Guidelines for Patients using Hospital Transport Services.
What is Non Emergency Patient Transport?
- This is designed forpatients who do not have accessto access public or private transport due to reduced mobility and/or underlying medical conditions
- It is intended for patients who do not require the specialised attention of a blue lightAmbulance Service
- operate a communal pick-up system from yourlocal area
Who is eligible?
- Patients who have significant reduced mobility and who have no other recourse to public or private transport
- Patients from Nursing Homes/Residential Homes/Care Homes
- Assisted Patients with dementia or learning difficulties
What if I normally drive my own car to the Hospital, can I come in on Hospital Transport?
- No you are not eligible for transport
- You are taking up a valuable seat for an elderly patient who is unable to use public transport.
Would I be allowed an escort?
- Yes if the patient is from a Nursing home/Residential home/Care home
- Yes if the patient suffers from dementia
- Yes if the patient needs an interpreter
What if I am not eligible for an escort?
- Escorts can make their own way in to meet the patient & Consultant
What time do I need to be ready?
- Patients with morning appointments will need to be ready to be picked up from 08:00 am
- Patients with afternoon appointments will need to be ready to be picked up from 12:00 noon
- Patients with appointments between 12:00pm – 12:45pm will be picked up on the morning service, however we may not get to you until after 10:00am)
- Drivers will contact all patients prior to collection.
What happens if I arrive late to my appointment?
- The transport office staff will liaise between the clinic and your driver to see if your appointment can be moved and will inform you.
What about getting home?
- We aim to get patients home within 2 hours of finishing their appointment – how do we define appropriate if asked?
- The patient transport service will only deliver patients back to their home addresses or residencies.
What if I have another appointment elsewhere?
- Once your appointment is finished at WMUH, we cannot guarantee you will be home in time for your other hospital/GP appointment. So please bear this in mind when booking other appointments
Have I given the clinic all my information?
- Failing to give full details of your mobility during the criteria assessment by your GP or other party could result in you missing your appointment.
- Patients requiring a carry chair/stretcher must provide their weight and give details of access in and out of their property e.g. steps, floor covering, Narrow hallways, lift available etc.
Whether the patient is to be taken from upstairs or downstairs and if there are any family members or carers on hand to transfer the patient onto a stretcher.
- It is the responsibility of the patient to provide
their own walking aids. For those with restricted mobility wheelchairs are available on arrival at the hospital to transfer you to your appointment.
West Middlesex University Hospital
Twickenham Road
Isleworth, Middlesex
What if my address has changed?
- If your address or contact number has changed please contact the transport office, so that we can amend the new information on the transport which is already booked for you
- You will also need toinform the clinic so that they can amend your details on their system.
What if my appointment has been cancelled?
- If your appointment has been cancelled by the hospital, please call the transport office as soon as possible so that we can cancel your transport, this will save valuable time and resources.
How can I check if my transport has been booked?
- Please call Transport Office on 0208-321-6214 or 0208-321-5704
- Office opening hours are 07:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday
- Patients should call at least3 days prior to their Hospital appointment.
- If transport has not been booked and it’s a follow up appointment please contact the clinic or Out Patient booking teamto arrange transport.
- If it’s a first appointment then please contact your GP to arrange transport for you.
What if I am on medication?
- If you are on medication please ensure that you bring this with you to your appointments.
- If you are asthmatic please ensure that you bring your inhalers.
What if I have a prescription to collect from the clinic?
- If you have a prescription to be picked up from pharmacy, a member of the nursing staff will need to collect them for you.
Will I need to take food / snacks with me?
- If you are DIABETIC it is advisable for you to bring a small snack
- You may incur a delay in getting home, please ensure you bring with you a snack if you feel you will need one
What if I need to use Oxygen?
- Patients are allowed to carry your own small portable cylinder (c size)
- If you require constant oxygen during your appointment please inform the clinic in advance
- Unfortunately Transport Department do not provide Oxygen cylinders and all cylinders must be securely fastened when travelling