Classroom Scenarios
1. Complete the School year Setup:
a. Review and Update Information about the School.
b. Review and Update Information about the Unit.
c. Graduate Last Year’s Seniors:
i. Berger, Joseph A
ii. Cleveland, Mike H
iii. Kass, Isaiah V
iv. Spikes, Harper Z
2. Add a New Cadet into the Program:
3. Promote Ron Stephens to Private First Class.
4. Create a Login and Password, and assign PFC Ron Stephens to the role of S1.
5. Reset the Password for Cadet Zeph Adkins.
6. Create a New Award Category called “School Awards”.
7. Create a New Award called “Community Actions” in the School Awards category.
8. Create a New Event called “Adopt-A-Spot”.
9. Manage the Event “Adopt-A-Spot”:
a. The event is helping the city to clean up the City Park.
b. The event will last 6 hours.
c. You will need 10 cadets and 4 staff members.
10. Link the award “Community Actions” to the “Adopt-A-Spot” event.
11. Link 10 Cadets including PFC Ron Stephens to the “Adopt-A-Spot” event.
12. Search the Catalog for and add the following into your Clothing Shelf Inventory:
b. COAT, ARMY COMBAT UNIFORM (ACU) SIZE – XL-R – Actual Inventory – 15
c. BELT, RIGGERS – SIZE – 44 – Actual Inventory – 15
d. TROUSERS, MENS POLY/WOOL AG-489 – SIZE 30R – Actual Inventory – 10
e. SHIRT,MANS LONG SLEEVE AG-415 – 16 X 32/33 – Actual Inventory – 10
f. COAT, MANS POLY/WOOL AG-489 – 39R – Actual Inventory – 10
g. NECKTIE – 57 INCH – Actual Inventory – 10
h. SHOES, MANS, DRESS, POROMERIC – SIZE 9C – Actual Inventory – 10
i. NECKTIE – 57 INCH – Actual Inventory – 10
13. Manually add the following item into your Clothing Shelf inventory:
a. 15 Unisex Leather Dress Belts, size 42
b. $15.00
14. Issue the following items to PFC Ron Stephens:
a. TROUSERS, ARMY COMBAT UNIFORM (ACU), SIZE XL-L – Number to issue: 2 Pair
b. COAT, ARMY COMBAT UNIFORM (ACU) SIZE – XL-R – Number to issue: 2 Pair
c. BELT, RIGGERS – SIZE – 44 – Number to issue: 1
d. TROUSERS, MENS POLY/WOOL AG-489 – SIZE 30R – Number to issue: 1 Pair
e. SHIRT,MANS LONG SLEEVE AG-415 – 16 X 32/33 – Number to issue: 1
f. COAT, MANS POLY/WOOL AG-489 – 39R – Number to issue: 1
g. JACKET UTILITY, WINDBREAKER, BLACK – Large – Number to issue: 1
h. NECKTIE – 57 INCH – Number to issue: 1
i. Unisex Leather Dress Belt Number to issue: 1
j. SHOES, MANS, DRESS, POROMERIC – SIZE 9C – Number to issue: 1 Pair
15. Create a Clothing Hand Receipt for PFC Ron Stephens.
16. Create a new Clothing order and order the Following items:
b. BELT, RIGGERS, Size 44, Order Quantity: 10
c. TROUSERS, MENS POLY/WOOL AG-489, Size 31R, Order Quantity: 10
d. BOOTS, COMBAT, HOT WEATHER, TAN, Size 7R, Order Quantity: 5
17. Receive the shipment of the following items:
a. You have received a partial shipment of: 5 of the BADGE QUALIFICATION, EXPERT AIR RIFLE.
b. You have received a full shipment of: BELT, RIGGERS, Size 44
c. You have received a partial shipment of: 5 TROUSERS, MENS POLY/WOOL AG-489, Size 31R
d. You have received a full shipment of : BOOTS, COMBAT, HOT WEATHER, TAN, Size 7R
18. Create your Annual Reports:
a. Enrollment Report
b. GPC Report
c. Manage Control Report
d. P.A.R.T Report
e. Unit Intentions of Graduates Report
f. Unit Report