Humberview School Council Minutes

Tuesday,September 27, 2016 7:00pm

Co-Chairs: Barb Cyr Administration: Sue Fried, Alvin Au

Romeo Jack Barbosa Staff Representative: Kirk Dawson

Secretary: Marilyn Matis Student Representatives: Julianna A.


Romeo Jack Barbosa, Anita Shrivastava, Alvin Au, Meredith Taylor, Barb Reynolds, Julianna A., Marilyn Matis,Shannon Brillinger, Felicia Akinremi, Kirk Dawson, ShardaPantin, Barb Cyr, Janice Hill Freshwater, Heather Patterson.

1.Welcome and Introductions, Approval of Agenda, Approval of Minutes: Barb Cyr

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: One attendee is a Peel board employee

3. Report from the Principal:Sue Fried

Student numbers are up this year at1201;this is about 40 new students, and we also added two new staff members.

Reorganization takes place on Friday September 30th. There will be some change and staffing is impacted with three Long Term Occasional (LTO) positions becoming contract ones.

This is the second year for our Environment SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major) - a trip is planned to the Canadian Environment Centre in Northern Ontario.

Other trips include one to Vimy Ridge in April and another for the Arts students to New York in May.

Next month the school council meeting will be a joint meeting with our feeder schools and Humberview will be sharing about our programs.


Will there be a Whales Trip this year? Not at this time

Would it be possible to plan graduation dates with our feeder schools to avoid conflicts? Suewill speak to the feeder school principals.

4. Report from Student: SAC PresidentJuliannaA.

The Link Crew ran a successfulorientation day for the grade 9’s this year. Different than Great Start that was run previously because the Link Crew stays connected to the grade 9’s throughout the year.

Andy Thibideau a motivational speaker spoke to the students. He encouraged participation in clubs and teams.

There are student reps in each class and they meet monthly.

Spirit day on Thursday September 29th is a Blue Jays Day.

Friday September 30th is the Terry Fox run. Students donate at least $10 to participate in the run and the BBQ following. Students not involved in the run may purchase food at the BBQ.

Humberview is getting new aluminum bleachers beside the outside field. While we are waiting for them to arrive the students will paint the current ones to spruce them up a bit. We are also getting new basketball nets.

Friday Night Lights- October 21st at Chingacousy Park in Brampton - $5/ticket. The Humberview Husky Football Team takes on the Mayfield Mavericks. There is a week of spirit activities leading up to the game and the field hockey and basketball teams will also play during the week. There will be a pep rally by our Cheer Team in support of all of our teams.

The Halloween spirit day will be on October 31st and there will be a costume contest.

5. Teacher Report: Kirk Dawson

The Breakfast Club has started up again. It runs every day from 7:45-8:20 am. Parent volunteers are needed to help run the program. Student volunteers are also needed and they will receive community hours. Last year Zehrs donated fruit and other items. The Breakfast for Learning site is in Mississauga and the distance poses difficulties for picking up food. Looking for more donations from the community

The OSSLT is having an online testthis year on October 20th. This is new and students needed to sign up for it. EQAO will offer eligible students two opportunities to write the OSSLT online. Though voluntary, the early opportunity will count as a formal attempt to fulfill the literacy requirement.

  • Thursday, October 20, 2016:Early opportunity to try out the OSSLT online (no paper version will be provided on this date).
  • Thursday, March 30, 2017:Regularly scheduled OSSLT, both online and on paper.

Our Cope Service dog program continues on Tuesday and Thursday. There is a really good article featuring Humberview and our Cope program in the “In the Hills’ Magazine that was delivered to Caledon homes late September.

Our three SHSM programs continue to be popular and the number of students enrolled in the upper years has not dropped as has been the case at other locations.

Humberview has some useful online resources for students. -login: humberview password: reads

Ebooks – login: humberview password: library

Peel Board Databases Home Access – login: peel_dsb password: athome

6. Budget Review

We have our annual $500 plus we applied for and received a $750 PRO grant. (Parents Reaching Out)

7. New Business: 2016/17 PRO grant.

We applied for funds to support evening events for parents to provide information and strategies related to parent engagement in support of student achievement and well-being.

We want to share with our parents, feeder schools and community what programsHumberview has to offer and what high school is all about. An information night about pathways available beyond secondary school will also be offered. This will be done through a joint school council meetingwith feeder schools, workshops, tours and breakout sessions.

It was also suggested that we could have Scholarships Canada come to share information with students and parents. It Scholarships Canada is available it was felt that this could be done along with the University Fair that we are hosting on Nov.10 at 6:30 pm.

A suggestion was also put forth that parents would like to have a social media information night. They would like to learn about Twitter, Google Docs and other technology. Sue will look into getting someone who might be willing to do this presentation.

As part of the communication focus, parents at the meeting felt that there is not always good communication about teams/clubs in the school to current parents. In particular Robotics was mentioned. Sue will follow up on this with the parents concerned.

8. Response to former Questions:

No questions outstanding

9. Election of Co-chairs and Secretary for 2016/17

Barb Cyr stepped down as a Co-chair. She no longer has children attending Humberview. Sue thanked Barb for her dedication to the position and for all of her hard work.

Jack Romeo Barbosa and ShardaPantin accepted the roles of Co-chairs for 2016/17

Marilyn Matis accepted for Secretary

10. Questions/Comments:

Barb Cyr shared information about a number of items:

The Great Start training event for school council members will be held Wednesday November 9th5-9pm at Turner Fenton S.S. in Brampton. Humberviewis permitted to send two school council members.

There is also a PIC (Parent Involvement Committee) that meets at the board monthly.

There are 5 online drugs parent module that are about 10 min each in length. These are offered for free at .

Safe City Mississauga- Secondary school students send out positive messages on social media using the hash tag #smilesauga .They provide presentations and have information for parents. Visit their website at

The Planning for School Success graphic was shared highlighting the four goals the board has. Barb suggested that if council was interested this could be discussed at a future meeting.

The Town of Caledon’s Green Fundand the opportunity to apply for a grant. Sue informed the council that Humberview has already applied for this grant and it is for the gardens at school and a “weather station” on the roof. She also said that we will be trying to become Platinum certified in the Eco schools program.


Next meeting: October 25, 2016