Checklist for Preparing for the Monthly Report

Help assure the accuracy of our data –please completeand signthis checklist monthly.

STEP 1 -Be sure you are using the latest version of this checklist.

This can be checked by visiting the Staff area of our website.

STEP 2 - Check for possible missed entries. Suggestions include:

Review paper forms, record of phone calls, or any other system you may have to make sure all appropriate items have been entered into NetCIL

Review Email sent and received during the month to verify all service provided by Email has been entered appropriately in NetCIL.

Review datebook/calendar to verify Work Log entries have been made – conference calls, OPWDD trainings attended, staff meetings, conferences attended, annual retreat, etc.

STEP 3 - Verify Referrals

Run the report “Referrals (All Incomplete)”
How To Run This Report:

  1. From the NetCIL Main Menu, click the “Reports & Graphs” button
  2. In box on upper left corner, select “5 Last Month” and verify dates in From/Toare correct
  3. Under the From/To dates, make sure “Preview” is selected
  4. For report, select “Referrals (All Incomplete)”.
  5. In the middle of the screen, click the “Make Report” button.

Verify that all referrals showing as incomplete truly are open referrals. Make any necessary corrections; run report again (repeat until it is accurate).

Run and review your “Referrals to Staff (Completed)” report.

Did you train any new support parents with a CSHCN? If so, did you remember to attach keywords so they will be included in the count in the P2P Summary Report?

STEP 4 -Verify Case Notes

Run the report “Case Notes by Staff (All Served)”

How To Run This Report:

  1. From the NetCIL Main Menu, click the “Reports & Graphs” button
  2. Be sure to select the proper dates to include in your report.
  3. Make sure “Preview” is selected (not Print).
  4. Select “Case Notes by Staff (all Served)”.
  5. In the middle of the Main Menu, click the “Make Report” button.

Check Case Notes Report for errors, omissions, and duplicates.
Check for grant, time and service for each entry – there should be all three or none. Any entry that has time must also have grant and service. Any entry that does not have any time must not have any grant or service.



Staff Member / PersonDescriptionDateHours

Information & ReferralInitial Entry2 /10/20090.25

P2Pcalled to get the ddso phone#

Entry has no name.

Lewis *, AnnParent MatchingGeneral Case Note2 /12/20090.25

Sent her Kathleen's contact information and thanks for being a match.

Entry is missing grant.

 Make any necessary corrections then run report again (repeat until it is accurate).


How To Save This Report:

  1. On the Print Preview ribbon, select “PDF or XPS”
  2. For “Save In” select the location you want to save the document, some place you can easily find it like a “Reports” folder.
  3. For “Name” enter the descriptive name of (User’s initials) + (Office initials) + (Report month with year) + (Case Notes) + (Date report was run).
    TIP: When revisions are made requiring multiple versions of the report being run on the same date, use alphabetic characters to differentiate the versions.

EXAMPLE: SN FL April 2014 Case Notes 5-3-2014
SN FL April 2014 Case Notes 5-3-2014a
SN FL April 2014 Case Notes 5-3-2014b

  1. For “Save as type” it should already read PDF

STEP 5- Verify Work Log Entries

Work Log entries can be reviewed one of these methods:

In NetCIL Desktop Client, go into the Work Log and in the upper right corner, select the correct datesand make sure “Show only my records” is selected. Then use the record navigator to flip through and check each entry.


In NetCIL Manager, run the Work Log report which will be generated as an Excel spreadsheet.

Please check that:

“Underserved” is checked when it applies.

Only entriesto show up in the P2P Summary Report have an Activity Type.

The most appropriate Activity Type has been selected for each entry that is to appear in the P2P Summary Report. When in doubt consult the P2P-NetCIL User’s Manual for definitions or discuss with your NetCIL Administrator.

Each entry with the Activity Type of Workshop has # Attendees and Time. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY for all workshops.

Each entry with the Activity Type of Workshop has one of the Projects listed below. (Capital District office has an exception to this rule for those working under the PTIC grant.)

FORUM – Affordable Care Act #Attendees____ Time ______

FORUM – Autism Insurance #Attendees____ Time ______

FORUM – Family Caregiving #Attendees____ Time ______

FORUM – Fathers #Attendees____ Time ______

FORUM – Financial #Attendees____ Time ______

FORUM – Transition #Attendees____ Time ______

WORKSHOP - Education Record Keeping #Attendees____ Time ______

WORKSHOP – Families…Sharing Our Stories #Attendees____ Time ______

WORKSHOP - Health Care Notebook #Attendees____ Time ______

WORKSHOP - Housing Options #Attendees____ Time ______

WORKSHOP- Individualized Health Plan #Attendees____ Time ______

WORKSHOP- Letter Writing and Communication #Attendees____ Time ______

WORKSHOP - MSC – Families #Attendees____ Time ______

WORKSHOP - MSC – Partnerships #Attendees____ Time ______

WORKSHOP - MSC - OPWDD Services #Attendees____ Time ______

WORKSHOP - PTIC - Special Education #Attendees____ Time ______

WORKSHOP - Tools for Inclusion – Using ABCD #Attendees____ Time ______

WORKSHOP - F2F - Advocacy Skills & Tech. #Attendees____ Time ______

WORKSHOP - F2F - Healthy Transitions #Attendees____ Time ______

WORKSHOP - F2F - Parent-Professional Coll. #Attendees____ Time ______

Entries for Parent Groups follow the guidelines in the P2P-NetCIL User’s Manual. A sentence is included in each entry stating whether group case notes have or have not been posted and if said case notes are with time or without time.

Work log entries use action words that accurately describe the activity such as attended, hosted, participated, etc. in addition to the event/location.

I have completed each of the above steps and assure that my database entries are accurate to the best of my ability. I understand that if a change is needed after turning this checklist and my case notesover to my NetCIL Administrator, I cannot go back into this time period in the database and make ANY changes without permission from my NetCIL Administrator. (a.k.a. “NO GOING BACK” rule.)


Signature Date

Please submit Case Notes and this signed Checklist to your NetCIL Administrator.

Checklist for Preparing for the Monthly Report Page 1 of 3 1-28-2016