Minutes of committee meeting on Tuesday January 24th 2017, 6.30pm at 13 Lansdowne Gardens

Present: Helen Holmes, John McCay, Jana Lane, Laura Swaffield, Ben Rymer, Edith Holtham (chairman/minutes)

Apologies; Philip Inglesant

1.Minutes of committee meeting on October 11th 2016

Agreed as a true record.

2. Matters arising

Edith made contact with the Damien Hirst gallery and sent material about Friends, but no response as yet. Edith will try again.

Edith will also make another attempt to get a talk by the Hendersons (famous chefs) approaching Margo Henderson this time.

3. State of finances – John reported the bank balance as of January 24th as £1,487.52 (including the TSL donations account at £612)

4. Progress on setting up a formal structure for Friends of Lambeth Libraries (FOLL)

Laura reported that a constitution has been drawn up and is due to receive formal approval from members(individual libraries friends groups) at ameeting on January 30th.

The meeting gave a vote of thanks to Laura for her indefatigable work as chairman of FOLL,

5. Approval of FOLL constitution and election of representatives

The meeting gave unanimous approval to the constitution that is to be presented at the January 30th meeting, and selected Edith as representative and Ben as alternate.

6. Failure of the application for London Community Foundation funding for basic English classes

Edith reported that our application had been turned down because:

  1. the bulk of the money was due to go to TSL (for rental of space for a much expended programme) with the foundation claiming that libraries would give space free if they valued the classes (Susanna Barnes, head of libraries, has rejected this claim)
  1. the lead teacher of the classes was not being paid (in fact all the teachers are unpaid volunteers)

7. Library public forum on January 21st

Laura and Edith reported that some capitalinvestment is scheduled at TSL in the coming months: a new carpet for the children’s area; the redecoration of damaged areas of walls; and near-new shelves and seats, mainly from the former Waterloo library. The public lavatory remains out of operation, but Maria Kwofie (TSL manager) will remind the relevant LBLofficer that work should begin.

The latest performance figures (to end-2016) show a further very strong rise in visits, a slight fall in borrowing and a decline in new membership registrations (after high year-earlier levels). Maria will focus on boosting the latter, and asked for Friends’ cooperation in distributing a promotional leaflet. (The committee agreed to help.)

8. Evaluations/ reports on recent events:

October 12th Film on steelpan music (part of Black History Month)

November 14th Talk on City and Guilds Art School

9.. Planned events

February 8th London in Fragments: a Mudlark’s Treasures

April 22nd Celebration of St George’s Day (April 23rd) now being planned by Maria Kwofie; talks, entertainment, party

The committee proposed that the event be named English Heritage Festival, with a stress on literature and tradition. Edit will contact Kate Kelly for arerun of a talk she gave on St George

10. Any other business

Helen reported that, as an organisation, Friends of TSL could enter the Golden Ticket recycling competition (with a prize of £2.500) by registering its support. Edith will follow up.

Helen reported local disappointment that Friends did not host a Burns Night celebration this year. It was agreed that this would be reinstated.

11. Date of next committee meeting

Tuesday April 4th agreed