CRIS 2.09.10n1 Specific Release Notes v1.0


© Healthcare Software Systems 2010 Registered Office: Healthcare Software Systems, 3rd Floor i2 Mansfield, Hamilton Court, OakhamBusinessPark, Mansfield. NG18 5BR

General Information

This release replaces all previous major, minor and emergency releases. All changes included in a major release will also be included in a minor release. There is no downtime needed to install a release unless specifically mentioned in the Trust Implementation Issues section. All sites can be upgraded to this release of CRIS. No changes are included in a release until the change passes all tests and that change has no known issues or has caused any new known issues at the time of release. Each release of CRIS is not normally released with any known major issues unless specifically mentioned in the know issues section.

1. Contents

CRIS 2.09.10n1 Specific Release Notes v1.0


General Information

1. Contents

2. Issue Summaries

2.1 New Features

2.1.1 Billing

2.2 Enhancements

2.3 Issues Resolved

2.3.1 Billing

2.4 House Keeping

3. Trust Implementation Issues

3.1 Standard issues:

3.2 Optional, for issues by request only:

4. Change Details

4.1 Billing

2. Issue Summaries

The following section summarises the changes made in this version of CRIS relative to release 2.09.10n1. Changes are divided into new features and issues resolved. Details of each change are provided later in the document in "Change Details". Navigation is best achieved by searching the document for the relevant "HSS Ref" number.
Notes on the following tables:
HSS Ref. - this relates to internal HSS change numbers.
LSP Ref. - this relates to LSP Incident, Problem or RFC reference numbers.
By Request - these changes can only be activated by HSS on a specific request by a Trust.
Trust Interest - these changes are deemed to be of significance to trusts either because they impact end users, require trust action or are desirable new features/fixes, which trusts are most likely to take advantage of.

2.1 New Features

2.1.1 Billing

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
246907 / - / IMS invoicing print format changes. / - / -

2.2 Enhancements

2.3 Issues Resolved

2.3.1 Billing

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
247890 / - / VAT rounding issue / - / Yes
247457 / - / Invoice page should group together cost with the same item key / - / Yes
247897 / - / Changing cancel type is not reflected in IMS / - / -
246383 / - / Great Plains Error message not always reported / - / Yes
247415 / - / Contract bills deleted and recreated when entering event 'Billing' page / - / -

2.4 House Keeping

House keeping is reserved for general code tidying which may provide minor improvements in efficiency or cosmetic changes that do not relate to issues resolved nor add new functionality.

3. Trust Implementation Issues

This section details issues which must be addressed by the Trust before a release or, where they are for issues which are only by request, before a particular feature is activated.

3.1 Standard issues:

3.2 Optional, for issues by request only:


4. Change Details

This section provides further details of each change.
HEAD refers to the development and unreleased testing versions of CRIS. Changes reported in HEAD are either new features not in any previous version of CRIS or issues that have only been introduced or discovered during development or testing of the next release of CRIS. Issues reported in a particular release, HEAD or otherwise, may also be pertinent to other releases of CRIS.

4.1 Billing

247890 - VAT rounding issue
Reported in:Fixed in: 2.09.10n.1, 2.09.10p, HEAD
Description: The total amount for an invoice displayed in IMS is sometimes inaccurate. This is caused by rounding the VAT for each bill row before summing, which does not always produce the correct total. The VAT should be kept at a higher degree of accuracy for the summation and the rounding should only be performed once the summing is completed.
In addition, the bottom right-hand box on the first page of the invoice printout does not always display the correct values. The VAT total can be inaccurate due to the same rounding errors and this in turn can cause the total to be inaccurate.
Resolution: The database field ‘contract_bill.vat’ can now store 6 decimal place rather than 2. This extra level of accuracy means the exam VAT value can be stored, allowing for a VAT rate of up to two decimal places. This fixes the rounding problems that occurred on the value of the total amount in IMS. In order to fix the issue with the printout, the summation of the base costs and vat values is now performed before any rounding occurs.
246907 - IMS invoicing print format changes.
Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10n.1, 2.09.10p, HEAD
Description: Change to the formats are required
* Invoice key no longer displayed.
* NHS number displayed in place of event key.
* Cost reason should display "PATIENT DNA" for DNA costs.
* "Date of Scan" used in place of the "Date" header.
* "Invoice period ending" added to the invoice box.
* "Customer No" should display the External Debtor ID.
In addition, the Service Item in the HealthCode EDI should include the description of the cost.
Resolution: The following updates have been made to the invoicing format: * Invoice key no longer displayed. * NHS number displayed in place of event key. * Cost reason now displays "PATIENT DNA" for DNA costs. * "Date of Scan" used in place of the "Date" header. * "Invoice period ending" added to the invoice box. * "Customer No" now displays the External Debtor ID. In addition, the Service Item in the HealthCode EDI now includes the description of the cost.
247457 - Invoice page should group together cost with the same item key
Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10n.1, 2.09.10p, HEAD
Description: The first page of the invoice printout groups like items together in order to display the cost. It can happen that two bills for the same item with the same price appear on separate rows. This occurs when the two contract cost keys are different, i.e. they appear on two different cost rows in the contract costs table.
The cost key should not be used to group the bills. The bills should be grouped only on item key, cost type, cost reason, value and VAT rate.
Resolution: When checking if two items should be grouped when printing the invoice, it now checks the items from the contract costs are the same instead of checking the contract cost keys. This ensures that the items of the same type with the same cost are always grouped together as expected.
247897 - Changing cancel type is not reflected in IMS
Reported in:Fixed in: 2.09.10n.1, 2.09.10p, HEAD
Description: It is not possible to change a selected 'P' cancel to be a 'H' cancel and have those changes reflected in the IMS i.e. to remove the procedure costs of the event.
It should not be the case that if someone accidentally 'P' cancels this cannot be changed such that those changes are reflected in the IMS.
Resolution: Changing from a patient cancel to a hospital cancel now removes contract bills if they are not invoiced or refunds them if they are. A warning message appears to let the user know this will occur and asks if they wish to continue. Changing from a hospital cancel to a patient cancel already regenerated contract bills. It now also automatically loads the billing page so the user can see these bills.
246383 - Great Plains Error message not always reported
Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10n.1, 2.09.10p, HEAD
Description: It is possible for an error message reported by Great Plains to not be highlighted as having failed to be processed.
This happens when it takes longer for the invoice printing to happen than for the interfaces to process the invoice.
Resolution: The error message from Great Plains is now always displayed in IMS. It is no longer affected by the printing of the invoice.
247415 - Contract bills deleted and recreated when entering event 'Billing' page
Reported in:Fixed in: 2.09.10p, 2.09.10n.1, HEAD
Description: None invoiced contract bills for procedures are currently deleted and recreated whenever the event billing page is opened.
This causes a few issues
- excessive database access when entering the billing page
- unexpected ordering of contract bills as the keys are not in an order we expect.
- VendorDocumentKey of great plains can be incorrect if the following is all done on the same day
- Event created and reported
- Fees are invoiced before procedure costs
- Procedure costs invoiced
- Change contract on the same date
- Change contract back to original on same date
- Fees and procedures are invoiced again.
- Empty invoice created and selected items not invoiced in IMS
- Use IMS to view the outstanding invoice details.
- Load the event using double click.
- Visit the billing page for some reason
- Invoice in IMS without refreshing.
Resolution: Contract bills are no longer regenerated every time the billing page is loaded. Instead, bills are created/amended just after the exam has been saved. Bills will only be amended if either the contract or the set of exams has changed.

Last Updated: HSS 11/12/2018 Healthcare Software Systems – Commercial in Confidence Page 1 of 8