Business Name: / Business Phone:Contact Person: / Other Phone:
Address: / Fax:
City, State, Zip: / Email:
California Resale License (if applicable)
Truck/trailer size:
Total length when open/extended: ______ft. Total depth when open/extended ______ft.
SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT: The required form is available on the website or through Vendor Services. You are required to meet the San Joaquin County Health Department codes for cooking, serving, screening, warming and sanitation. Failure to do so can result in closure of your booth.
CALIFORNIA STATE FIRE MARSHALL CODES: You are required to meet the state standards as it applies to your rig, your fire extinguisher, etc. Failure to comply may result in closure of your booth. We strongly advise you to refer to the Fire Marshall Regulations for Car Show Vendors & Outdoor Cooking Booths, which are included with this packet.
FOOD SALES:All items must have management approval. Changes and/or additions may not be made to your menu once it is approved. Iced tea, lemonade, soda or water may be sold as a beverage with applicable beverage fee. No other beverages are allowed.
List items you will sell:
1. / 5.2. / 6.
3. / 7.
4. / 8.
You must reserve a space large enough to fully accommodate your trailer/truck, display or information table.
Display space - (15’ x 15’)$150$______
Display space – Non-profit (15’ x 15’)$ 50$______
Information table$ 75$______
Information table – Non-profit$ 25$______
PAYMENT: Fees need to be paid in full with this application. A confirmation will be sent to you upon receipt of payment. Your check will be returned if you are not approved. Please check one of the following:
A check is enclosed
I will contact you with my credit card information (application will not beprocessed without the
credit cardpayment)
Checks are payable to Friends Outside: A $35 charge will be applied for checks and/or credit cards returned as unpaid.
"This is a family fun event!We encourage everyone who has display or information space to include a give-a-way or kids activity, such as face painting, balloons, stickers, bracelets, coloring and activity pages, or other child-appropriate item or activity."
SIGNATURE: I have read , understand and agree to all of the regulations provided herein this three (3) page agreement.
Signature ______Date ______
Required 30 days prior to show: Food vendor shall obtain and keep in force until completion of the car show, including set up and tear down, a commercial general liability insurance contract with liability limits equal to or greater than $1,000,000 each occurrence. The vendor shall provide a certificate of insurance to Friends Outside evidencing such coverage no later than August 1, 2012.
City of Stockton, Risk Services Division, 425 N. El Dorado Street, Stockton, CA95202.
- An ENDORSEMENT FORM naming: the City of Stockton, Friends Outside, its officers, agents and employees as additionally insured must accompany the Certificate of Insurance.
- A FOOD VENDOR HEALTH PERMIT Your booth must be in compliance with the requirements set forth by San Joaquin County Board of Health including sanitation, cleanliness, temperature and screening requirements.
- PERMITS: Food vendor is responsible for obtaining necessary permits and licenses to operate and/or sell at this event. All permits, licenses and forms must be on display at the vendor’s booth space
- LIABILITY: Vendor shall be solely responsible for any and all injuries to persons or damages of property or any other injury, claim, damage or loss of whatever nature, arising directly or indirectly from activities at the Car/Motorcycle Show. Vendor shall indemnify, save, and hold harmless Friends Outside, its sponsors, the City of Stockton, their employees, agents and volunteers from and against all liability, loss, damages, claims, costs and expenses (including attorney fees) arising out of injury to person or damages to property or any other injury, claim, damage, loss, cost or expense arising from activities at the Car/Motorcycle Show. Friends Outside, the City of Stockton and Sponsors are not liable for lost, damaged or stolen vendor property.
- REFUNDS AND CANCELLATIONS: There will be no refunds for rain or other act, either man-made or natural. There will be no refund if the space reservation is cancelled after August 1, 2012. A $175 transaction fee may be withheld regardless of the cancellation date.
- YOUR SECURITY DEPOSIT: Security Deposits are held until after the event to ensure your space, rental and city property is left in good condition. Deposits may be withheld at management’s discretion for, but not limited to; failure to show, late arrival, early leaving, unauthorized sales, unattended booth, damaged ground space or adding additional space. Your deposit check will be made out to your business unless otherwise directed to Friends Outside; 209 955-0701.
- FULL VENDOR INFORMATION: Approved Vendors will receive their Final Vendor Packets with all passes, booth location and information approximately 30 days prior to the Car/Motorcycle Show.
- COMPLETED APPLICATIONS: Vendors are not fully approved until all permits, payments and necessary documents are received by the Car/Motorcycle Show, Vendors may not set up until all the criteria are met.
- VENDORS AND ACCEPTANCE: A limited number of vendors in any one category will be accepted into the Car/Motorcycle Show. Decisions are based on, but not limited to, history, appeal of booth, availability for placement, payment and paperwork received.
- ENFORCEMENT: Decisions made by Friends Outside and the City of Stockton are final.