Planning for Firm Foundations:

Argyll and Bute Council’s preliminary planning advice service

Office Use Only

Please submit this enquiry form to your local area planning office whose details on the guidance notes.

This form is designed to help Argyll and Bute Council determine whether or not your proposal will meet the requirements of the adopted development plan. The planning officer responding to your query will offer an opinion as to the acceptability of your proposal. We shall provide you with an acknowledgement letter within 3 working days and a full response within 20 working days of receipt of your request.

Information about applying for planning consent can be found in the ‘planning and building standards’ section of our website:

Please note that basic minimum details have been highlighted with an *. Without these details we cannot provide a full response.

PART A – About You
*Applicant / Agent
Full Name / Full name
Address / Address
Post Code / Post Code
Tel No. / Tel No.
Email / Email

In the interests of preserving the environment and efficiency if you provide an email address then we will contact you using this measure.

PART B –Proposed Development
*Site Address
*Post Code
Site Owners address if different from applicant
(Please note we will only use this information for internal mapping purposes to assist with providing you with appropriate and detailed advice. We will not contact the owner)
*Description of the Work(continue on separatesheet if necessary)
Please describe the proposal in as much detail as possible in order to provide the council with a detailed view of what is proposed. Details should include, where possible, details of previous works, dimensions of proposed works, site plan indicating the proposal, previous works and proximity to neighbouring properties, public footpaths and roads.
Type of Proposed Application
Planning permission in principle (PPP) 
Planning permission (PP) 
Approval of matters specified in a condition (AMSC)
Other, please specify
What are the existing and proposed uses of the land and/or buildings? / Existing
*Site Area (ha or m2)
Residential Development
(number of units)
Industrial, Commercial or Leisure Development
(floor space in m2)
Have you engaged with stakeholders such as SNH, SEPA, Transport Scotland etc? If so please provide details.
PART C - General Information
Proposed External Materials
Proposed Drainage Arrangements
Please specify if you are proposing a private means of waste water drainage
Does your development involve a new or altered access?
(Please indicate the position of any new or altered access on an appropriate site plan) / YES/NO
Energy Generation
Does your proposal involve any micro renewable energy generating equipment? / YES/NO
Will your proposal involve the erection of any fences or walls? (Please provide details of location and height) / YES/NO
Will any buildings be demolished?
(Please indicate these on a suitable site plan) / YES/NO
Will the proposal involve the removal/topping or lopping of any trees?
(Please indicate these on a suitable site plan) / YES/NO
Hard Surfaces
Will the proposal involve the construction of a hard surface?
(Please show the location, area to be covered and proposed materials in an appropriate site plan) / YES/NO
Will the proposal involve the erection of any signs? / YES/NO

Please attach the necessary drawings of the proposal as outlined in the guidance notes.If you are submitting drawings electronically then please do so with a file size no more that 5Mb.


Argyll and Bute Council will consult with consultees as necessary butPre-application enquiries will not be published on our website.

Please note: Pre-application enquiries can be subject to requests for information under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulation 2004, although the council will aim to treat your enquiry in confidence at all times.

Please read the guidance notes before finalising your form to ensure that your enquiry is dealt with by the correct planning team.

*Date Submitted / *Signature
Office Use Only
Site History, Previous applications and notes:
Development Hierarchy? / Permitted Development Rights Removed?
Local / Major / Yes / No
Listed Building? / Conservation Area?
Yes / No / Yes / No
Planning Permission Required? / EIA Required? (indicate Schedule 1 or 2)
Yes / No / Yes / No
Flood Risk Assessment Required? / Area of Cumulative Drainage Impact?
Yes / No / Yes / No
Ecological Designations? / Landscape Designation?
Archaeological Constraints?