Florida Exam Mock 3


Stan Mucinic, LNHA


Students enrolled in the “Florida Nursing Home Administrator Licensing Course” are purchasing professional knowledge of the instructor to assist the student to prepare for the State Laws and Rules Exam administered by the National Association of Boards of Examiners (NAB).

This is a 3-week intensive independent study program designed to provide students a unique personalized and structured learning environment where progress is monitored by the instructor through email to help students maintain focus and complete scheduled assignments timely.


An individual’s ultimate success in passing the licensure exam is dependent on an individual’s professional experience, academic preparation, and the time and energy the individual can commit to exam study and preparation. A student’s work schedule or other commitments may require more time to prepare for an exam than allotted by NAB or state licensing boards. The student is solely responsible for licensing exam registration/testing and retesting fees.

Thus, the specific material would be found on page 2 of the speed reader, section 1.8, subparagraph 13.

Contact Information

Email Stan Mucinic at with any questions and after you score each practice exam

Exam Primer 3 of 3

1 / May only use pasteurized ______.
1. Milk
2. Cheese
3. Eggs
4. All of the above
2 / Dispensing utensils must be stored in the food heated to ______’F on the steam table while not being used.
1. 120 F
2. 130 F
3. 140 F
4. 160 F
3 / Dietary managers must have ______.
1. Worked at McDonald’s
2. Passed a written certification exam
3. Passed a state licensing exam
4. A Bachelors degree
4 / Sugar and other condiments must be packaged in ______.
1. Clay pots
2. Serving bowls
3. Single service packages
4. Zip lock bags
5 / Bulk food must be identified by ______.
1. Common name
2. Brightly colored labels
3. Pet names
4. Your native language
6 / Food service workers must ______.
1. Wash hands and exposed arms
2. Wear hairnets or caps
3. Trim finger nails
4. All of the above
7 / The kitchen must have ______.
1. Conveniently located sinks with running water
2. 3-comparttment sink to wash pots and pans
3. 2 compartment sink to wash vegetables and thaw food
4. All of above
8 / Must use a 3-compartment sink to sanitize ______.
1. Utensils
2. Pots
3. Pans
4. All of the above
9 / Which of the following is not true?
1.  Sanitizers and cleaners may be stored with toxic materials and poisons
2.  Drain boards must slope toward the sink
3.  Sanitizers and cleaners must not leave a residue on food prep surfaces
4.  A 2-compartment sink is acceptable for items not requiring sanitization
10 / All food surfaces must be well lit with ___ foot candle of light.
1. 10
2. 20
3. 30
4. 40
11 / Equipment on food counters must be on legs at least __ inches high.
1. 2
2. 4
3. 6
4. 8
12 / Hamburger meat should be cooked at ____’F (comminuted food).
1. 120 F
2. 135 F
3. 155 F
4. 165 F
13 / Food should not be left out or require cooling for more than ___ hours.
1. 2
2. 4
3. 6
4. 8
14 / Must notify the county department of health within __ days of a temporary food service event.
1. 1
2. 3
3. 5
4. 7
15 / Stuffing and poultry must cooked at ____’F.
1. 120 F
2. 135 F
3. 145 F
4. 165 F
16 / Potentially hazardous foods that have been cooked and then refrigerated must be re-heated to ___’F.
1. 120 F
2. 135 F
3. 145 F
4. 165 F
17 / Must have ___ physicians to determine if medical condition is terminal.
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
18 / A living will or advanced directive must be signed in the presence of ____ witnesses, one of which cannot be a blood relative.
1. 1
2. 2
3. 4
4. 5
19 / Biomedical waste records must be kept for ___ years.
1. 1
2. 3
3. 5
4. 7
20 / Biomedical waste cannot be stored for more than ___ days in a facility.
1. 15
2. 30
3. 45
4. 60
21 / Nursing homes must obtain a biomedical waste permit _____.
1. Monthly
2. Quarterly
3. Annually
4. Bi-annually
22 / Biomedical waste generator permits expire on ____ of each year.
1. Jan 31
2. June 30
3. Sept 30
4. Nov 30
23 / Any person that treats less than ___ pounds of waste material monthly are exempt from permit requirements.
1. 25
2. 50
3. 100
4. 200
24 / Withholding life support is not considered which of the following?
1. Mercy killing
2. Euthanasia
3. Murder
4 All of the above
25 / The board of nursing home administrators is composed of _____ members.
1. 2
2. 5
3. 6
4. 7
26 / A provisional license is issued to an administrator if a vacancy is suddenly created by the ______of the administrator of record.
1. Death
2. Abandonment
3. Vacation
4. 1 and 2 above
27 / Applicants for licensure must pass both parts of the licensing exam within__ of their first failed attempt, retake both exams and pay all fees.
1. 1 year
2. 2 years
3. 3 years
4. 4 years
28 / A temporary license may be issued to a person who qualifies for endorsement who worked as a nursing home administrator for______years within the last 5 but cannot wait until taking the next test offered.
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
29 / Licensed administrators must complete ___ hours of continuing education credits each year.
1. 10
2. 20
3. 30
4. 40
30 / Need _____ physicians to determine if an individual lacks mental capacity if the first cannot decide.
1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 5
31 / An applicant who fails either or both the licensing exams must pass both parts within ____ from first failure, or must retake both exams, resubmit a license and pay all fees.
1.  1 year
2.  2 years
3.  3 years
4.  4 years
32 / Each nursing facility will have policies and procedures that govern resident care. These policies will be:
1.  Developed and maintained by the Medical Director, Director of Nursing and the Administrator.
2.  Reviewed annually.
3.  Limited to patient rights and advance directives
4.  1 and 2
33 / A dietary services supervisor ______.
1.  Must be a qualified dietitian.
2.  May prepare food if a facility has 80 residents or less.
3.  Must keep a 10-day supply of non-perishable food on hand.
4.  Must be full-time.
34 / Each resident admitted to a nursing home must have a care plan that consists of:
1.  Learning potential
2.  Physician's orders
3.  Nursing orders
4.  2 and 3
35 / Residents with communicable diseases will not be admitted to a nursing home unless ______.
1.  A family member agrees to pay a higher fee for a private room.
2.  A physician certifies in writing that adequate infection control measures are being taken.
3.  The Centers for Disease Control is notified first and agrees to the placement in the facility.
4.  The resident is actively being treated for the communicable disease by the local Health Department
36 / Each nursing home resident ______.
1.  Must be seen by a physician only once every year unless hospitalized.
2.  Must be seen by a physician at least once a month for the first 3 months after admission.
3.  Must be seen by a physician at least once every 30 days for the first 60 days after admission.
4.  None of the above
37 / A preliminary nursing assessment to include medical orders must be completed ______:
1.  Upon admission to the facility.
2.  Within 2 days or 48 hours after admission to the facility.
3.  Within 3 days or 72 hours after admission to the faci1ity.
4.  Within 4 days or 96 hours after admission to the facility.
38 / Each resident must receive a copy of the ____ upon admission
1.  Facility menu
2.  Long term care standards
3.  Bible
4. Bill of resident rights
39 / Fire prevention and protection are the responsibility of the _____
1.  Residents
2.  Administrator
3.  Housekeeping supervisor
4.  Director of Nursing
40 / Medical records must be retained for ______from discharge.
1.  1 year
2.  3 years
3.  5 years
4.  10 years
41 / The consultant pharmacist is not responsible to ______.
1.  Establish a system to record receipt and disposition of all controlled drugs
2.  Ensure refrigerated drugs are stored properly
3.  Complete a preliminary resident assessment at time of admission
4. All of the above
42 / Upon completion of a resident assessment the resident care plan must be completed within ______:
1.  3 days
2.  5 days
3.  7 days
4.  14 days
43 / A comprehensive assessment must be reviewed at least every ____:
1.  Month
2.  2 months
3.  3 months
4.  4 months
44 / A comprehensive assessment must be completed within ___.
1.  14 days of admission and then every 12 months thereafter
2.  14 days of admission and then every 15 months thereafter
3.  21days of admission and then every 12 months thereafter
4.  21 days of admission and then every 15 months thereafter
45 / Emergency medication kits must ______.
1.  Be gray or black
2.  Have an inventory attached to the outside
3.  Have a key
4.  1 and 3
46 / Abuse can be described as ______.
1.  Any willful act which impairs a vulnerable adult
2.  Any threatened act that causes impairment to a vulnerable adult
3.  Both a 1 and 2
4.  Neither 1 or 2
47 / Neglect can be described as______.
1.  Repeated conduct of carelessness
2.  Single incident of carelessness
3.  Both 1 and 2
4.  Neither 1 nor 2
48 / An advanced directive or designation of a surrogate may be revoked ______.
1.  Only with a court order
2.  When two witnesses appear before a judge
3.  Only when the medical physician agrees
4.  At any time by the principal
49 / Each biomedical waste generator’s written plan to identify, handle and manage biomedical waste within their facility must be updated ______
1.  Annually
2.  Semi-annually
3.  Bi-annually
4.  When regulations, policies and procedures change
50 / The principal in the presence of ____ subscribing adult witness/witnesses must sign a written document designating a surrogate to make health care decisions for a principal.
1.  1
2.  2
3.  3
4.  4
51 / Biomedical waste must not be stored for a period greater than ______.
1.  14 days
2.  30 days
3.  45 days
4.  60 days
52 / Individuals with a communicable disease______.
1.  Are not permitted to work in food service areas
2.  Must wear a mask or other infection control apparel
3.  Are permitted to clean food service areas only after food prep is done
4. 1 and 3
53 / A digital thermometer must be placed in the warmest or coldest part of a facility when potentially hazardous food is stored accurate to plus or minus ______.
1.  2 degrees F
2.  3 degrees F
3.  4 degrees F
4.  5 degrees F
54 / Potentially hazardous foods such as ham or potato salad ______.
1.  Can be prepared with manual contact not to exceed 3 hours
2.  Should be prepared from chilled products
3.  Must be rapidly cooled to an internal temperature of 54 F or below
4.  1 and 2 above
55 / Safe food temperature range is ______and ______.
1.  41 F or below
2.  140 F and above
3.  32 F and below
4.  1 and 2 above
5.  2 and 3
56 / Roast beef must be cooked to an internal temperatures of ___ F
1.  110 F
2.  120 F
3.  130 F
4.  145 F
57 / Hamburger should be thoroughly cooked to a minimum temp of ______.
1.  135 F
2.  145 F
3.  155 F
4.  165 F
58 / Stuffing, poultry and stuffed meats must be heated throughout to a min temperature of ______.
1.  150 F
2.  155 F
3.  160 F
4.  165 F
59 / Potentially hazardous foods that have been cooked and then refrigerated must be reheated rapidly to ______F.
1.  145 F
2.  155 F
3.  165 F
4.  175 F
60 / A comprehensive assessment must be reviewed immediately ______.
1. Following a significant change in physical or mental condition
1.  2 Following a new doctors order
2.  3 Upon request of a family member
3.  4 Upon request o f the quality assurance committee
61 / Which of the following can make health care decisions for an incapacitated individual.
1. Durable power of attorney with health care decision making authority
2. Living will
3 Designation of Healthcare surrogate
4 1 and 3
62 / A person determined incompetent by a court would be represented by a ______.
1. Guardian
2. Surrogate
3 Proxy
4 Power of Attorney
63 / A Biomedical waste generator permit is renewed every ______on Sept 30th.