Jefferson School

Student Supply List 2015-2016

For All Grades: Headphones will be available at open house for $5.00 (no ear buds)

Remember when you purchase a backpack for school that the lockers at Jefferson are very narrow and often are shared by 3 students.



Spiral notebook (wide ruled)

3 boxes - 24 count crayons

1 ball point pen

box - #2 pencils (24 pack sharpened) *

1 pink eraser

4Expo dry erase markers

2 folders (no prongs) plastic

20 Glue Sticks and bottle of Elmer’s glue

Prang water color paint

5x8 Plastic Supply Box (no metal)

Metal Scissors (Fiskars)

Backpack (Large)

Headphones (order at Open House)

1pack Crayola Wide markers – CLASSIC COLORS

Quart size Ziploc freezer bags (Girls)

Gallon size Ziploc freezer bags (Boys)

Box of Kleenex

**Please remove all supplies from packaging, label with your child’s name and bring to Open House some supplies will be shared**


2 bottle white Glue CHILD’S NAME

10-12 Glue Sticks

1Pencil Boxes 5x8

48 #2 pencils (SHARPENED)

1 pink eraser

2 Highlighter markers

8 Wipe-Off/Dry Erase markers

1 Dry Erase Board Eraseror clean sock

1 Metal scissors *(Fiskar's blunt preferable)*

2packs Crayons (24 Count Crayola)

2 packs Crayola Wide markers - CLASSIC COLORS

Water colors - Prang or Crayola

4spiral notebooks (wide ruled) (1 red, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 green)

Box of “Easy Zipper” baggies (GIRLS-gallon size,

BOYS quart size)

Covered Pencil Sharpener

1 pack Colored pencils (sharpened)

Headphones (order at Open House)

Box of Kleenex

1 pack Crayola thin markers- classic colors

2 Heavy Duty Folders

1 ruler (inches and centimeters)

1 composition notebook

**Please remove all supplies from packaging and label with your child’s name**


1 bottle white glue

4 Glue sticks

Small plastic pencil box 5x8

24 #2 pencils sharpened *

4Large erasers

Metal scissors (Fiskars preferable)

Ruler - (inches & centimeters)

24 count Crayons

1 pack wide markers-Classic Colors

Colored Pencils (Sharpened)

Water colors - Prang or Crayola

Box of Kleenex

Red Plastic Folder (heavy duty)

4 - Pocket folders (purple, green, blue, yellow)

2 - Spiral wide rule notebook (green and blue)

1 -1 inch – plain hard cover 3 ring binder

50 pack of plastic page protectors (put in 3 ring binder)

Headphones (order at Open House)

4 Wipe-Off Dry Erase Markers

1 sock or dry erase marker

Covered Pencil Sharpener

Gallon Ziploc freezer bags (Boys)

Quart Ziploc freezer bags (Girls)



At least 4 Dry Erase Markers *

Dry Erase Board Eraser or old sock (no liquid cleaner)

4Glue sticks

48-#2 pencils - no mechanical pencils (some will be collected to be used during the year) *

Pencil Sharpener with shaving container

2 Pink Erasers

Metal scissors- (Fiskars preferable)

Ruler –cm and inches

24 count Crayons

Markers – classic colors *

1 bottle of glue

Colored pencils

2 Boxes of tissues *

3 pocket folders

7 - Spiral (wire) notebooks - one subject wide-lined

1½ inch three ring binder

50 plastic sheet protectors

2red pens

Headphones (order at Open House)

Pencil pouch(no boxes please)

2 Yellow Highlighters


Box of freezer bags (girls-gallon size)

(boys – quart size/sandwich size)

2 packs of post it notes (3x3)

Prang or Crayola Watercolor Paints

* stock up in August for extras to use during the year


1Glue stick

12 #2 pencils (sharpened)

2-Red correcting pens

Highlighters (YELLOW)

Ruler - metric & inches

3 Wide Lined Notebooks

Box of Kleenex

Pencil Sharpener w/cover

SMALL pencil box or case 5x8 max

Headphones (order at Open House)
3 Composition notebooks

Post it notes (6 – 3”x3”)


Zip Lock Bags: Girls – Gallon / Boys – Quart

1 Plastic Folder

1 Plastic Expandable Folder

Basic Calculator



1 pencil bag

2 dozen #2 pencils* – **No mechanical pencils**

6 folders (one with prongs)

4 wide lined notebooks

3 composite notebooks

2 large erasers

2 red correcting pens

2 hi-lighters

4 dry erase markers

Elmer’s glue and 2 glue sticks

Pencil sharpener with enclosed compartment for shavings

Metal scissors-Fiskars preferable

Ruler – metric and inches

Colored pencils1 large box of tissues

Headphones (order at Open House or bring from previous grade)

Calculator – Texas Explorer / TI-15 preferred

Wide basic color markers

2” 3-ring binder (for Transition Math Students only)


For the safety and comfort, all students must have a pair of flat-soled tennis shoes that lace or are velcro. Girls must bring a pair of shorts or slacks to keep at school if they wear dresses or skirts.

Students who forget tennis shoes will sit out that class period and lose participation points.


In order for your child to fully participate

in the art lessons conducted throughout the

school year, they will need the following


Grades 1 -5

Color crayons


Crayola markers

Watercolor paints - Prang or Crayola

Grade 3, 4 & 5:

Colored Pencils


1 Folder

Unlined journal (notebook) 5 ½” x 8 ½”