Oglesby Union Church

Membership Update and Volunteer Form 2015

There are two parts to this process. Part 1 is the Membership Update. We ask that all members and friends of Oglesby Union Church complete Part 1. This allows us to make sure we have accurate contact information.

Part 2 is the Volunteer Form where your participation in the work of our Ministry Teams begins. All members and friends of the church should pray about where God wants to use them and sign up for those areas using Part 2.

Part 1. Personal Information Update


Mailing Address:

Please do not publish my contact information

Phone: HomeCell


Which of these is the best way to contact you?

MailHome Phone Cell Phone Text Message Email

Please check the box that best describes you:

I am a member of Oglesby Union Church

I am a Christian who has been regularly attending for at least 3 months

I am a Christian who has been regularly attending and would like to become a member

I am unsure of my status or am uncomfortable completing this form. I would like the Pastor or an Overseer to contact me.

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Part 2: Volunteer FormYour Name:

1. We believe that all believers are called by God to use their gifts for the building up of the local church. All members and friends of the church are strongly encouraged to participate in the volunteer process and be involved in the ministry of Oglesby Union Church, in addition to any personal ministries you have.

2. Before completing this form, pray. Ask the Lord to show you where He has called and gifted you to serve.

3. Please take time to look over the entire form, as it has changed from previous years. If you have questions about the duties and responsibilities of any team, please contact the Overseer listed for that Ministry Group.

4. This form is for volunteering for Ministry Groups only. The leadership positions for each Group and Team will be selected and appointed by the Overseers.

5. We encourage you to serve on Ministry Teams as the Lord leads, but please remember the time commitments that may be required.

6. If you feel the Lord is calling you to begin a new ministry, please determine which Ministry Team the new ministry may fit with and volunteer for that Ministry Team. If you are unsure, please speak with any Overseer.

7. Background checks will be required for anybody working with children or in certain financial team positions.

8. Certain volunteer positions require church membership. These positions are marked with an asterisk (*).

9. This form covers the one-year period for July 2015 – June 2016.

Please return this form to the church by May 17, 2015.

If you are interested in serving in a leadership role OR if you would like training in church leadership, please let us know by checking the box below. Please do not specify a ministry to lead; the Overseers will select and appoint needed leaders.

I am interested in a leadership role.

I am interested in leadership training.

Worship Ministry Group. (Overseer Larry McKee)

The Worship Ministry Group exists to provide for corporate worship experiences at Oglesby Union Church. We recognize that “worship” is not a type of service, a style of music nor an emotional experience. “Worship” is about moving our focus to God and praising Him for who He is and what He has done for us.

As we seek to provide a corporate worship experience, we remember that: 1) Worship cannot be separated from the truth found in the Word of God. 2) This is to be a “House of Prayer” (Isaiah 56: 6-7) and 3) God inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3)

Worship Team:

Praise Team:

Leads worship during services, select music for services, organize the order of services, lead corporate prayer, develop and put on skits or dramatic readings, etc.

AV Team:

Supplying audio, visual or presentation needs for worship services; recommending new equipment and software.


Provides music during Sunday services and other occasions as needed.

Communion Preparation:

Prepare and clean up communion as needed.


Provide music for worship services.




Worship Support Team:


Ensure the smooth running of the worship service by locking and unlocking doors, counting attendance, turning lights on and off, providing support to the nursery as needed, collecting tithes and offerings.

Children’s Church:

Providing children an opportunity to hear about God at their level.


Greet people as they enter the building.


Provide child care as needed during worship services.

Sanctuary Decoration:

Select and place flowers, candles, and other decorations as needed.

Discipleship Ministry Group (Overseer Brad Rinehart)

The Discipleship Ministry Group exists to promote Spiritual Growth within the congregation of Oglesby Union Church. We recognize that it is only the Holy Spirit that brings about growth within an individual believer, but that God has called and gifted certain individuals “to equip the saints for the work of ministry” so that the body of Christ might be built up. (1 Corinthians 3:5-9; Ephesians 4:11-14)

With a goal of seeing individuals come to know Christ and grow in their faith we seek to provide opportunities for individuals to interact with the Word of God in a variety of contexts. (2 Timothy 3:14-17)

Sunday School Team

Sunday School classes take place every Sunday morning from 9 to 10 AM. The classes provide the opportunity for people of all ages to study the Bible and learn how to apply Biblical principles to daily living.

* Sunday School Teachers (Children/Youth):

Church members that serve by teaching a Sunday School Class on Sunday mornings for children or youth. Current classes are Nursery, Pre-K/Kindergarten, Early Elementary (Grades 1-2), Upper Elementary (Grades 3-5), Jr. High, and Sr. High. Teachers should like working with children and youth and be able to relate appropriately to the assigned age group.

* Sunday School Teachers (Young Adults/Adults):

Church members that serve by teaching a Sunday School Class on Sunday mornings for adults and/or young adults (college age)

* Sunday School Helpers:

Church members that would serve to substitute teach a Sunday School Class based on need and availability, perform classroom assistance, or administrative tasks.

Library Team:

This team administers the church library. People on this team help organize the library materials, check books and materials in/out of the library, track overdue materials, purchase new materials and promote the use of the church library. This team evaluates new technologies as needed.

Kids’ Klub Team:

This team serves the Kids’ Klub ministry in our church. Kids' Klubs Inc. is a not-for-profit, non-denominational ministry dedicated to reaching children for Christ through weekly Klubs and summer camps. Oglesby Union Church sponsors a weekly klub throughout the period of September to March each year. Volunteers serve by leading songs, telling Bible stories, and helping kids to play and compete in Bible-based games. Currently our church’s Klub meets on Wednesday afternoons after school.

Discipleship Ministry Group continued

*Small Group Leaders & Mentors Team:

Church members that would serve to either lead a small group Bible study for believers or to mentor one or two new believers.

Youth Ministry Team

The Director of Youth and Family Ministries (DYFM) leads Junior High, Senior High, and College/Young Adult Groups. Volunteers assist with both weekly meetings and special events. Duties could include preparing snacks, participating in games or activities, interacting with participants.

Weekly Senior High Youth Group Helper

Weekly Junior High Youth Group Helper

Weekly College/Young Adult Helper:

Special Events Helper:

Give rides to events, chaperone or organize events. Special events from recent years include Christian music concerts, conferences, camping trips and church lock-ins.

*Men’s MinistryTeam:

Church men that would plan, prepare and present activities for Men’s Ministry.

Stewardship Ministry Group (Kirk Lockwood)

The Stewardship Ministry Group applies principles of good stewardship to the church’s resources and shows ourselves as trustworthy in using what the Lord has provided to us. “To everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away.” (Luke 19:26)

We recognize the biblical principle that “it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful” (I Corinthians 4:2); therefore we strive to use our gifts to faithfully serve others (I Peter 4:10), and avoid criticism of the way we administer our resources (2 Corinthians 8:20).

Financial Team:

Workingwith the other Ministry Groups, develop and track the annual budget. Provide financial advice on investments.

* Treasurer

* Assistant Treasurer

* Financial Secretary

* Assistant Financial Secretary

* Auditor

* Financial Advisors

Legal and Insurance Team:

Review insurance coverage and requirements, make recommendations for changes in coverage and procedures needed to meet needs.

Church Property Team:

Maintain buildings and grounds in good, safe operating condition. Develop and modify long term plans for structural and building improvement needed.

Fellowship Ministry Group (Overseer Wally Marquardt)

The Fellowship Ministry Group exists to care for the needs of the members of our congregation. (John 13:34-25)

We know that as members of the Body of Christ we are all called to love and serve one another (John 15:12-13; Acts 2:44-45; Philippians 2:5-7)

We recognize that we have many needs, both corporately and individually, and that God has given us gifted individuals to help meet those needs (1 Corinthians 12)

Helping Servants:

Find those in the congregation with tangible needs and make them happen

Hospitality Team:

Provide meals and refreshments for church functions as requested

Communications Team:

Make information about the various church ministries available to people in a clear, consistent manner. Communications methods can include telephone calls, text messages, email, calendar, newsletter, web site updating, Facebook, and other social media options.

Church Administration Team:

Volunteer for clerical duties. This may include office help, take minutes at church business meetings, organize and file minutes from other Ministry Team meetings, record attendance at church business meetings, or track membership status.

Prayer Team:

Update weekly prayer needs list, contact prayer chain(s) with specific needs when requested

Outreach Ministry Group (Overseer Kevin Ewbank)

The Outreach Ministry Group exists to share the love of Christ to those outside our congregation and to encourage those within our congregation to be Jesus’ ambassadors in this world. (Matthew 22:39; Acts 1:8)

We recognize that outreach ministry is born out of love for our neighbors, and that this love only comes first by loving the Lord with all of our heart, soul and mind. (Matthew 22:38-39). This love guides us as we seek to put our faith into action. As scripture tells us: “faith by itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead” (2 Corinthians 5:14a; James 2:14-17)

Primary Ministry Responsibilities include providing ways for our congregation to serve local organizations, collecting needed supplies for local organizations or agencies and organizing fund raising and/or publicity events. While our priority is support for local Christian organizations, there are non-Christian local organizations that do good work. The Community Outreach team should be familiar with organizations that provide for local needs, including all requirements for Missions Organizations, before recommending any support.

Missions Support Team:

Reaching out and supporting those who serve the Lord in full-time ministry. The Missions Team keeps in touch with church-supported missionaries and shares their prayer and physical needs with the congregation. Teaching the church about the importance of missions and prayer for missionaries, organizing missions’ prayer times, scheduling visits from missionaries and encouraging church members to participate in their own mission trips are also included.

Community Outreach and Evangelism Team

Getting our church and congregation involved in recognizing and meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the community we live in. Previous teams have supported homeless shelters, given out water at local special events, collected for the food pantry, organized and taught evangelism classes, provide help to community families homeless due to fire, led backyard bible schools in the community and helped with blood drives. If you have a desire to serve the community and share the Gospel, this is the team for you!

Women at Our BEST Team

Women that are interested in planning, praying for and leading events that Build, Encourage, Strengthen and Teach the women of our community.

VacationBibleSchool Team

Planning for and putting on our largest Community Outreach/Evangelism Event! Team members are needed to plan and organize, teach classes, lead crafts or recreation and 1,001 other tasks.