CLAS Research Scholarships
Application 2016-17
For criteria and eligibility requirements, go to
Please note: each scholarship could have different due dates and requirements. Please be sure to review the criteria for each scholarship opportunity.
To submit completed application, send an email to Jeffrey Banner:
For which scholarship are you applying? (Check all that apply)
☐ Arizona Power Authority ☐ Dean’s Undergraduate Research
When will you be performing research? (Check all that apply)*
☐Fall 2016☐Spring 2017☐Academic Year 2016-17
*Students are required to be enrolled full-time during the term in which funds are received.
Undergraduate Mentee Information
Name: ______CLAS Major:______
ASU ID: ______GPA: ______Expected Graduation Date:______
Barrett Honors College? Yes/No Other Research Awards?______
Continuing research from summer? ______
FacultyMentor Information
Name: ______Email:______
Home Unit:______Phone:______
By signing below, the faculty mentor agrees: 1) to be present during the funding period (including summer, if appropriate) to mentor the mentee on the project, 2) to be present at the CLAS poster symposium (if appropriate for the award):
Signature______Date Signed______
Project Synopsis: to be completed by faculty mentor and undergraduate mentee
For both the undergraduate mentee and the faculty mentor, please work together to provide a brief summary of the overarching project in the space provided.
***If you are continuing work from a project started over the summer, please indicate any changes to the overall project, rather than repeating previous information.
If applying for the Arizona Power Authority scholarship, indicate how your research contributes to the fields of power and energy.
CLAS Scholarships for Research
Application Checklist
Student Name:Enter your full name
For your application to be considered, a complete application must be received in Suite 110 Fulton Center by the deadline listed below. A complete application consists of the following items submitted in the order listed in a single packet:
☐ CLASScholarships for ResearchApplication
☐ Required Essays(See Application for details)
☐ Unofficial transcript(s) of all academic course credit (ASU and transfer) including grades from your most recently completed semester and cumulative GPA
☐ Resume
Applicant signature and consent to release records
By signing below, I certify that the information throughout this application is true and accurate and that misrepresentation of any facts or details could result in ineligibility for any scholarship. In addition, I hereby authorize ASU to release to the CLAS Scholarship Committee and any necessary staff any academic, financial or other information that is relevant to this application as long as such records are used only in connection with the selection process. Further, I give permission to contact the ASU faculty/staff reference. I also understand that accepting this scholarship may affect my financial aid package. I give permission to publish my name in the event that I am the recipient of a scholarship.
Students must submit completed applications to:
Jeffrey Banner, Assistant Director
Office of Student and Academic Programs
ASU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Delivery: Fulton Center, Suite 110
Mail: PO Box 876605, Tempe AZ 85287-6605
Re: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Scholarships
DEADLINE: 5pm, FridaySeptember 2nd, 2016