“Dare to use World Languages Beyond the Classroom”
October 16-18, 2014
Hilton Airport Hotel – Miami, Florida
Conference Registration & Membership Form
Brief synopsis of workshops
(#1) Presenter: Ken Stewart, from Chapel Hill High School in North Carolina.
Build Student Proficiencies for the Upper Level Spanish - Long Key
Spanish language educators interested in learning about thematic instructional design and assessment will come away with concrete strategies for implementing an effective Spanish Language course. Drawing from Vista’s Temas text, workbook and Supersite, participants will learn how to develop activities and assessments that present language in cultural context, appropriately build students’ proficiencies in the modes of communicationand integrate authentic materials into language instruction. Sample student work and performance will be shared.
(#2) Presenter: John De MadofromJohn De Mado Language Seminars, LLC
The Principled Approach (TPA): A New Way to View Instruction - Sugarloaf Key
Alice Omaggio-Hadley is the author of Teaching Language in Context, considered by many to be the definitive thesis on second language instruction. Although the focus of the text is on methods, Dr. Omaggio-Hadley also underscores the critical importance of 'Organizing Principles'; i.e., the beliefs that drive instruction.
Omaggio-Hadley states that methodology should be driven by a research-based belief system. How one teaches should be the byproduct of what one believes. Instruction should be defensible through research, with the worst case scenario being the usage of a method that one neither understands nor cares for.
What are your beliefs pertaining to Language Acquisition? ... Can you clearly state them? ... Are they easily discernable in your teaching? ... Are you, in fact, methodologically 'at odds' with your beliefs?...
Through discussion, humor and debate, this interactive pre-conference workshop seeks to clarify the participants' belief systems, to create a resultant list of 'Organizing Principles' which will serve as a personal instructional manifesto for language acquisition.
Be prepared to reflect profoundly and to laugh uproariously!
(#3) Presenter: Vanessa Spallone from Trinity Preparatory School, Winter Park, FL.
Using Technology to Improve Fluency in the World Language Classroom - Boca ChicaIn this session, I will showcase the technology tools I use in all my classes, starting in the 6th grade all the way to 12th grade, from level 1A to AP Language. They are innovative, stimulate creativity and fluency in the classroom no matter how advanced students are, and most of them are free! Not only are they relevant and fun to use for both teachers and students, they also promote great collaborative work and create a true learning community within each class and across levels. To mention only a few: Edublogs, Padlet, Powtoon, Storybird, QR Code generator, Vocaroo, Glogster, Screencast-o-matic, GoAnimate, VoiceThread, Mural.ly, Educanon, HaikuDeck, ChatterPix and many more.
Google Apps for Education will also be feat
ured. I will demonstrate how valuable Google sites can be for each of your classes. Student work created on Google Docs and Google Presentation will be featured as well as samples of student surveys and quizzes (some with inserted videos) created on Google forms and showcasing Flubaroo, a script that grades for you! Google Spreadsheet will help you stay organized. Video Notes and other Google apps will also be demonstrated.
(#4) Presenter: Gruas Bernard, Sponsored by the French Embassy
Documents écrits authentiques en classe de FLE - Key West
Les documents authentiques écrits offrent des avantages indéniables : ils permettent d'avoir accès au quotidien de la culture-cible, ils donnent , à l'encontre des textes “fabriqués”, une nouvelle “ saveur ”authentique à la langue étudiée en classe. Le document authentique permet de travailler la langue et la civilisation dans un même mouvement pédagogique. Dans un cadre interculturel et plurilingue et à partir, entre autres ,de faits divers de la presse écrite, d'annonces classées , d'encarts publicitaires, de guides ou dépliants touristiques , mais aussi de textes artistiques tels poèmes et chansons nous verrons: comment préparer les élèves à aborder les difficultés d'un texte écrit (lecture-découverte/ lecture-repérage/ lecture expressive/ recours au mime/utilisation de l'illustration/ parallèles entre langue maternelle et langue étudiée/déduction et induction/ recours au plurilinguisme) -comment présenter un texte à la classe ( mimes/ jeux de rôles/ exposés ) -comment constituer des champs sémantiques à partir d'un texte écrit -comment utiliser un texte écrit à des fins grammaticales ( repérage de formes grammaticales/ transposition de textes ) -comment exploiter des éléments de civilisation inclus dans ces textes -comment écrire des petites annonces, des faits divers, imaginer et créerdes encarts publicitaires , écrire poèmes et chansons -comment présenter à l'oral ces productions écrites
(#5) Presenters: Gale Jones and Linda Villadoniga from Duval and St. Johns Counties - Morning Workshop
Are You in the Mode? Moving Beyond the Test - Key Largo
The presenters will discuss incorporating the modes of communication (presentational, interpersonal and interpretive) through the use of projects, centers, realia, Integrated Performance Assessments and Understanding by Design techniques.
We will be using the 6 themes upon which the AP Spanish Language exam is based (Global Challenges, Science and Technology, Contemporary Life, Personal and Public Identities, Families and Communities) discussing and giving examples of vertical teaming as it applies to the integration of the modes of communication giving examples of what could be done at each level of language learning (i.e. Spanish I, II, III and AP).
All participants will be given a CD which will include all materials used and ideas for projects and centers. Participants will also be able to prepare a lesson or part of a lesson to share with the other participants.
(#6) Presenters: Mary Risner, University of Florida and Linda Markley, Former Brevard Co. Supervisor - Morning Workshop
Meeting Industry Needs in the Global Workplace - Taverner Key
This workshop invites a panel of business professionals to share their perspectives on what global communication skills and knowledge they use in their daily work and what they are looking for in new hires. Speakers representing a variety of industries will share insights by responding to a series of questions from the workshop moderators and participants. The conversations will be recorded and edited to later post on the NOBLE and FFLA webpages (similar to clips from FFLA 2011). After interacting with the business guests, the remainder of the workshop will consist of a brain storming discussion and group work to develop sample lesson ideas to enhance foreign language class curricula with real world and career-oriented tasks.
(#7) Presenter: Michelle Olah, Seminole County Public Schools - Afternoon Workshop
ABC’s of BYOD - Plantation Key
Are you thinking about ways to make a "Bring Your Own Device" model work in your language classroom? This workshop is designed to introduce world language teachers to the basics of BYOD. From pedagogy to new tools, you will walk away from this course with a greater understanding of BYOD and how to make it work for you and your students. Workshop will concentrate on using mobile devices to address World Language Proficiency Standards, as well as, Common Core integration. Participants will use personal smart phones or other mobile devices in this workshop. So, plan to "Bring Your Own Device".
(#8)Presenter:María Teresa Dona-Morice, Pinecrest School, Ft. Lauderdale - Afternoon Workshop
Project Based Learning WORSHOP - Key Biscayne
If you would like to create meaningful projects that your students will remember forever and learn at the same time, then this is the workshop for you! You will be creating a projects and coming up with ideas on how to apply it in your classroom. You will also receive copies of instructions for project as well as the rubrics for grading. Laptops required! Presentation in English, for Middle School and High School.
(#9)Presenter: José Díaz, Hunter College High School, New York City- Full Day workshop Saturday - Limited to 50 participants.
Upper Level Spanish Strategies for Student Success - The Cove Ballroom
A full day workshop on strategies to support student success on the new upper level Spanish Language exam.