Company Name: ______Tel: ______
E-mail: ______Date: ______Physical location: ______Packhouse ______
Requirement / P / V / E / N / Wts % / Award% / Compliance / Timeline to conduct corrective measures / Remarks
Yes / No
1a / Certification to recognized Good Agricultural Practices/ / 10%
b) / Environmental protection and conservation plan and evidence / 10%
c) / Evidence of safe disposal of farm waste and pollution control measures / 5%
d) / Evidence of protection of worker’s welfare / 5%
2 / Copy of HCD Export License (validity) renewals / 5%
3a / Traceability list of the company’s contracted farmers/schemes (in PS II Form) and /or Own farm (in PS I Form)/ / 10%
b / Where applicable, declare Marketing Agents (Suppliers) and provide copy of certificate of registration / 5%
4 / Evidence of buying produce from farmers who have undergone annual training on KS 1758 part I (if buying from contracted farmers) / 10%
5 / Evidence of attendance of annual training on safe use of pesticides and KS 1758 part I by production staff and agents and contracted farmers (own farm) / 10%
6a) / Evidence of spray program and pesticide application approval / 5%
b) / Evidence of Recent (<3mths) farm scouting, pesticide spray records, equipment calibration records and IPM strategies / 15%
c) / Evidence of procurement of Plant protection products and plant protection equipments - receipts / 10%
7 / Claim against non payment by contracted farmers / (-10%)
Declare Affiliated horticulture Export companies
Declare clearing and forwarding agent
Declare companies that you supply flowers for export
Total Awarded % / 100%
Affiliated companies and contacts:
Officer’s Name Organization Sign
Vetting Officers 1. ______Signature ______
2. ______Signature ______
3. ______Signature ______
Exporter representative 4. ______Signature ______
5. ______Signature ______
Key- Food Safety Standard /HCDA Export License Mandatory requirements
P- Pre audit report: 5%, GAPs/Food Safety Standard
E- Expired Cert: 2%, HCDA license and CESS payment
V- Valid Certificate: 10%, Submission of returns
N- None: 0% Note: Pass mark = 70% - New Applicant = 50%