CPHA Health Education Committee minutes:
Date: November 9, 2011 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Attendees: Lou Carta, Kara Anastasiou, Molika Chea, Celeste Yanni, Carol Walsh, Hilary Norcia, Petra Clark-Dufner, Mary Ann Zavorskas, Karen Piantek, Cindy Kozak, Amy Hanoian-Fontana and Kimberly Ploszaj.
I. Introductions
v All committee members had the opportunity to introduce themselves.
II. Program A – “Live Well: the Stanford University Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) in CT ”
Cindy Kozak from the State of CT Department of Public Health provided an overview of the Stanford University Chronic Disease Self-Management Program in CT.
f Additional notes:
- Cindy can be reached at .
Program B – “Intercollaborative Practice: Training Today’s Health Professions Students”
Petra Clark-Dufner from the CT Area Health Education Program and Kara Anastasiou (former Urban Service Track student) provided an overview of intercollaborative practice.
Additional notes:
- Petra can be reached at .
- Kara can be reached at .
III. Member Announcements
1) Member updates included:
· No specific member updates were shared.
2) Lea Crown said that there is a sanitarian position open at QVHD and that there will be one shortly in Meriden.
IV. New / Old Business
1) The next Health Education Committee meeting will be held Wednesday, January 11, 2012.