
A school’s facilities are important in so far as they either enhance or limit the school’s ability to meet student needs and to address the philosophy/mission of the institution effectively. It is expected that the facilities conform to all applicable local, state, and national codes and statutes. While the aesthetics of the facilities likely influence the culture of a school, the beauty of the facilities is of less concern than the health, safety, versatility, and compatibility of the facilities to the purposes of the school.

Key Definitions

  • Facilities—The school’s physical plant, buildings, grounds, athletic activities areas, equipment, and furnishings, including the dormitory residences and parking lots.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some of our buildings are rented and were not designed for school use. Do we still need to include them in the self-study? Will this adversely affect our accreditation?

Any and all buildings used by the school to deliver the educational program, student services, and/or student activities should be included in the self-study. This includes rented facilities or facilities being used on a temporary basis. These facilities must be included because they remain an important factor in the functioning of programs and services.

It is recognized that some schools operate in buildings and on sites that were not designed as purpose-built schools. In such cases, the skill with which adaptations have been made will be noted. In all cases, however, the basic concern is that the quality of the facilities promotes, rather than impedes, the attainment of the school’s philosophy/mission and goals.

We contract our cleaning services to an outside agency. Should we include an evaluation of these services as a part of the self-study even though the cleaning personnel are not a part of the school staff?

Yes. Because the cleanliness of the building is an important aspect of the school’s environment, an evaluation of the effectiveness of the cleaning services provided by the outside agency is important.


Process Used to Complete this Section of the Self-Study: Describe how the school completed the self-assessment of the Facilities Standard.

This assessment was completed via the following method(s) (describe all that apply):

a)A subcommittee comprised of the following individuals:

Committee Member’s Name / Role in the School’s Community (e.g. teacher, parent, student, etc.)
Keith Lex / Teacher
Jason Stec / Teacher
Tom Maderia / Teacher
Nicolette Pagan / Teacher
Carol Karnas / Teacher
Diane Endebrock / Teacher
Annie Wood / Teacher
Sorina Haddock / Teacher
Jason Williams / Teacher
Meredith Hudson / Teacher
Ricky Erico / Teacher
Holly Priestly / Teacher
Jaime Cream / Teacher
Ben Siboczy / Teacher

**NOTE: Committee size and composition may vary depending upon the school’s size, the topic to be addressed, etc. If needed, add lines to the above chart.

b)A survey.

Name of Survey: EBD Standards: Facilities
Total Number of Surveys Completed / 97
The results represent surveys completed by:
  • Students
/ 12
  • Faculty and Staff
/ 50
  • Administrators

  • Board Members

  • Business/Community Representative

  • Other (Parents)
/ 35

c)Other methods used to determine this assessment:

Self-Assessment of the Indicators of Quality


The school must meet this Standard for Accreditation to be granted “Accreditation” by the Middle States Association. The Indicators of Quality for the Standard identify the types of evidence that, when taken together, indicate whether the school meets the Standard. The school may indicate other types of evidence particular to the school in the “Other” section provided below. Rate the degree to which the school meets each Indicator by using the following scale:

Evidence This Indicator Describes Our School
1. There is no evidence the Indicator describes our school
2. There is limited evidence the Indicator describes our school
3. There is sufficient evidence the Indicator describes our school
4. There is exceptional evidence the Indicator describes our school
DK Do not know if this Indicator describes our school

After rating each Indicator, describe the evidence or lack of evidence that can be observed in the school that supports the rating. Describe as much evidence as is appropriate to support the rating. If the evidence is in the form of documents and/or artifacts, be sure to include them in the listing of the Evidence to Support the Self-Assessment at the end of this section.

Middle States Association Accreditation Standard 5:

The Standard:School facilities are safe, clean, and well maintained. The physical environment supports delivery of the educational program/services as well as optimal student development and achievement. Facilities are appropriate and adequate to implement the philosophy/mission of the school. They are regularly inspected for effective operation and meet all applicable laws including health and safety code requirements.

MSA Indicator

/ Evidence of Adherence
5.1 The school’s facilities and equipment are appropriate for achieving its philosophy/mission and are healthy, safe, and well maintained. / 2
1 2 3 4 DK
Describe the evidence or lack of evidence that supports the rating for this Indicator:
Not enough room in equipment closets for each sport. Equipment continues to go missing due to lack of room. No locker room areas for certain sports, with many problems occurring b/c of this. Nothing is maintained both in and out, including fields and field equipment.
Athletic fields and equipment are inadequate and sometimes unsafe. Football field has not been worked on in years as far as reseeding and proper care. If a student hits one of those spots he could severely injure himself. There is not enough space for Physical Education, therefore they use the varsity fields which contributes to the wear and tear of the fields. Wt. Room lacks adequate space leading to an overcrowded unsafe environment. The wt. Room and equipment should be maintained and cleaned on a regular basis due to mrcsa. Insufficient amount of lights in the weight room create an unhealthy learning environment. School lacks varsity football locker room for student athletes. Because their isn’t enough lockers for each student, students use tables to put their stuff on, which leads to theft.
Coaches room back gym never cleaned, no toilet paper. or towels no trashcan, Weight room - broken equipment, dirty not enough space, bathrooms - bugs, mold, seats nasty, fields- not well maintained, dog feces, long grass by trash cans and bleachers, broken/nonfunctioning water fountains, teams do not have their own locker rooms.
The school is infested with insects and rodents.
The faculty bathrooms have an extremely foul odor, there is filmy residue on the doors, soap is frequently empty as are paper towels. Mold spots are noticeable on the ceilings.

MSA Indicator

/ Evidence of Adherence
5.2 The school plans for, funds, and schedules regular preventative measures, repairs, and maintenance of its facilities and equipment. / 2
1 2 3 4 DK
Describe the evidence or lack of evidence that supports the rating for this Indicator:
Fields are unsafe for athletes because they are not properly maintained by the maintenance department and insufficient funding. The baseball team currently pays for field repairs out of it’s own budget ( money raised by students, not money used by the district) Many field repairs are completed by coaches, taking away from practice time, and our own time.
Floors in classrooms and student bathrooms generally are dusty and dirty, toilets in female faculty and student restrooms are very dirty with bodily excretions on supposedly cleaned areas. Trash is often not emptied, floors are not swept.
The refrigerator in the faculty room didn’t work properly and now is gone. Water fountains work sporadically. Teacher’s desks and cabinets are old and need to be replaced. Drawers often fall out and doors do not shut properly.
Constant leaks in the back gym which limit the amount of teaching space available. Divider wall in main gym in need of repair.

MSA Indicator

/ Evidence of Adherence
5.3 The facilities offer a variety of spaces for providing quality programs and services for all segments of the school’s population and include appropriate accommodation for:
  1. instruction
  2. administration
  3. conferences
  4. student activities
  5. student services
  6. storage of school property
  7. storage for student belongings
/ 2
1 2 3 4 DK
Describe the evidence or lack of evidence that supports the rating for this Indicator:
Class sizes are too large. Insufficient conference areas,, many meetings are being pushed in strange areas b/c of the lack of rooms available for these purposes.
It’s very difficult to accommodate space for all sports/activities, especially during the early spring when indoor facilities are needed for so many. No locker-room areas for certain sports. Same for outdoor sports…many areas are being ruined b/c they are being used many so many sports and for Phys. Ed classes.(example: JV baseball field is used as the practice football field)
Not enough storage for equipment and the PE Department. As a result, much equipment goes missing or is damaged. There is just a room with minimal lockers therefore a foyer area is used to store things and that is unsafe.
There is not enough storage for freshmen science.
Meeting space in Hopkins building is very limited – only one small room with one table – 6 people can crowd into room.
Many teachers have to share rooms, desks, and storage space – and they are not able to be in their classroom for prep.

MSA Indicator

/ Evidence of Adherence
5.4 Sufficient systems are in place to monitor and adjust air quality to appropriate levels. / 2
1 2 3 4 DK
Describe the evidence or lack of evidence that supports the rating for this Indicator:
Not in the make-shift locker-rooms, and the heat in the classrooms that are not air-conditioned. It gets up to the mid 90’s in the classrooms at times.
The weight room has insufficient ventilation. During the summer, the room gets so hot that the weights and bars actually get wet with condensation. Eventually they dry leaving rust on the weights and bars. The football team room area is not ventilated at all.
Heating/cooling systems do not function properly. Room and building ventilation is inconsistent C-Wing classrooms reach 100 degrees during May, June and September months. Fans are not permitted therefore air conditioners should be installed.
Locker room and bathroom facilities do not have sufficient ventilation.
Ventilation systems in the gym and locker room need to be cleaned on a regular basis which will help improve the air quality

MSA Indicator

/ Evidence of Adherence
5.5 Lighting is adequate and appropriate in student and staff areas / 3
1 2 3 4 DK
Describe the evidence or lack of evidence that supports the rating for this Indicator:
Weight room lighting is poor.

MSA Indicator

/ Evidence of Adherence
5.6 Sufficient space is available for ingress, egress, and traffic flow within the facilities. / 2
1 2 3 4 DK
Describe the evidence or lack of evidence that supports the rating for this Indicator:
Traffic flow during class changing is slow at best.
Hallways are not designed for the amount of traffic in the building.
BOE office entrance and student pick up at the end of the day at Hopkins building is dangerous. The only way to get to the BOE offices or Hopkins pick up zone is through the fire lane and that is supposed to be closed from 1:50 – 2:05 for bus traffic.
Other: / 1 2 3 4 DK
Describe the evidence or lack of evidence that supports the rating for this Indicator:

Self-Assessment of Other Issues Related to This Standard


The following requirements ask the school to provide a self-assessment of expectations for quality included in this Standard for Accreditation.

  1. PHYSICAL FACILITIES. In the chart below, list and describe the school’s physical facilities, including buildings and grounds.

Facility / Location / Year of
Construction / Recent Renovations
High School / 1964
D-Wing/Gym area / 2001
PAC / 2001
Hopkins Building / 1970 / 2008 (BOE Offices)
(A- wing) / 2007
  1. MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING STAFF:In the chart below, indicate staffing for the maintenance and cleaning of the facilities. Rate the adequacy of the types and numbers of the staff.

Type of Facilities Personnel / Number / Adequacy of Type and Number
Maintenance (BT BOE) / 5 / Satisfactory
Needs Improvement
Cleaning (Aramark) / 1 Day 5 Night (main)
1 Day 2 Night (Hopkins) / Satisfactory
Needs Improvement
Grounds (Aramark) / 5 / Satisfactory
Needs Improvement
Other: / Satisfactory
Needs Improvement
Other: / Satisfactory
Needs Improvement

2.a. Provide a description of proposed improvements and/or corrective actions that need to be taken if a rating of “Needs Improvement” or “Unsatisfactory” is assigned. Include a description of actions that have been initiated or are formally planned.

Need to hire in-house, rather that outsourcing.

  1. Evaluate the adequacy of the following physical facilities to achieve the school’s mission:

Facility / Satisfactory / Needs
Improvement / Unsatisfactory / Not
School Building(s)
Provisions for the Disabled
Variety of Instructional Spaces
Counseling/Guidance Space(s)
Health Services Space(s)
Library/Learning Media Center
Administrative and Support Spaces
Offices and Planning Spaces for the Faculty
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning
Electrical, Water, and Sanitation Systems
Energy Conservation System
Security System
Storage Spaces
Parking Spaces
Athletic Fields
Indoor Athletic Space(s)
Cafeteria/Dining Space(s)

3.a. Provide a description of proposed improvements and/or corrective actions that need to be taken if a rating of “Needs Improvement” or “Unsatisfactory” is assigned. Include a description of actions that have been initiated or are formally planned.

Cleaning: The district should not outsource cleaning staff and should hire in-house cleaning staff. Security; We need cameras in the building and provide adequate storage space so that things can be locked up safely.

Storage: Create more storage space for PE and Health Dept.

Maintenance: Fields need to be reseeded and fertilized every year

Media Center – in Hopkins – no materials are available at this time, provide funds to support a media center facility

  1. Evaluate the condition, health, and safety of the following physical facilities:

Facility / Satisfactory / Needs
Improvement / Unsatisfactory / Not
School Building(s)
Provisions for the Disabled
Variety of Instructional Spaces
Counseling/Guidance Space(s)
Health Services Space(s)
Library/Learning Media Center
Administrative and Support Spaces
Offices and Planning Spaces for the Faculty
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning
Electrical, Water, and Sanitation Systems
Energy Conservation System
Security System
Storage Spaces
Parking Spaces
Athletic Fields
Indoor Athletic Space(s)
Cafeteria/Dining Space(s)

4.a. Provide a description of corrective actions that need be taken if a rating of “Needs Improvement” or Unsatisfactory” is assigned.

Weight room does not provide adequate amount of space for student volume.

  1. Evaluate the maintenance and/or cleaning of the following physical facilities:

Facility / Satisfactory / Needs
Improvement / Unsatisfactory / Not
School Building(s)
Provisions for the Disabled
Variety of Instructional Spaces
Counseling/Guidance Space(s)
Health Services Space(s)
Library/Learning Media Center
Administrative and Support Spaces
Offices and Planning Spaces for the Faculty
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning
Electrical, Water, and Sanitation Systems
Energy Conservation System
Security System
Storage Spaces
Parking Spaces
Athletic Fields
Indoor Athletic Space(s)
Cafeteria/Dining Space(s)

5.a. Provide a description of proposed improvements and/or corrective actions that need to be taken if a rating of “Needs Improvement” or “Unsatisfactory” is assigned. Include a description of actions that have been initiated or are formally planned.

Again, in district people. Cleaning is poor by janitorial services.

Cleanliness – rooms and facilities in the High School building are NOT regularly maintained. Hopkins building is WELL maintained. Contract through BOE instead of hiring outside service.

  1. Describe any improvements related to the Facilities made within the past five years.
  1. List the significant strengths of the school in the area of Facilities.
  2. Weaknesses:

Performing Arts Center – though not large enough to offer an assembly to entire school body, still a pleasing environment for a theater production.

Gap Analysis/Root Causes
Foundational Issues
Are there facilities standard indicators not met or in need of improvement that inhibit the attainment of the organizational capacity objective? / YES NO
Data to support your conclusion:
Hypothesis derived from your conclusion:

Self-Assessment of the Standard for Accreditation