MIS 423 – Network Administration


Spring Quarter 2003



Mr. David Auer / PH 3408 / 650-2904 / OH: MW 10:00-12:00 or by arrangement


MIS 220 or Demonstrated skills in Microsoft Office Professional applications

MIS 320 - Management Information Systems

MIS 323 - Telecommunications

MIS 321 - Business Systems Analysis and Design - RECOMMENDED

At least one programming language course (such as MIS 322) is RECOMMENDED



The following books are your primary textbooks. You are responsible for all assigned readings in these texts.

 Doering, David and Simpson, Ted. A Guide to NetWare 5.0/5.1: Network Administrator Enhanced Edition.Cambridge, Course Technology - ITP, 2001 [ISBN 0-619-03481-5]

 Palmer, Michael J. MCSE Guide to Microsoft Windows 2000 Server.Cambridge, Course Technology - ITP, 2000 [ISBN 0-619-01517-9] [REF MCSE Exam 70-215]

Stohl, Clifford. The Cuckoo's Egg. Pocket Books Paperback, 1990.


You are not required to buy the following texts. I find them very useful and will use them in lecture preparation. You are responsible for the material I present in class as lecture.

 McClure, Stuart, Scambry Joel, and Kurtz, George. Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets and Solutions, Third Edition.New York: Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 2002 [ISBN 0-07-219381-6].

 Kezema, Conan, and Reimer, Stanley. MCSE Guide to Designing Windows 2000 Security.Cambridge, Course Technology - ITP, 2002 [ISBN 0-619-01688-4] [REF MCSE Exam 70-220]

NOTE: The following books are available in two versions:

  • A Microsoft Press MCSE Training Kit edition
  • A Microsoft Press Academic Learning Series edition [distributed by McGraw-Hill\Irwin]

The first ISBN is for the MCSE Training Kit edition [available through bookstores], and the second ISBN is for the Academic Learning Series edition [available as a course textbook].

These books are normally published without the authors listed on the title page, but the authors names can be found with the publisher information just after the inside cover page.

 [Sheldon, Bob and Wilansky, Ethan]. Microsoft Windows 2000 Server. Redmond, Microsoft Press, 2000 [ISBN 1-57231-903-8; ISBN 0-7356-0988-8] [REF MCSE Exam 70-215]

 [Komar, Brian]. Designing Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Security. Redmond, Microsoft Press, 2000 [ISBN 1-7356-1134-3; ISBN 0-7356-1269-2] [REF MCSE Exam 70-220]


You are not required to buy the following texts, although the book by Kate Turabian should be in your collection and used anytime you write a paper. I find them very useful and may use them in lecture preparation. You are responsible for any material I present in class as lecture.

 Singh, Simon. The Code Book: The Evolution of Secrecy from Mary, Queen of Scots to Quantum Cryptography. Doubleday, 1999 [ISBN: 0385495315]

 Nowshadi, Farshad and Buskell, Morman.Managing Windows NT / NetWare Integration [Second Edition]. Harlow, Addison Wesley Longman Limited, 1999 [ISBN 0-201-177846] [OUT OF PRINT]

NOTE: The following text outlines the writing standards for papers written at CBE - not just this class:

 Turabian, Kate, Grossman, John, and Bennett Alice. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses and Dissertations (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing and Publishing (Paperback Sixth Revisded Edition).Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1996 [ISBN 0226816273].



By the end of this course, the student will:

Objective / Learning Outcome / Assessment Method
Be familiar with common network operating systems (NOSs) used by network servers / Exam
Understand directories, directories services, and their uses in a network environment, particularly X.500, LDAP and their deriviatives / Exam
Be able to design and implement a Novell Directory Services (NDS) installation / Exam, Individual and Group Projects
Be able to design and implement a Microsoft Active Directory (AD) installation / Exam, Individual and Group Projects
Be able to work as a basic Network Administrator with NDS / Exam and Group Projects
Be able to work as a basic Network Administrator with AD / Exam and Group Projects
Understand network security issues / Exam

LECTURES: Lecture attendance is expected, and I lecture on material beyond that in the text. You are responsible for all material presented in lecture whether or not it is covered in your textbook. Similarly, you are responsible for all material assigned to be read in your textbooks whether or not it is covered in lecture.

The dates in this outline may be changed as necessary, and I will state such changes in class. Any Announcements made in class are considered to have been disseminated to the whole class

EXAMS AND GRADING: There will be one midterm exam and a final exam. Each will be worth 100 points. In addition, there will be homework / computer projects and a group projects worth 200 points. Thus, there will be a total of 400 points for the determination of grades. Grades will be assigned based on a class curve, not a rigid point cutoff basis. The curve will be calculated, and grades will be assigned as follows:

First, a "top-of-the-curve" point will be calculated which will become equal to 100%. This number will be determined by averaging 400 points and the highest number of points actually attained by a member of the class.

Second, all point totals will be converted to percentages by dividing each person's point total by the "top-of-the-curve" point. Percentages will be calculated to one decimal place, and thus 89.9% is used as 89.9%, not rounded to 90%.

Third, percentage grade divisions will be determined. Although these cannot be determined until the end of the quarter, they will not be higher that a 90.0%-and-up = A, 80.0-89.9% = B, etc, distribution. Plus and minus grades will be assigned, with, for example, 80.0%-82.9%=B-, 83.0%-86.9%=B, 87.0%-89.9%=B+. A+ grades will not be assigned.




The General Catalog of WesternWashingtonUniversity states (page 41) that "If the Final Examinations Schedule causes a student to take three or more examinations in one day, . . . instructors may arrange an examination later during Finals Week." Notice that this possibility ONLY applies to finals week, and that it is NOT required ("may arrange") of an instructor. Because of the large section size in this class and the use of multiple choice exams, I will NOT reschedule finals (or midterms) for individuals. Check the date and time of the final for this class carefully, and plan to be there! The General Catalog also states (page 41) that students not taking the final get "a failing grade for the course."

WORKING TOGETHER - ACADEMIC HONESTY AND DISHONESTY: I encourage you to study with other members of the class, and suggest you form small (3-4 person) study groups. Talking with other class members can help you clarify your understanding of the subject.

However, your work on exams and on any graded assignments must be your own. You may study together for exams and discuss the solutions to the assignments, but anyone caught cheating on an exam or turning in a copy of another person's assignment will be dealt with in accordance with the General Catalog's Appendix D - Academic Dishonesty Policy and Procedure. If you're not familiar with this section, you may want to review it.


You will find it necessary to work homework problems in order to fully understand the material. Suggested problems from the text are listed later in this Course Outline, and solutions to these problems will be discussed in class or made available in the Wilson Library Reserve Room.

READING ASSIGNMENTS: The material will be covered as shown below. Please read the material assigned before the lecture. This will help you to understand the lecture material.

Day of Week / Date / Topic / Stohl / Palmer / Doering & Simpson
Tuesday / 01 APR 2003 / Course Intro: Certification; Networks and NOSs; Network Administration responsibilities and ethics / Read: Chap 1 to Chap 25 by the Midterm Exam / Chap 1, Chap 2, Chap 3 / Chap 1, Chap 2, Chap 3
Thursday / 03 APR 2003 / Directory Services
/ X.400, X.500

/ Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

/ Novell Directory Services

/ Active Directory

Tuesday / 08 APR 2003 / Planning Directory Services – NDS eDirectory / Chap 4

Thursday / 10 APR2003 / Planning Directory Services II / Chap 4
Day of Week / Date / Topic / Stohl / Palmer / Doering & Simpson
Tuesday / 15 APR 2003 / Planning Directory Services III - NDS Directory Design Tools / Chap 4
LAB: DS Standard Introduction & Planning the NDS Tree / FDR Project [Individual]
JQA Case [Individual]
NWCC Project [Team]
Thursday / 17 APR 2003 / Planning Directory Services IV - AD Directory Design Tools
LAB: Visio Introduction & Planning the AD Forest / NWCC Project [Team]
Tuesday / 22 APR 2003 / Planning Directory Services V - Active Directory & DNS / TBA
Thursday / 24 APR 2003 / Planning the Network File System / Chap 5
Tuesday / 29 APR 2003 / Implementing Directory Service 1 - NDS Directory Tree Structure & the Network File Structure / Chap 5 Chaps 6 & App B, 7 & 8 &App C pp 793-803
LAB: Creating the NDS Directory Tree Structure & Network File Structure / NWCC Project [Team]
Thursday / 01MAY 2003 / Managing Novell & AD Users, Groups and Login Security I / Chap 9
Day of Week / Date / Topic / Stohl / Palmer / Doering & Simpson
Tuesday / 06MAY 2003 / MIDTERM EXAM
Thursday / 08MAY 2003 / Implementing Directory Services II - Active Directory & DNS / Read: Chap 26 to Chap 56 by the Final Exam / TBA
Tuesday / 13MAY 2003 / Managing Novell & AD Users, Groups and Login Security II / Chap 9
LAB: Creating Users, Groups and Login Security / NWCC Project [Team] / NWCC Project [Team]
Thursday / 15MAY 2003 / Managing Novell Trustee Rights Assignments and Directory/File Attributes / Chap10, Chap 11
Tuesday / 20MAY 2003 / Managing AD Trustee Rights Assignments and Directory/File Attributes / Chap 9
LAB: Managing Trustee Assignments / NWCC Project [Team] / NWCC Project [Team]
Thursday / 22MAY 2002 / Managing Network Login Scripts & User Environments / Chap 13
Tuesday / 27 MAY 2003 / Managing Network Printing and Applications
/ Chap 11 / Chap 12
LAB: Managing Login Scripts, Network Printing and Applications / NWCC Project [Team] / NWCC Project [Team]
Thursday / 29MAY 2003 / Managing ZENworks I / Append C
Tuesday / 03JUN 2003 / Managing ZENworks II & Managing The Network I / Chap 14, Append C
Thursday / 05JUN 2003 / Managing The Network II / Chap 14, Append C
1:00 – 3:00 PM

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