence Provincial Council
Sisters of Mercy, Regional Community of Cincinnati
Southwest Ohio Green Party
Sr. Karhy Green, RSM
St. Peter’s United Church of Christ
Steppin’ Out of My Skin
Susan Keefe
The Alliance For a Fair and Just Community
The Council of the Presbytery Cincinnati
The Council of the Presbytery of Cincinnati
The EdwardB.BrueggemanCenter for Dialogue
The Graduate Student Association
The Institute of Justice & Reconciliation
The Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati
Transformation Cincinnati/NKY
Tried Stone New BeginningChurch
UNITY in Cincinnati
Urban League of Greater Cincinnati
Word of Deliverance Ministries for the World, Inc
World Outreach Christian Church
YWCA of Greater Cincinnati