
Restoration Magazine May 1975

Bryn Jones

For generations the kingdom of God has tantalized the majority of Christians as

some distant hope or a theological theme to study and sermonise. The many seeming

contrary references to it in the Scriptures have helped to keep it shrouded in mystery.

Some verses present it as an immediate reality - Rom.14.17. Yet others offer the

kingdom as our future inheritance - Matt.25.34. Some Scriptures emphasise the kingdom

as a realm into which we have entered - Col.1.13. Yet others mention the kingdom

as a future realm which we must enter on Christ's return. 2.Pet.1.11. These verbal

contradictions have caused very diverse interpretations in the history of theology.

Consequently the kingdom has made little practical impact on our life style, attitudes,

or thinking. We have thought of it as remote from our daily living. However, we hold

the deepest conviction that the message of the kingdom of God which was central in

the ministry, preaching and life of both Jesus and the apostles, is once again coming

to the fore in our generation by the Spirit's quickening our understanding of its essential

meaning and nature.

We are aware that our generation is witnessing the count down to the end of this age.

We fully expect that the message of the kingdom will be proclaimed increasingly as the

answer to the dilemma of our day, the great eternal alternative to a crumbling human

society. A new community will arise strong and secure in the midst of a weak

crumbling world system.

In this issue of the magazine we are seeking to present the message of the kingdom

with clarity, simplicity, and practicality in order that we shall see its importance and

grasp its significance for now. To help achieve this aim I would like to give you one

KEY meaning amidst the diverse references to the kingdom in the Bible.

The PRIMARY meaning both of the Hebrew word Malkuth and the Greek word

Basileia is the rank, authority, and sovereignty exercised by a king: any other meaning

is secondary. The kingdom of God is His kingship, His rule, His authority. Once we

realise this, we sense that entering into His kingdom involves a very real and practical

experience, having radical impact on our whole life style.

May we be as the sons of lsaachar who helped establish the kingdom of David -

who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do.'(1.Chron.12.3)