Kentucky Lacrosse Association

Board Meeting

December 13, 2011

Ann Fleming called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. at theOld National Bank.

In attendance: John Peabody, Greg Beachy, Wayne Coffey, Tim Thompson, Brandon Davis, Steve Auden, Edie Fullerton, Chris Niblock, Dean Walker, Byron Miller, Jacob Knight, Ryan Smith and Crystal Kannapell.

Absent: Russ Davenport, Bert Severns, Bill Stewart,and Kennedy Simpson.

Chris made a motion “to approve the November 8th meeting minutes as amended.” Byron seconded the motion; the minutes were unanimously approved.

President’s Report: Ann did not have anything new to report.

Financial Report: Chris handed out the proposed budget for 2012. There has been an increased need for officials, so expenses in that area increased. Printing programs for the Championship games has been the biggest expense. Programs were added to the D III and MS Championship games last year increasing the printing costs. Ann suggested KLA look into getting sponsors to cover that cost.

Grants were also unprecedented this year. Ann asked if the $19,885 should go in the 2011 budget or 2012. The equipment has not been purchased as of yet so it will be placed on the 2012 budget.

Wayne made a motion “to approve the budget as proposed.” John seconded the motion; the budget was unanimously approved.

High School Boys:John reported that a Triology Camp was being held at River City.

He suggested that, as an act of good will, KLA offer to deliver goals paid for by the KLA grant. A discussion ensued. Ann felt it was a kind gesture, but she was not sure KLA wanted to set that precedent. Dean and John offered to deliver the goals to Lexington, again as a good will gesture.

John met the new coach at Glasgow who would like to play in D III. John will make follow up calls with him.

John asked for clarification of the titles of the Championship games. Girls are D I: State Championship and DII: Division Championship.

John sent out information on warm ups and stretches for the spring and Devin Clifford sent out info about winter off season conditioning. John also met with Jeremy Thompson to go over his job description for KLA coordinator/administrator. Sent draft to Dean.

John has looked into purchasing a web cam so that he might Skype with the HS coaches the week before KLA meetings so that he can bring any questions or concerns from coaches to the KLA meetings each month.

John also looked into KHSAA’s rules for eligibility under Title 9. He wondered if there had to be 27 boys’ lacrosse teams and 27 girls’ lacrosse teams in order for KHSAA to sanction lacrosse as a sport. Title 9 states that there has to be an equal number of girls and boys teams, not necessarily of the same sport.

Middle School Boys: Ryan is offering an “Open Gym” time at Buckner on Tuesdays from 4:30 to 5:40 for MS boys interested in learning how to play lacrosse. The cost is $5/child.

Ryan has met with several ADs and coaches. There seem to be several schools with no coaches or schools with ADs with no interest in starting lacrosse.

He is expecting a large number of beginning players this year. He would like to offer a mandatory clinic for all new players. Ryan is also concerned that there are many new coaches this year. Brandon made a motion “to amend the Boys LOP that MS head coaches must attend a mandatory ‘rules interpretation’ meeting. Teams shall be ineligible for play until a coach has attended.” Dean seconded the motion; the motion passed unanimously.

There is an issue with Oldham Co. not allowing 5th graders to play with the Middle School Lacrosse team. This makes it difficult for Oldham Co. to field a 6th grade team. Dean made a motion “in order to give an opportunity for MS boys’ lacrosse to fill its rosters, MS boys’ teams can include 6th, 7th, and 8th grade players.” Ryan seconded the motion; the motion passed with 10 in favor and 3 opposed.

Ryan will hold a coaches clinic at the end of January and a coaches meeting on January 7. He hopes to have a schedule set up by January 15 with the first games being played by the 1st week of March. There will be individual sign ups with coaches submittingteam rosters on an Excel program. Exemption forms must be filed for any player who does not want to play for his school team because he has been playing for another team in the past. Registration will be open on December 14. Ryan asked if KLA should be responsible for naming the MS boys’ teams. It was decided that KLA will only name the KLA club teams.

High School Girls: No report.

Middle School Girls: Edie held a coaches meeting with good attendance. The coaches did not want to honor the “No Deputy Rule,” unfortunately, they have to as USL rules supersede their decision. The issue seems to be that the goalies are unable to clear the ball. Steve suggested that the only way for the goalie to learn to clear is to be forced to do so under the ruling. The MS girls’ schedule has not been set because there are still questions about the number of teams. A MS girls’ KLA team has not been created because there is no coach or field yet.

Website: Jacob is adding the “Coaches Corner” for Ryan and asked that KLA members send him any announcements, information, or ideas for items members would like placed on the website. Jacob has compiled a list of ad rates for the website and will send that out. He will create a camps tab for the website and possibly one for promotions. Ann suggested that those tabs only be a few sentences long with links for more information. Jacob will look into creating accounts for KLA on Facebook and Twitter.

State Championship: Tim reported that the RFPs will read“Girls Division II Championship and Girls Division I State Championship.” Admission will be changed to $5/student (High School and younger) and $7/adults. There will be two MS boys’ tournament games (D I and D II). The D III High School boys’ end of the season tournament will possibly be held in Lexington.

In the RFP, Tim is asking for a location for a donation station where people can donate their slightly used equipment for startup programs. He is also asking for a spot where vendors and travel teams could set up tents. The RFP also asks if the locality can accommodate weather issues. It was suggested that he also ask if the sight would allow banner sales for advertising.

League Operating Procedures: The gender issue was brought up. USL is noncommittal on whether or not a girl can play on a boys’ team. JCPS states that if the school does not have a girls’ team upon which the female can play, she can play on the boy’s team. Ann also contacted Bollinger Insurance who referred back to USL rules. It is a JCPS rule that boys may not play on a girls’ team.

Byron made a motion “to amend the Boys LOP that girls shall not be allowed to play on a boys’ Lacrosse team.” Ann seconded the motion. Discussion ensued. The issue arose that there are schools in other parts of Kentucky (i.e.: Lexington, Tates Creek) where there are no girls teams and the girls have no choice but to play with boys. The question was raised, besides being a safety issue, why would KLA be against allowing girls to play on a boys’ team. Steve mentioned that the purpose of KLA is to encourage the growth of the sport. We would like to encourage both boys and girls lacrosse to grow and the ability to do that is hindered if girls are choosing to play on a boys’ team. A vote was held. The motion failed with three in favor, seven against, and four abstaining.

Brandon made a motion “to amend the girls’ LOP that if a school offers a girls’ lacrosse team, a girl shall play for that team. If there is no girls’ team at the school she can try out for a girls’ club team or try out for the boys’ team at her school, with written parental consent.” Wayne seconded the motion; the motion passed with nine voting in favor, three opposed, and two abstaining.

Special Events/Education:Dean reported that the coaches’ clinic was a success. There were 91 participants this year, topping the 67 participants at the clinic held in 2010. Six states were represented, but 53 of participants were KLA based. Dean thanked Ann, Chris, Wayne, John, Edie, and Crystal for volunteering during the event and thanked everyone who helped promote the clinic. Dean would like to get the coaches to continue their education. Unfortunately the Tuesday night coaches’ clinic that Steve designed has not received adequate registrations.

Old Business: Brandon will purchase a one month subscription to Skype for KLA to try during the January Board meeting. It was discussed that Skype should be used for people who are outside of Louisville who would like to address the Board, but cannot attend the meeting due to distance. KLA will have its next meeting at Kosair Children’s Hospital off Brownsboro Rd in order to accommodate Skyping. LYLA members will be asked to join in via Skype, if they would like.

New Business: Ann suggested that Sticks for Starters be taken on by someone on the board (possibly Brandon or Kennedy) in order to promote it before KLA collects at the Championship games in the spring.

Greg announced that Chris Niblock has been given a District Rating for Girls’ Umpires!

Greg also stated that two clinics had been held for new girls’ umpires and the new projector was used with great success.

The next monthly Board Meetingwill be January 10. Future dates are February 7*, March 13, April 3* and May 8 (*changed from 2nd Tuesday due to conflicts).