Food and Wine Festival – Risk Analysis

Date(s) of event: / Name of event:
Food and Wine Festival / Event organiser:
Assessment completed by: / Contact no.
Contact no.
What is the event purpose? / Location where event is being conducted:
Event conditions
Estimated attendance:
3,000 people
/ Infrastructure and resources:
Sound equipment
Fencing and barricades
Food and drink Stalls
Bins / Environment:
Inner city park with access lane on one side and road on the other. / Contactors:
Portable toilets
City Council
Phases of the event:
Bump in — commencement date and time:
Event phase — commencement date and time:
Bump out — commencement date and time:

Risk register and analysis

Event step / Risk/hazard
What can happen and what will be the result / Risk priority rating / Control measures
List all current controls that are already in place or that will be used to undertake the task based on hierarchy of control / Planning activities/tools required
List documents and actions to be taken based on risk /
Likelihood/ consequence / Rating /
Prior / Noise affecting local residents
Council are likely to place restrictions on time and decibel output of event. / C/2 / Medium / Event organiser to:
·  identify compliance with state environmental policy (noise in residential areas) and specific municipal requirements
·  set bump in, event and bump out times to accommodate local residents
·  monitor sound output at all times.
All event / Loss of communication / C/2 / Medium / Event organiser to:
·  provide key personnel and contractors, including security and first aid providers, with two-way radios
·  allocate staff to be ‘runners’ if communication breaks down.
All event / Weather conditions – extreme heat, high wind, lightening.
Legal action
Financial risk
Cessation of event / C/2 / Medium / Event organiser to:
·  monitor Australian Bureau of Meteorology information to ascertain weather conditions
·  plan for and monitor weather conditions (eg partitions, displays and signage well secured for windy conditions, non slip mats for wet conditions, and shade, sunscreen and water provisions for heat)
·  monitor wind speeds and ensure amusement structure operation is ceased in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications (inflatable structures must cease operation when wind speed reaches 40 km per hour).
All event / Provision of electrical power and risk of electrocution
Legal action
Financial risk / D/1 / High / Event organiser to:
·  site and record all contractor compliance documents
Contractors to:
·  have all portable electrical equipment including leads are tested, tagged and in date (in accordance with ASINZS 3000:2000 Electrical Installations)
·  provide evidence of electrical safety to be provided upon request from an authorised person (e.g. tagging or documentation)
·  elevate and secure power leads as necessary
·  cover power outlets subject to bad weather
·  provide evidence of Public Liability Insurance appropriate with the risk of the event/work
Bump in to site / Access to site
Traffic congestion
Illegal parking
Prosecution by Council / C/3 / Medium / Event organiser to:
·  gain council permission for temporary road closure adjacent to site, temporary ‘loading zone’ parking, and display of signage
·  erect barricades, signage and traffic control prior and during bump in
·  use security personnel to control site traffic and ensure that such traffic does not damage the site or place the general public at any risk
·  provide staff with high visibility vests and related training.
Bump in and Bump out / Injury due to manual handling
Legal action
Financial risk
OHS non-compliance / C/2 / Medium / Event organiser to:
·  design a schedule to ensure that the build proceeds in a logical and safe manner
·  have a fully qualified First Aider on site during the key bump-in and bump-out periods
Contractors to:
·  follow event build schedule
·  have loads delivered as close as possible by vehicles
·  provide training in manual handling (eg light small loads, team lifts, etc)
·  provide a Job Safety Assessment
·  provide lifting equipment where necessary
Stage & food stall set up / Assembly of stage and food stalls
Legal action
Financial risk
Cessation of event / C/1 / High / Event organiser to:
·  provide staff with high visibility vests and related training
Contractor to:
·  have all rigging carried out by licensed and suitably experienced personnel
·  ensure plant equipment used in connection with the construction of the stage is operated only by licensed and suitably experienced personnel
·  install handrails where appropriate and mark all edges above falls with white tape
·  Install crowd control barriers restrict access onto the stage during the event
·  provide worthiness certificate to ensure engineering and design standards are met
·  provide Job Safety Assessment
·  provide evidence of Public Liability Insurance appropriate with the risk of the event/work.
During event / Injury to attendee and/or workers
Legal action
Financial risk
Non-compliance of council approval conditions / C/1 / High / Event organiser to:
·  design the event site to facilitate all aspects of event
·  separate any hazards from event participants
·  erect barricades to prevent pedestrian thoroughfare where necessary
·  restrict vehicle access during event
·  having fully qualified first aiders on site during the event
·  develop an evacuation plan to clear the site of public in an emergency situation.
Contractors to:
·  place all cables or piping to reduce the risk of trip hazards (eg in-line with infrastructure or kerbing or by covering or flying).
During event / Health risk of litter and rubbish
Legal action
Financial risk
Non-compliance of council approval conditions / C/2 / Medium / Event organiser to:
·  use an experienced litter collection contractor both throughout and after the event to ensure that the site is returned to its original condition
·  plan to reduce the amount of refuse sent to landfill
·  manage contractors working on the site to minimise damage to the grassed areas.
Contractor to:
·  provide a suitable quantity of bins and skips to accommodate any waste
·  provide staff with high visibility vests, safety gloves and related training.
During event / Access to toilets and clean water plus health risk from waste
Bad press
Non-compliance of council approval conditions / C/2 / Medium / Event organiser to:
·  plan for positioning of toilet/s facilities
·  source clean fresh water for staff and attendees
·  use an experienced toilet contractor.
Contractor to:
·  source adequate provision of toilets, and toilet supplies (eg paper, soap, hand washing facilities)
·  check and clean toilets regularly
·  provide staff with high visibility vests, safety gloves and related training
·  dispose of all sewerage in an appropriate manner away from the site.
During event / Fire
Legal action
Financial risk
Non-compliance of council approval conditions / C/1 / High / Event organiser to:
·  provide adequate fire fighting equipment around the site and near specific hazards (eg cooking equipment)
·  only permitting diesel generators and other similar equipment at the event
·  ensure all event caterers have restrained gas bottles and tested fire extinguishers inside their food stalls
·  train all key personnel in the use of fire extinguishers.

Address regulatory requirements – Solo Activity 4 11

© Commonwealth of Australia | Licensed under AEShareNet S Licence

Risk assessment process tools – Risk priority rating


Level / Descriptor / Examples of description
A / Almost certain / The event is expected to occur in most circumstances. Common or repetitive occurrence. Constant exposure to hazard. Very high probability of damage.
B / Likely / The event will probably occur in most circumstances. Known history of occurrence. Frequent exposure to hazard. High probability of damage.
C / Possible / The event could occur at some time. History of single occurrence. Regular or occasional exposure to hazard. Moderate probability of damage.
D / Unlikely / The event is not likely to occur. Infrequent exposure to hazard. Low probability of damage.
E / Rare / The event may occur only in exceptional circumstances. No reported occurrence. Rare exposure to hazard. Very low probability of damage. Requires multiple system failures.


Level / Descriptor / Examples of description
1 / Severe / Death of one or more people. Major environmental impact. Financial loss greater than $250,000.
2 / Major / Extensive or multiple injuries. Hospitalisation required. Permanent severe health effects. Minimal environmental impact. Financial loss up to $250,000.
3 / Medium / Medical treatment required. Nil environmental impact. Financial loss $100,000.
4 / Minor / First aid required. Nil environmental impact. Financial loss up to $50,000.
5 / Negligible / No injuries. Minor delays. Little financial loss.

Financial loss includes direct costs (eg workers compensation and property damage) and indirect costs (eg accident investigation time).

Risk assessment process tools – Risk rating matrix

/ Consequences /
Likelihood / Severe
(1) / Major
(2) / Medium
(3) / Minor
(4) / Negligible (5)
Almost certain (A) / E / H / H / M / M
Likely (B) / H / H / M / M / L
Possible (C) / H / M / M / L / L
Unlikely (D) / M / M / L / L / T
Rare (E) / M / L / L / T / T

Key to the risk rating

E = Extreme risk

Immediate action required, this level of risk needs detailed research and planning by senior management. Steps must be taken to firstly eliminate the risk and if this is not possible to introduce measures to control the risk by reducing the level of risk to the lowest level achievable.

H = High risk

Action plan required as soon as practicable by senior management. Special permission may be given for staff to undertake some high risk activities provided that system of work is clearly documented, specific training has been given in the required procedure and an adequate review of the task and risk controls has been undertaken. A detailed Standard Operating Procedure is required and its implementation must be monitored to check the risk level.

M = Moderate risk

Action plan required by area/department manager. A Standard Operating Procedure or Safe Work Method statement is required.

L = Low risk

Managed by routine procedures and employees under supervision.

T = Trivial risk

Unlikely to need specific application of resources.

Address regulatory requirements – Solo Activity 4 11

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