Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.

Minutes of Fall Board of Directors’ Meeting

September 14 - 15, 2016

FFGC Headquarters, Winter Park, FL

Call to Order:

The Regular Fall Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. was called to order at 12:35 p.m. on September 14, 2016 by President Arlene Rand who welcomed the members.

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America:

Inez Brooker, FFGC Chaplain, gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.


The Chair declared a quorum present.

Appointment of Committees:

The Chair named the following Committees, with no objections.

Minutes of this Meeting: Christy Linke, Chairman, Karen Gott, and Elaine Parisi

Tellers for this Meeting: Lori Richie, Chairman, Pat Shira, and Margaret Chodosh

Timekeeper for this Meeting: Ingrid Velez

Welcome to those Serving on Deep South Region and NationalGarden Club Boards:

Members who serve along with FFGC President Arlene Rand on the DS and NGCBoards were recognized and include: Sue Angle, Claudia Bates, Gloria Blake, Jacqueline Connell, Libby Curnow, Penny Decker, Andrea Finn, Lorraine Gabler, Pat Grulke, Jo Ann Guise, Barbara Hadsell, Carol Hall, Marie Harrison, Elise Haymans, Jayne Hemstreet, Gina Jogan, Inger Jones, Pat Morgart, Elaine Parisi, Cinny O’Donnell, Jan Sillik, Elaine Waidelich, and Barbara Willey. Eleanor Yates, M.E. DePalma, Sally Flanagan, Claudia Chopp, Alice Desomma, Jean Marie Parkes, Jan Washauer and Ron Bartcher who live in Florida but are not on the FFGC Board, are also members of the DSR and/or NGC Boards. Barbara May and Lois Schuster, Former NGC Presidents, are part time Florida residents.


The FFGC officers First Vice President Claudia Bates, Second Vice President Al Latina, Third Vice President Marjorie Hendon, Recording Secretary Carolyn Schaag, Treasurer Gina Jogan, and Parliamentarian Cinny O’Donnell were introduced by President Arlene Rand. The Corresponding Secretary Sandra Eckstein was absent.

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Report of Committee to Approve the Minutes of the April Meeting of the Board of Directors:

Lenore Alford, Chairman, reported the Minutes of the Pre-Convention Meeting of the FFGC Board of Directors on April 17, 2016, were approved as written.


The resignation of Dale DeFeo, NGC Special Projects; Jayne Hemstreet, Environmental Study Schools/Credentials; and Mona Johnston, Landscape Design Consultants’ Council Liaison were accepted with regret.


With no objections the Chair appointed Gloria Blake to serve as the Florida Delegate to the NGC Nominating Committee and Sue Angle as Alternate for the NGC Nominating Committee.

The Chair made the following early appointments for the next administration to serve as chairmen, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.

2017 SEEK Chairman: Judy Greenberg

2017 SEEK Finance: Lorene Junkin

2017 SEEK Registrar: Mary Whistler

Wekiva Youth CampChairman: Marjorie Hendon

Wekiva Building/Maintenance: Sue Angle

Wekiva Youth CampRegistrar: Betty Moxley

Epcot Mother’s Day Festival: Margaret Kirkpatrick, Chm; Sue Cangliosi, Vice-Chm

2018 FFGC Convention Chairmen: Sandra Messer

2018 FFGC Convention Vice Chairman: Mary Whistler

2018 FFGCState Flower Show: Mary Silas

Additional appointments made were:

Finance Committee: Mary Collins

Convention Coordinator Assistant: Sue Roberts

Environmental Studies Schools/Credentials: Nancy Richards

NGC Special Projects: Jacqueline Connell

Landscape Design Consultants’ Council Liaison: Sally Flanagan

ACTION: By unanimous vote the chairmen just named were approved.

Reports of the Officers:

President Arlene Rand: DS states will help Louisiana with great concern for Florida areas

affected by Hurricane. FFGC Hdqts address to be permanent address for Deep South.

First Vice-President Claudia Bates filed her report.

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Second Vice-President Al Latina filed his report.

Third Vice-President Marjorie Hendon filed her report.

Recording Secretary Carolyn Schaag reminded Board Members the first line in the

upper right hand corner of their Board Reports should not be “REPORT”.

Corresponding Secretary Sandra Eckstein was absent and filed her report.

Treasurer Gina Jogan presented the Financial Report. Following questions regarding

the report, the President stated the Treasurer’s Report will be filed

Parliamentarian Cinny O’Donnell filed her report.

Adoption of Financial Review:

Carolyn Schaag, Recording Secretary, read the report of the financial review. Carolyn made motion to adopt the report, motion seconded by Claudia Bates.

ACTION: The motion to adopt the Financial Review by the CPA firm was approved.


District VI – Kathleen Terlizzo – Absent, no report.

District V – Louise Allen – Members supported the Short Course in Gainesville and SEEK held at Silver Springs. A club finished landscape of their 100th Habit for Humanity home.

District IV – Carolyn Stevens – The district is planning a Gardenfest, an annual education event. Course IV of Environmental Studies School will be held in January in Palatka.

MOTION: Carolyn Stevens made motion to accept BartramGarden Club into FFGC.

The motion was approved.

District III – Lucille Heinrich – Emphasis was youth gardening and pollinator protection.A Blue Star Memorial Marker was placed at TallahasseeNationalCemetery.

District II – Louise Michaels – The membership is enthusiastic about succeeding in the goals of FFGC. Their work expands beyond usual accomplishments of garden clubbers.

District I – Sharon Johnston – A Blue Star Marker has been approved and ordered for BarrancasNationalCemetery. District I voted to pay the additional 50 cents NGC dues.

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District XII – Deborah Ann Smith – Absent, no report.

District XI – Barbara Horan – Clubs are planning programs, activities, and flower shows including Youth Flower Shows in three elementary schools plus one pre-school.

District X – Donna Berger – The district sent 56 campers to Wekiva Youth Camp and six students to SEEK. The District will host the Tropical Short Course in January.

District IX – Kathleen Hawryluk – As District IX covers an extensive area, programs in horticulture and design are held in both the north and south.

MOTION: Kathleen Hawryluk made a motion to accept the resignation of the

Greater LakesGarden Club. Motion approved with regrets.

MOTION: Kathleen Hawryluk made a motion to accept the resignation of the

GreenThumbGarden Club. Motion approved with regrets.

FIRST READING: Kathleen Hawryluk presented the first reading of the resignation

of the ShellIslandGarden Club.

Distict VIII – Barbara Jacobson – Floral Design Units, FS School Course II, Judges Symposium, and Horticulture Extravaganza are planned. Blue Star Markers are planned at National Cemeteries in Sarasota and St Petersburg. District is partnering with Girl Scouts USA and NGC to create a new Wildflower Patch.

FIRST READING – Barbara Jacobson presented the first reading of the resignation

of the BayBouquetGarden Club.

District VII – Owaissa Vanderberg - District VII and District V will install a Blue Star Marker at BushnellNationalCemetery. District Fall Meeting will be at CampWekiva.

Presentation of Office Manager and Staff:

Liea Ward, new Office Assistant, was introduced. Dawn Murphy, Office Manager, was presented and requested the board members check their mail slots.

National Disasters – Barbara Lape – In absence of Chairman the report was read by Inger Jones. The Louisiana Garden Club requests donations for the Louisiana Relief Fund to replace hurricane damage to gardens in their state. A basket was passed during the meeting for donations and district directors will urge clubs and members to participate.

Recess: The meeting was recessed at 2:10 p.m. and reconvened at 2:30 p.m.

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Reports of Standing Committees:

Finance Committee – Claudia Bates –The Committee met on July 21 for their Summer Session. Budgets and financial reports were reviewed and approved. A $10,280 grant from the Florida State Elks Association for seven Blue Star Memorial Markers to be placed in the remaining seven National Cemeteries in Florida was accepted.

The following statement was read by Gina Jogan, FFGC Treasurer.

With regard to Wekiva Youth Camp, for banking purposes, funds held at Sun Trust

Account Number ending 5512 (Total Business Banking)

Account Number ending 5400 (Business Money Market Performance)

Account Number ending 8172 (Total Business Banking)

Authorized signers are: Christia Li Roberts, WYC Treasurer; Arlene Rand, FFGC

President; Claudia Bates, FFGC First Vice President; Al Latina, FFGC Second Vice

President; Marjorie Hendon, FFGC Third Vice President; Gina Jogan, FFGC Treasurer

MOTION: Claudia Bates, Finance Chairman, moved the Board of Directors designation

on the Mary Comptom Life Members Fund be removed. MOTION APPROVED.

Library – Janice Eisheimer – The location of the Library and the Garden Shoppe have been reversed, which allows for the Library to be used as meeting and classroom space. Much time was spent culling, discarding, grouping, preparing an inventory spreadsheet, and cataloging new inventory.

Bylaws/Standing Rules: Cissy Richardson–The following motions were made by Cissy Richardson, Chairman, on behalf of the FFGC Bylaws Committee:


Voting membership shall consist of members of independent Garden Clubs, Garden

Clubs organized on the Circle Plan, Councils and Life Members and Honorary Members

of FFGC who are members of a Garden Club.

Amend by inserting: FFGC This will now read: FFGC Life Members



FFGC Life Membership may be accorded to an individual, either a member or a

non-member, interested in the work of FFGC, upon approval of the Life Membership

Committee and upon payment of the required fee. Life Members shall be members

of a Garden Club in order to vote and hold office.

Amend by striking: A Amend by inserting: AN FFGC This will now read: Life

Members shall be members of an FFGCGarden Club in order to vote and hold office.


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The Annual Dues of each independent Garden Club and each Garden Club organized on

the Circle Plan shall be twelve dollars ($12.00) per capita on all categories of members

enrolled as of June 1, with the exception of members specified in b and c below.

Amend by inserting: “d”

d. Annual FFGC dues of members belonging to two or more independent Garden

Clubs and Garden Clubs organized on the Circle Plan shall be a total of twelve

Dollars ($12.00) per capita paid to the FFGC Club designated by the member.

Proof of FFGC dues paid to the designated FFGC club or club organized on the

Circle Plan shall be the responsibility of the member.

Current d and e would become e and f. MOTION APPROVED


The fee of a Life Member shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00), the sum to be

placed into the FFGC operating fund.

At the request of the Finance Committee, the following change is requested: It is

recommended the cost of Life Membership in FFGC be increased from_$150 to $300.

Amend by striking $150.00 and inserting $300.00

This will now read: The fee of a Life Member shall be $300.00, the sum to be placed

in the FFGC Operating Fund. MOTION APPROVED

Short Course North – Tina Tuttle –The 8th annual Short Course North held in August at new EscambiaCounty 4-H building in Cantonment had 101 registered. Thirty three non- members attended at an additional $15 fee; but were given the option of having the extra fee go toward membership in FFGC and 26 became members. A shared profit check in the amount of $1,361.28 was presented to FFGC, plus an additional check for$318 in dues.

Solar Energy – Mary Dipboye – This chairman worked with Kristine Blake to draft and propose a position statement entitled “Expand Renewable Electricity Generating Capacity”.

Legislative Positions and Policies – Kris Blake –A Prospective Position Statement was sent to FFGC Board of Directors on August 11, 2016 for review. Kris Blake made motion:

MOTION: I move that the position statement entitled “Expand Renewable Electricity

Generating Capacity” presented by Legislative Positions and Policies Committee be


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Kris Blake presented a second position statement entitled “Love Florida State Parks”. A member discussion followed and Carolyn Stevens made motion which was seconded:

MOTION: I move the position statement entitled “Love Florida State Parks” be

returned to Committee for review.MOTION APPROVED

Junior Gardeners – Joanne Connor – It’s important to register Clubs and report youth activities on appropriate forms. Junior Gardener in a Box has been developed and available.

FFGC Flower Arrangement Calendar – Jill Anderson – Bids for printing the 2018 Calendar were prepared and sent to three printing companies. Two were returned and given to FFGC Finance Committee. Jill Anderson made the following motion:

MOTION: On behalf of the Finance Committee, I move that 2,500 copies of the 2018

Florida Flower Arrangement Calendar be printed by Manatee Printers at a cost of


FFGC 2016 Convention – Susan Mello – Thanks were given to all who helped make the convention a huge success. FFGC and District VII received checks for $5,342.99 each.

Nominating Committee – Sue Angle –Nominating Committee members were introduced and guidelines given. The Committee will meet in January to elect a slate of officers.

Amazon Associates Program – Al Latina – The program has never recovered from the switch over from ffgc.org to wildapricot. Steps are in progress to reach out to members.

Wekiva Youth Camp – Al Latina – WYC 2016 registration was at 100% capacity. There were no problems. Staff, Counselors, Campers and volunteers were outstanding.

Wekiva Youth CampTreasurer – Li Roberts – The financial report for Wekiva Youth Camp will be presented in January. The budget for 2017 has been prepared.

Water and Wetlands – Jackie Host - This Chairman attended the July Environmental Commission Hearing in Tallahassee to join others to oppose new amendments proposed by the FDEP that would allow industries to put more toxins in Florida’s waters. Unfortunately the Commission ignored the pleas of the citizens and passed the amendments.

Fun with Flowers – Emilie Palmieri – Create New Fun with Flowers step-by-step manual in CD format will be available late April 2017.

Tri-Council of FFGC Liaison – Inger Jones – Members continue to stress Education is the Key. The goal of twelve schools this administration has been reached!

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Recycling – Kathy Echevarria – Plastic bags are a major pollutant world wide, they last for years without breaking down, and are a major harm to marine animals and sea birds.

Tropical Short Course – Nancy Richards – The 2017 Tropical Short Course “Tropical Destinations” will be January 25-26, 2017 at MountsBotanical Garden, West Palm Beach.

EnvironmentalStudiesSchool – Nancy Richards – Three Environmental Studies Schools are being offered in Jacksonville, Silver Springs, and West Palm Beach.

Labels for Education – Carolyn Schaag – The Labels for Education program will close July 31, 2017, after providing “free stuff” for Wekiva Youth Camp for over 11 years.

Florida Wildflower Foundation Liaison – Carolyn Schaag – FWF will present its 8th annual Wildflower Symposium Sept 23-24 at SilverSpringsState Park with special emphasis on wildflowers that provide habitat for bees and butterflies.

SEEK 2016 – Judy Greenberg – SEEK was held June 12-15, 2016 at SilverSpringsState Park with 31 students. Plans are to accept 46 students for June 14-17, 2017, at same location.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. until 9:00 a.m. the next morning.

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 9:08 a.m. on September 15, 2016.

INVOCATION: Inez Brooker, Chaplain, gave the Invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.


Legislative Positions and Policies – Kris Blake –The Committee reviewed and revised the position statement made the day before. Kris Blake made motion on behalf of the Legislative Positions and Policies Committee as follows:

MOTION: I move the position statement “Love Florida State Parks” amended by

the Legislative Positions and Policies Committee be adopted. MOTION APPROVED

FFGC Scholarships – Helen Purvis – The following motion was made by Helen Purvis:

MOTION: On behalf of the Scholarship Committee, I move to ratify scholarship awards

in the amount of $1,500 per semester to the following students in the 2016-2017

academic year.

1. Desirae Ehley, a senior at FloridaState University

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2. Quinn Zacharias, a sophomore at FloridaStateUniversity

3. Miller Maddox, a freshman at TallahasseeCommunity College


Gardening Study Schools – Barbara Hadsell – District XII will sponsor Course III on October 26-27, 2016, and Course IV on March 21-22, 2017 in Davie.

Earth Steward – Barbara Hadsell – Since the April 2016 FFGC Convention, four Earth Stewards have been recognized.

Affiliates – Marylou Ruiz – (read by Barbara Hadsell in her absence)As of August 22, 2016, there are eight Affiliates with hopes of another eight renewing. District Directors are requested to seek organizations.

FFGC/UF Short Course – Jeanice Gage – (read by Claudia Bates in her absence) The 80th FFGC/UF Short Course held in Gainesville on June 13-15, 2016, was a NGC approved Tri-Refresher. A check was given to FFGC in amount of $2,716.06.

Symposium – Lorraine Gabler – Schedule includes Fall Symposium, November 5-7, 2016, D-VIII, Tampa; and Spring Symposium, March 8-9, 2017, D-I, Pensacola.