Information Request Reply Form
Relating to Cataract Procedures
NHS TRUST / NHSHospital / Form Completed by(Name and Job Title): / Contact Details / Date Form Completed
Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust / Leigh Infirmary /
- Volume of Cataract procedures &Intra Ocular Lenses Annual Spend
Please specify the Cataract volume and Intra Ocular Lens spend in the following years:
Year / Cataract Volumes / IOL £ Value ex VAT2009 / 2010 / 584 / 70214.58
2010 / 2011 / 1730 / 46742.52
2011/2012 / 1904 / 70008.33
The volume of cataracts performed at Leigh.
- Current Intra Ocular Lens Supplier
Please specify the Trust’s current supplier of Intra Ocular Lenses:
Current Supplier / Vision PharmaceuticalsPlease tick the response box to indicate if supply is direct from current supplier or via an agency or purchasing group/hub:
Supply via: / Please tick:Direct supply
Purchasing Hub* /
* If supply is via an agency of purchasing group/hub, please provide the name:
NHSSC- Most commonly used Mono-Focal Intra Ocular Lens in 2011/12
Please specify supplier name, model and price per lens for the most commonly used Mono-Focal Intra Ocular Lens, in 2011/12:
Supplier Name / Vision Pharmaceutical via NHSSCSupplier Model / Injectacryl F3000
Price per lens (ex VAT) / The Trust is applying Section 43 Commercial Interests to this question.
- Most Recent Contract Award
Please specify when the most recent contract was awarded for supply of Intra Ocular Lenses and provide the length of the contract:
Date of Award / 08/06/12Contract Length / 08/06/2012 – 04/12/2013 with an option to extend for a further 2 years
- Date of next planned Tender / Contract Award
Please provide the expected commencement date of the next planned Tender for the supply of Intra Ocular Lenses. Please also provide the expected date of the Contract Award.
Date of next planned Tender for IOL supply / On expiry of the current contractDate of next Contract Award for IOL supply / 6 months after tender exercise
- Phaco Emulsification Equipment
Please provide details of the Phaco Emulsification Equipment installed:
Installed Phaco Machines / Quantity / Estimated date of renewalBausch & Lomb Millenium / 2 / 2013 – 2015 dependant on capital allocation
- Further information
If there is any further information you can provide, or if you have any comments you wish to make, please do so below:
Additional InformationComments
This Reply Form relates to an Information Request submitted by Helen Maloney of Tradax Group Limited on 14th December 2012. Please return this form in the pre-paid reply envelope provided to Tradax Group Limited, Lion House Chambers, King Street, Abergavenny, NP7 5SE or via email to .
To contact Helen Maloney or Tradax Group Limited with regard to this request please telephone 01873 854422 or email .