EXTRA English 29

Fragen zum Inhalt

This episode is divided into three parts – separated by short e-mail sequences. The

following exercises refer to these different parts of the episode:

A. Watch Part one and complete these sentences.

1. At the beginning of the programme, Nick is reading a book about

a) being a soldier.

b) camping.

c) war.

2. When Nick tells Bridget he wants to join the SAS, she is

a) impressed.

b) nervous.

c) amused.

3. Hector and Eunice are presenting a programme from

a) the Channel 9 studio.

b) an exhibition hall.

c) a campsite.

4. Bridget thinks that Hector is good-looking and Nick

a) agrees.

b) disagrees.

c) thinks the same about Eunice.

5. Annie knows that Hector is arriving home late because he

a) drops his shoes.

b) opens the door.

c) smells of perfume.

B. Now watch Part two and find the correct replies to these questions.

1. Hector: What do you think of Eunice?

Nick: a) She's an English rose.

b) She isn't an English rose.

c) She isn't a flower.

2. Hector: What is that plant that grows all over walls in England?

Nick: a) honeysuckle

b) wallflower

c) ivy

3. Bridget: What was the Brownie law?
A Brownie guide thinks of others before herself

Annie:a) … and turns around every day.

b) … and gets a turn every day.

c) … and does a good turn every day.

4. Hector: But what are all those badges for?

Bridget: a) This one is for first aid.

b) This one is for helping people who are hurt.

c) This one is to help people who can't breathe.

5. Hector: What is a survival test?

Nick: a) We had to live off the land.

b) You’ll see. Just be prepared.

c) What? No tins of baked beans?

C. Watch Part three and complete the conversation between Hector and Nick.

Nick: What’s going on?

Hector: I’ve got ______it______.

a) it

b) she

c) me

Nick: Got ______what______?

a) that

b) what

c) who

Hector: The tent!

Nick: Oh, that's nice.

Hector: Come on. Let's _____put it up ______.

a) put it up

b) put up it

c) put up with it

Nick: What?

Hector: The tent!

Nick: Hector! Have you seen ______the time______?

a) the clock

b) the hour

c) the time

Hector: No.

Nick: It’s three o'clock ______in the morning______!

a) in the morning

b) in the afternoon

c) in the evening

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