Product Specification

Durafloor HP

Floor / wall coating, high performance epoxy, solvent free


Floor Treatment


Internal plant room floors/ walls


Where so designated on the drawings, internal surfaces shall be treated with a high performance, solvent free, coloured epoxy



All surfaces shall be prepared, primed and the floor coating applied strictly in accordance with the current manufacturer technical data sheet.

All work shall be carried out by an experienced contractor, who is well trained in the application of the specific, documented, coating system.

All materials used in conjunction with the new coating system, shall be approved by the coating manufacturer.


Surface Preparation

All surfaces to which the new coating is to be applied, shall be clean, sound, and free from loose material and contamination such as plaster, oil, paint and grease. New concrete should be at least 28 days old.

Excess laitance should be removed by light scabbling or captive shot blasting followed by vacuuming to remove all dust debris.

All large substrate cracks, holes and any surface imperfections are to be primed with Fosroc Nitomortar 903, repaired with Nitomortar 903 & fillers, and dry, prior to coating application. The substrate is required to have a fine texture.


Priming / Sealing

All floor coating surfaces are to be primed with one coat of primer. Porous substrates are to receive an additional coat of primer or floor coating. Primer coats must be allowed to dry before applying the coating material.


Floor/ wall coating


The floor/wall coating shall be a high performance, solvent free, high build epoxy, with good chemical, traffic and abrasion resistance. It shall be available in a range of colours, including light reflective colours to improve visibility. It shall be compatible with concrete and capable of incorporating slip resistant grains making it suitable for use in wet areas or where chemical spills may occur. It shall be easy to clean making it suitable for use where strict levels of cleanliness and hygiene are required.


The floor coating is a multi component solvent free, epoxy resin supplied as a pre-measured base, hardener and colour pack, when mixed it forms a high build coating that can be applied by a brush or roller. For wall applications a thickening product, Durafloor Thickener, is added to achieve right consistency for vertical application.

The coating shall exhibit the following typical physical properties (at 23 oC):

·  Solids content / 100% w/w
·  Tack free time / 15 hours
·  Recoat time / 10-48 hours @ 23 oC
20-48 hours @ 10 oC
·  Initial hardening / 24 hours
·  Full cure / 7 days
·  Dry Film Thickness – floors (2 coats) / 400-500 microns
·  Dry Film Thickness – walls (2 coats) / 150-200 microns


Durafloor HP from Parchem Construction Supplies meets the product criteria and is an approved product.

Parchem Construction SuppliesDocument Date: 09/2009Page 1 of 2

Parchem offers direct assistance with specifications for individual projects; we can visit the site, design office, or arrange a meeting at our branch office. It is recommended that Parchem be consulted early in the design process. For Technical Data Sheets (TDS), Specifications and Method Statements, please visit our website at * To insert the Specification, Copy and Paste.