Maryland SPDG

Follow-up Survey of Professional Development Participants

Name of Event______Date(s) of Event______

This information will be entered by the evaluators so that follow-up surveys are customized for each major PD event/series. In most cases, the survey will be completed online in Survey Monkey.

The purpose of this evaluation tool is to solicit feedback from participants on the extent to which noted high-quality professional development elementsas well as principles of adult learning wereaddressed in your recent professional development.

In addition, it affords the opportunity for project leaders to provide ongoing feedback and coaching to professional development providers based on summary results. Please note that independent evaluators will provide an overview report to organizers and presenters with no mention of how individual participants responded.

Your Name______Your Organization______

Please respond to the following statements about the professional development you recently received as part of the Maryland SPDG project.

The professional development provider: / Optimal / Reasonable / Inadequate / Not at All
  1. Provided a description of the professional development with learning objectives prior to event.
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Provided readings, activities, and/or questions to think about prior to the event.
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Provided an agenda before or at the beginning of the event.
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Connected content to participants’ context (e.g., community, school, district, state).
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Included the empirical research foundation of the content (e.g., citations, verbal references to research literature, key researchers).
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Engaged the participants in a preview of the content (e.g., material knowledge or practice).
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Built on or related to participants’ previous professional development.
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Aligned content with school/district/state standards or goals.
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Emphasized improving student learning outcomes.
/ O / O / O / O

Version: 6/20/13

The professional development provider: / Optimal / Reasonable / Inadequate / Not at All
  1. Built a shared vocabulary required to implement and sustain the practice.
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Provided examples, demonstrates, or otherwise illustrates the content/practice.
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Illustrated the use or applicability of the material, knowledge or practice for the participant.
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Included opportunities for participants to practice and/or rehearse new skills.
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Included opportunities for participants to express personal perspectives (e.g., experience, thoughts on concept).
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Included opportunities for participants to interact with each other related to professional development content.
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Adhered to agenda and time constraints.
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Included opportunities for participants to reflect on learning.
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Included discussion of specific indicators (related to the knowledge, material, or skills provided by the event) that would indicate a successful transfer to practice.
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Engaged participants in assessment of their acquisition of knowledge and skills.
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Included follow-up activities that require participants to apply their learning in a new setting or context.
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Provided continued feedback through technical assistance and resources.
/ O / O / O / O
  1. Included a follow-up coaching component to improve fidelity of implementation.
/ O / O / O / O

Based on Noonan, P., Langham, A., & Gaumer Erickson, A. (2013). Observation checklist for high-quality professional development in education. Center for Research on Learning, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.