Application form

for continuation of ongoing projects

The application form contains information we require to assess the proposed continuation of an ongoing project. Fill in your answers directly below each headline. If you find some of the questions difficult to answer or not-relevant for your proposal please feel free to contact us for guidance.

Submit the form in Word format (ie do not submit a pdf copy) and use font 11-point Calibri. If you are submitting separate documents (for example audits, evaluations, the latest annual report), please list them under section 6.

Applications for continued support can be approved for two-year periods upon prior permission from Childhood.


Start.Registration form


1. Name of your organization:

2. Organization address:


P.O. Box:

Zip code:



3. Organization phonenumber(incl. country code):

4. Organization e-mail:

5. Website:

6. Head of organization and legal representative (name of person):

7. Audit Firm (needs to be authorized):

8. Name of project:

9. Which of the following Childhood target groupis the project

intended to reach? (If your project applies to more than one,

please add numbers to indicate which is the main priority)

1. Childsmart Travel – Child safe Traveling and Tourism

2. Childprotection Online – Child safety Online

3. Childsafe Families – Protective Family Environment

4. Childfriendly Response – Child Friendly Social and
Legal Response to abuse

(Select one or more):

10. Start and end date of project:

11. Executive summary. Short description of the proposed project

(max 250 words).

12. Funding applied from Childhood (total amount in USD, EUR or SEK):

13. Project contact persons (one should preferably be the project manager):

Name and title:

Phone number:


Name and title:

Phone number:


1.Information about

theapplying organization



Short history of organization, including when and why it was started. Main experiences and/or achievements so far (maximum 1 page):

1.2Vision, mission and organizational strategy:

If you do not have clear vision and mission statements and/or organizational strategies;

please describe briefly the organizations´ purpose and values and what you as an

organization want to achieve.

1.3 Current programs/projects implemented by the organization

(only list if changes have occurred since your last application, maximum 1 page):

1.4Annual operating budget:

The year before the previous fiscal year (actual):

Previous fiscal year (actual):

Current fiscal year:

Next fiscal year (estimated):

1.5 List major donors and sources of income:

1.6 Attach an organizational chart or describe the structure

of the organization, with a focus on any changes which may

have occurred since your last application

(for example departments, number of staff and key functions, maximum ½ page):

1.7 Does your organization have a board?

If yes, what is the board’s function?

Who appoints the board?

Are there staff members or family of staff members on the board?

2.Information about

the proposed project


2.1 Problem(s) your project will address:

Describe the specific issues you hope to change with the suggested project.

What do you consider being the main causes of the problem? What makes this problem

urgent for your organization today? You may refer to existing research and studies as

well as national/regional strategies or policies if relevant (maximum 2 pages):

2.2 Stakeholder analysis

What services are currently available for the target group? Which other stakeholders are

addressing this problem or this target group?

How does your project complement what already exists and how do you plan to engage

with the other stakeholders? (maximum 1 page)?

2.3 Target group

Who is the project intended to reach? How many children, families, professionals etc.

do you plan to reachin project?Does the target group remain the same as in the original proposal? If not, explain the reasons for revision of target group. Please mention if you

will work with the same children or families as previous years or if the group will expand/change.

2.4 What is the project goal?

What do you hope to achieve as a result of this grant? What should have changed when the

project is over and for whom?Even though we can only approve projects 1-2 years at a

time, we understand that change may take time. Please include both the short-term and

long-term goals of the project.

2.5 Project objectives for the grant period:

What are the (realistic) objectives for the project in a short-term perspective and what are

the expected results/outcomes? Please note, that if your grant is approved you will be

asked to report on these objectives and the results indicators defined below.

Objective 1:

Objective 2:

Objective 3:

2.6 Results achieved so far – in narrative form and numbers:

What are the main achievements of the project so far? Make sure to relate to the baseline information you have provided and use the key qualitative and quantitative results indicators you stated in the original application. If project objectives have not been achieved to the extent you expected, please provide a short analysis of the reasons for that and how you plan to change strategy to achieve results.

2.7 Implementation plan:

Based on lessons learned, describe how you will revise or continue to work with the same strategies to reach the objective(s). Which concrete activities will take place in order to reach the objective(s)?Which activities are intended to lead to a specific objective:

Objective 1:


Objective 2:


Objective 3:


2.8 Describe methods & theory of change

If new methods please describe how you plan to implement the suggested activities.

Will your work be based on any specific methods or do you plan to develop a new method?

If these methods are based on any specific theories, describe these (maximum 2 pages):

2.9 Staff composition and capacity:

Any relevant changes among the staff? Are there any identified capacity building needs related to the project?

2.10 Child participation:

Any changes in how you will involve children or young people in planning, implementation

and monitoring of the project? Lessons learned?

2.11Child Safeguarding policies and practices:

How does your organization work to prevent harm to children within your organization

and in the suggested project? Consider where, when and how your organisation affects

children and what risks this presents. How do you ensure that children are not

unintentionally harmed by your staff, your project and/or visitors to your organization?


Any new plans or developments of relevance which may ensure sustainability

of the project?

2.13 Risk analysis:

Are there any changes concerning internal and external risks that may affect the way the

project will be able to reach its objectives? What challenges have been encountered so far

and how have you mitigated them?

2.14 Childhood input:

Please describe if there are any specific areas where Childhood can be of assistance

beyond the financial contribution.

3.Monitoring and evaluation


Monitoring is the process that gathers progress information made by

an implemented project. Evaluation aims to show whether a project has

reached its goals and delivered what is expected according to its original

plan. Important both to ensure that project isachieving set targets and

ensure that lessons learned are incorporated in further planning.

3.1 The monitoring and evaluation process:

How will you assess the progress of the project? Describe who will be responsible for data

collection and how the information will be gathered. Which tools for monitoring and evaluation

will you use? How will your beneficiaries be involved in this process?

3.2 Baseline information:

Describe the situation for the specific target group at the beginning of the project. In order to be

able to show impact of the project, you need to document a baseline for the project. If your

project will be approved, you will be asked to report on changes compared to the baseline. If

you did not have a baseline at the start of the project, use the status after the first 6 months as

a baseline. Describe how the system for monitoring and evaluation has worked so far and how

you use lessons learned in the future planning of the project.

3.3 Key results indicators:

Which are the key results indicators according to which you will track qualitative and

quantitative progress. The indicators should reflect progress in both a short-and long-term

perspective (maximum 5 indicators).



Please provide contact information for three reference persons;preferably at least one

current or previous donor and a representativefrom local or national authorities.

We contact reference persons to learn more about the strengths and weaknesses of

your organization, how you collaborate with others and how well suited your organization is to implement the suggested project. We may also ask about the

relevance of the suggested project. Reference information are not shared with any external parties.

  1. Name:

Organisation and title:


Phone number:

  1. Name:

Organisation and title:


Phone number:

  1. Name:

Organisation and title:


Phone number:



5.1Total budget for the proposed project:
The total budget of the project (in EUR, USD or SEK), including other funding sources
(existing or expected). Who are the other major donors?


Other major donors:

5.2 Funding applied from Childhood:

Please fill in the separate budget form, available to download on our website.

The budget should reflect the activities included in the proposal to Childhood.

E-mail the budget form in its original Excel-formattogether with this application.

If the project budget is substantially changed since last year,

please describe the reasons for that.

6. Appendices

Additional documentation of relevance for your application. You do not have to produce additional documentation or translate documents for the purpose of this application.


Specify appendices submitted together with the application form, for example

  • Organizational budget for current and two previous years
  • LatestFinancialAudit
  • LatestAnnualReport
  • Child Safeguarding Policy
  • Contact information to other relevant stakeholders in the project
  • Results matrix – overview of objectives, baseline information, results indicators and what data you use to verify the results.
  • Evaluations of projects implemented by the organization




