Peter Escapes from Prison

Characters: Narrator, Peter, 2 soldiers tied to Peter, Angel, Rhoda, Christian 1, 2 and 3. Any extra children are in the Christians group.

Narrator: It was a terrible time for the Christians. The Apostle James had been arrested and killed and now Peter had been arrested! What would happen? Would he be killed as well?

It is the night before Peter’s trial, and to make sure he doesn’t escape he is chained to two soldiers. Two more soldiers stand guard outside the locked cell door. Peter and the guards are asleep. Suddenly an angel appears.

Angel: (shaking Peter): Quick, wake up!

Peter: What’s happening? Why have my chains fallen off?

Angel: Quick!! Put on your clothes and your sandals.

Peter: Why? I can’t escape from here.

Angel: Wrap your cloak around you. Now follow me.

Narrator: The angel led Peter out of the prison. They passed the first guards and no one stopped them. They passed the second guards and still no one stopped them.

Peter (to the Angel): I must be dreaming. This can’t be happening.

Angel: Yes it is.

Peter: But there is a big iron gate. We can’t get through it.

Angel: Yes we can. Come on.

Narrator: They walked up to the gate, and it just opened by itself. Suddenly the Angel disappeared.

Peter: That really must have been an angel from God. I am not dreaming at all. Where should I go? I know I will go to the house of Mark’s mother. There will be Christians there who will help me.

Narrator: So Peter went to Mark’s house and knocked on the door. A servant girl answered.

Rhoda: Who is there?

Peter: It’s me, Peter. Let me in.

Rhoda: It really is you! (She runs away to the group of Christians without opening the door.)

Rhoda to the Christians: Peter is at the door!

Christian 1: You’re crazy! He’s in prison.

Rhoda: No I’m not. He is really there.

Christian 2: It must be his angel. They must have killed him.

Rhoda: No its not. It really is him.

Christian 3: Let’s go and see.

All the Christians go to the door.

All the Christians: Amazing!! This really is a miracle!!