Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas
CIFFOP Institute
Academic Background & Eligibility Check for Applicants *
Academic Year 2018 - 2019
Master 2
International Human Resources Management

Deadline: Thursday, March 11th, 2018at 23h59 (GMT+1)

For all questions, please contact the Program Coordinator Jessica RADZIMSKI:

+33 (0)1 83 97 68 37

* Please note that this form is ONLY for applicants,
whose most recent diploma was not obtained in France.
The submission instructions are specified on the last page of this document.

Surname * / Maiden name (if applicable)
First name(s)*
Date of birth*(day/month/year) / City of birth and country of birth* / Citizenship / Nationality*
Sex*: Male Female / Marital Status:
Single Married
Postaladdress (written in Latin alphabet)
Street / Building ______
Town ______Zip Code ______Country ______
Mobile phone number (include international country code)
Email address(state clearly)

* as shown on passport

Current Studies

I am currently enrolled in a higher education study program: Yes No
If yes, please specify the following:

Title of Academic Degree to be obtained (e.g. MSc, MA, BSc, …):
Program Title / Field of Study:
Institution's Full Name & Location (City & Country):
Enrolled since:
Expected Graduation Date:
Length of Study Program (insemesters):

Mandatory Attachments:
official transcript(s) with all grades obtained at this point
official description of the program (see checklist)

Finished Studies 1 (Diploma Obtained) / Most recent first
Title of Academic Degree Obtained (e.g. MSc, MA, BSc, …):
Program Title / Field of Study:
Institution's Full Name & Location (City & Country):
Dates attended:
Length of Study Program (insemesters):

Mandatory Attachments:
copy of official diploma / certificate obtained (in English or French)
copy of official and complete transcripts (in English or French)
copy of official description of the program (in English or French)
For more details see the application checklist.

Finished Studies 2 (Diploma Obtained)
Title of Academic Degree Obtained (e.g. MSc, MA, BSc, …):
Program Title / Field of Study:
Institution's Full Name & Location (City & Country):
Dates attended:
Length of Study Program (insemesters):

Mandatory Attachments:
copy of official diploma / certificate obtained (in English or French)
copy of official and complete transcripts (in English or French)
copy of official description of the program (in English or French)
For more details see the application checklist.

Other certificates / diplomas / exchange programs you would like to specify:

(most recent first)
Dates attended
from – to
(DD/MM/YYYY) / Institution’s Full Name & Location (City & Country) / Program Title / Field of Study / Specialization / Degree / ECTS / CertifiacteObtained

ALL of the following documents

must be submitted within the deadline in order for the application to be reviewed.


Filled Out Cover Form (with your surname, name and date of birth)

Academic background form (fully completed)

Copies of ALL university certificates and degrees,
along with the certified translation into English or French (if applicable).*

Copies of ALL university transcripts,
along with the certified translation into English or French (if applicable).*

Official Description (issued by the university) of all previous study programs completed (e.g. university brochure / university website).For each degree obtained, all ofthefollowing information has to be included in the description:

  • Admission / accessrequirements
  • Official length of program (in semesters andyears)
  • Mode of study (e.g. full-time vs. part-time)
  • ECTS credits required in order to graduate
  • Other program requirements (in order to graduate)

*All translations must be certified.
*Please submit clear, legible copies only.


For the academic year of 2018-2019 you need to complete the following steps:

I. Within ONE email attach the following 2 documents

1)Academic Background Form (including attachments) // in a single PDF

2)Application Form (including attachments) // in a single PDF

II. Fill out and submit online form (see below)

I. In ONE email, submit the following TWO PDF files:

PDF 1: Academic Background
The first out of the two PDFs to be submitted are your «Academic Background / Eligibility Check» documents:

-consisting of the complete list of documents specified in the checklist above (in the exact order specified)

-entitled “SURNAME First Name_A.pdf” (e.g. somebody named Alex Smith would name his document “SMITH Alex_A.pdf”)

PDF 2: Application Form
Within the same email, attach a second PDF file consisting of the complete list of documents specified within the “Application Checklist” (page 4) of the “Application Form”.
Send both those PDF files within one email to .

The object of the email should be “Application IHRM 2018-2019”.

II. Fill out and submit the followingonline form:

After having received both parts (I & II)
the applicant will receive

an acknowledgment of receipt of the complete application

to the email address the applicant provided.

2018-2019 CIFFOP IHRM / Academic Background & Eligibility Check Form