For the first 50 questions, circle the best answer for each question.

The first 50 questions are worth 1 point each.

Below is a screen capture of an FTP session. Imagine you are clicking, dragging, and dropping the COMMAND.COM file circled to the lower window where the arrow is pointing:

1. Which of the following letter pairs represents FROM where and TO where the COMMAND.COM file is going?

A)A to B

B)A to C

C)B to D

D)C to B

E)D to A

Imagine a friend from this class comes to you for help with his web page. He created his web page using netscape composer version 6.2 that he downloaded and installed from the university’s software archive. Your friend created his web page and everything was working on his machine. He was able to view the image on his page in his room on his own PC with either Netscape Navigator, or Internet Explorer. But, when he went to the computer lab, or the library, or any of his friend’s computers, the image would not come up on the page. Here’s the source code from his file created with netscape composer:



<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">



<div align="Center">Final Exam Test Question<br>

<img src="file:///C:/My%20Work/Beginnings/Fall%202002/test1.jpg" alt="alt" width="700" height="473">





Refer to the picture below:

2. According to the HTML code above, where will the browser look for the image file?





E)None of the above

3. Following along from the previous question, where on the picture above SHOULD the image file be stored?




D)A or B

E)None of the above

Above is a screen capture of FTP. Imagine you follow the steps listed above as 1., 2., 3.

4. Which of the following choices in the conceptual picture above would represent FROM where and TO where the file in the FTP image above would go?

A) From A to B

B) From A to D

C) From B to A

D) From C to A

E) From D to A

5. Which of the following media has the smallest bandwidth (sends the least amount of data per unit time)?

A) Fiber Optic cable

B) Thick Ethernet cable

C) Microwave channel

D) Cable TV

E) POTS Telephone modem

6. According to the handouts in class, which of the following is the TCP/IP layer that has the sequencing information (for example, this is packet 12 out of 367 packets)?

A) Application

B) Transport

C) Network

D) Datalink

E) Physical

7. Imagine you go to work for an electronics company that designs CD and MP3 players. The information coding for the strength of the air pressure wave that causes a sound is coded in binary. One of the codes is 0001010. Which of the following binary numbers would code for a pressure wave that was twice as strong?

A) 0002020

B) 0010100

C) 0001100

D) 0022000

E) 0001011

8. Which of the following best explains the difference between FTP Voyager and SSH?

A) SSH is encrypted while FTP voyager is not

B) FTP Voyager is used to upload files, while SSH is a terminal emulator

C) SSH is used to download files, while FTP Voyager is used to upload files

D) FTP Voyager is newer, more recent software than SSH

E) SSH runs only on Windows PCs while FTP voyager runs on both PCs and MAC machines.

9. Which of the following cipher texts, when deciphered as explained in lecture, yields an intelligible plain text message?






10. Which of the following is the full name for the acronym HTML?

A)High Textcontent Micro Language

B) Hexidecimal Transmission Multiplex Logic

C) Hyper Text Markup Language

D)Home Terminal Modulation Limit

E) Heterozygous Telnet Multi-media Layout

11. Which of the following lists of types of computers is closest to the correct order from MOST TO LEAST powerful?

A) Supercomputer, PDA, Unix workstation, laptop, Web server, Minicomputer, Microcomputer, Mainframe host.

B) PDA, Desktop, Microcomputer, Supercomputer, Unix workstation, Web Server, Macrocomputer, Mainframe host.

C) Supercomputer, Mainframe host, Web server, Unix workstation, laptop, palmtop, PDA, calculator.

D) Unix workstation, notebook, Web server, Microcomputer, Mainframe host, PDA, palmtop, supercomputer

E) Calculator, PDA, palmtop, notebook, Unix workstation, Web server, Mainframe host, Supercomputer

12. Charged Coupled Devices (CCDs) are used in all of the following EXCEPT which one?

A) Digital Cameras

B) Optical Character Readers

C) Scanners

D) Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs)

E) Faxes

13. According to the reading in the textbook, which of the following refers to “Pipelining”?

A) The old fashion way of putting a message in a canister and dropping it into an air tube so the canister is pushed to another part of a building for pickup.

B) The way many streams of data are coded in different colors and joined into a single beam of white light and sent down a fiber optic cable.

C) How Ethernet cables are pulled through the old plumbing spaces inside a building that is being wired for Internet Service.

D) The way a CPU begins executing a second instruction before the first instruction is completed, yielding faster processing.

E) How a person aboard ship can talk into a tube and be heard in a different area of a the ship.

14. According to the Units of Memory and Storage page, which of the following refers to “Tera” (as in TeraBytes)?

A) 1,000 (Thousand)

B) 1,000,000 (Million)

C) 1,000,000,000 (Billion)

D) 1,000,000,000,000 (Trillion)

E) 1,000,000,000,000,000 (Quadrillion)

15. Which of the following types of companies provides DSL service?

A) Cable TV

B) Telephone

C) Computer

D) Satellite

E) Radio

16. Which of the following is a wireless protocol that has become very popular and is also know as High Rate or Wi-Fi?


B) 802.11b

C) chmod 644 *.*

D) 10Base2

E) InfraRed Firewire

17. Which of the following best explains the biggest problem with the graph above?

A) The legend is missing

B) The colleges and schools should be arranged in alphabetical order

C) The total should not be included

D) The graph should be a line graph instead of a pie chart

E) The font should be serif and re-sized

18. Imagine a fellow classmate comes to you for help. She says that the Camel’s Hump image on her web page is not coming up when she goes to view the file in Netscape. The source code for her file is as follows:



<CENTER> <H1>My FavoriteMountain</H1>

<IMG SRC=CamelsHump.bmp</BODY> </HTML>

Which of the following best explains why the image is not visible in Netscape?

A) Netscape will not display .bmp (bit mapped) files (although IE will).

B) The image filename must be in lower case letters.

C) The server is temporarily down. Wait a while and try again.

D) The image tag must be inside of the to Head tags at the top of the code.

E) <PRE> must be used surrounding the image tag to display in Netscape.

19. According to the PC pricing information in the PC World link from the last lecture, which of the following is closest to the storage capacity of a hard drive you would expect in a “top Desktop” PC?

A) 1 – 10 Megabytes

B) 50 – 100 Megabytes

C) 500 Megabytes – 2 Gigabyte

D) 1-10 Gigabytes

E) 50-200 Gigabytes

20. Imagine you are trying to send an old 7-bit ASCII text file (each character has 7 bits instead of the 8 used today), between two computers. The protocol to send the file uses PARITY CHECK algorithm as discussed in class. The 7-bit text file contains 2400 characters and is being sent between the two computers at a speed of 2400 bits per second. Imagine the two computers are in adjacent rooms so the “handshake-acknowledgement” time is negligible (0 seconds). Which of the following is the amount of time it will take to send the file between the two machines?

A) 5 seconds

B) 10 seconds

C) 15 seconds

D) 20 seconds

E) 25 seconds

21. According to the PC pricing information link on the last lecture web page, which of the following best describes the Processor speed you should expect on a top of the line power desktop PC today?

A) 2-4 Mhz

B) 256-512 Mhz

C) 2-4 Ghz

D) 256-512 Ghz

E) 2-4 Thz

22. Imagine you were hired by NASA to design an imaging system for a new space probe to Mars. The imaging system NASA officials have in mind must be able to distinguish 512 different shades of brightness for each pixel in the images the sensor captures. What is the minimum number of bits that can be used to code for each pixel?

A) 7

B) 9

C) 13

D) 64

E) 512

23. The PC pricing information presented in class came from which of the following sources:


B) PCWorld Magazine website

C) The UVM Microcomputer Depot, WatermanBuilding

D) PC Magazine

E) Bazooka bubblegum wrapper

24. According to the link from the lecture web page on how Compact Disc players work, which of the following best describes how the information is stored on a CD?

A) Sequences of tones are stored as binary numbers in a series of tracks and sectors on the disc. These are read by a laser and translated into voltages that drive speakers.

B) The sound on a CD is stored in analog where the width of the “pit” defines how strong the pressure wave is that the pit codes for. These pressure waves are modified into electric signals whose strength determines the sound strength that comes out of headphones or speakers.

C) Music on a CD is a string of 0s and 1s that are coded by the angle of reflection of laser light on the mirrored surface of the CD. Each sound wave is coded by a 24-bit number. This number is modulated into an analog pulse that drives headphones or speakers.

D) Tones on a CD are series of light oscillations of different wavelength (or colors). The sound is produced by a color demodulator that converts the color phase into a sound pitch. The colors are stored in concentric rings on the surface of the CD and translated into electric pulses that drive the speakers or headphones.

E) The music on a CD is stored in a long series of pits and lands that represents sequences of 16-bit numbers, each representing a wave amplitude. These are arranged in a spiral on the disc and are demodulated into an electric signal that drives speakers or headphones.

25. According to the link from the lecture web page on how both Active Matrix Screens, and Digital Cameras work, which of the following are the primary colors used in storing (camera) and displaying (screen) images?

A) Red, Green, Blue

B) Cyan, Magenta, Yellow

C) Red, Violet, Blue

D) Black, White, Brown

E) Orange, Green, Teal

26. Which one of the following technologies is only good for short-range (<100 meters) wireless communication?


B) 802.11b (Wi-Fi)

C) Cable Modem

D) T1

E) Fiber Optic

27. BeOS, Unix, Windows, Linux, AIX, and CP/M are all examples of which of the following?

A) Spreadsheets

B) Data Bases

C) Programming Languages

D) Operating Systems

E) Word Processing programs

28. Which of the following is the address to subscribe to the agri85 listserv?






29. Which one of the following graph types best describes the graph above?

A) Bar Chart

B) Line Graph

C) X-Y Scatter plot

D) Radar graph

E) Curve graph

30. Which of the following would be the best interpretation of the above graph?

A) Countries that have a high birth rate tend to have a high GNP.

B)The graph proves that increasing the GNP will raise the birthrate in a country.

C)Of the countries listed there is a weak inverse relationship between birth rate and GNP.

D)Countries that have a low birth rate have a low GNP.

E)There is no relationship between birth rate and GNP.

  1. Which one of the following is the name of the device that converts digital signals to analog signals and vice versa?


B)Hard Drive

C)Network Card

D)DVD player

E)PCMCIA Ethernet Card

  1. Imagine you are spending a semester abroad in Australia. You get to Sydney Uni and you decide you want to update your web page on zoo back at UVM. Which of the following programs can you use to update your page?

A)Netscape Composer and FTP Voyager

B)Unix and Excel

C)Excel and Pine

D)Word and PowerPoint

E)None of the above

33. Which of the following TCP/IP stack layers contains the addressing information?

A)Data Link layer

B)Network layer

C)Chocolate layer

D)Address layer

E)Physical layer

34. What does TCP/IP stand for?

A)Transistor Computer Protocol/ Information Processing

B)Telecommunication Central Processing/Intelligence Protocol

C)Transfer Computer Protocol/Interweb Protocol

D)Telnet Composer Program/International Protocol

E)None of the above

  1. Which of the following is hyper text markup language used for?

A)Creating software application programs

B)Creating operating systems

C)Nothing. It is an early version of QBASIC that has been replaced by Visual Basic

D)Creating web pages

E)Creating a digital error checker for sending packets

  1. Which of the following tags are used to create a list of numbered items (1., 2., 3., etc.)?






  1. Which of the following tags would be the correct tag to take the image of Ira Allen Chapel (ira.jpg) and make it into a link on a web page so that when you click on the chapel, the UVM page comes up?

A)<IMG SRC=ira.jp/

B)<A HREF= SRC=ira.jpg</A>

C)<Link= SCR=ira.jpg</LINK>


E)<IMG SRC=ira.jpg>

  1. Imagine you are helping out a friend create her first web page. She writes the HTML code in Notepad and uploads the file to her public_html directory on zoo with FTP Voyager. Next she opens Internet Explorer and goes to her zoo URL: but instead of seeing the web page she gets a “Forbidden” error message. Which of the following best explains what went wrong?

A)She accidentally uploaded the wrong file

B)Zoo is temporarily down, try again later

C)The file permissions need to be changed on her firstwebpage.html file

D)She accidentally uploaded her firstwebpage.html file into her home directory instead of her public_html directory

E)All of the above are a possible explanation of the “Forbidden” error message

  1. Imagine you would like a yellow background on a web page. Which of the following tags would work?






  1. According lecture, which of the following best describes how mechanical mice work?

A)A track ball spins wheels with slots that interrupt a beam of light. The flashes of light are modulated into digital pulses that tell the computer how far the mouse has moved over the table top.

B)A light shines onto the desk surface below the mouse. A lens focuses the reflection into a camera which takes 1,500 pictures a second. A digital signal processor compares sequential images to determine what has changed from frame to frame. This information is turned into X-Y coordinates.

C)An internal finely suspended steel ball will move against the surrounding ring of sensors when the mouse is moved in one direction or another. The sensor that is triggered will send a light signal to the CPU telling the computer what direction the mouse is being moved over the desktop.

D)A laser shines directly down on the surface of the desk. A light sensor picks up reflections from the desk surface that surround the area where the laser beam strikes. Changes in brightness are detected by sensors surrounding the laser beam. These changes are demodulated into direction coordinates.

E)Inside the mouse is a finely tuned laser inside a vacuum. When the mouse is moved in any direction the laser path is slightly bent by the motion of the mouse. These fine changes in motion are detected by LED sensors inside the mouse photon chamber, and are demodulated into motion coordinates.

  1. Earlier this year there was an attack on the Domain Name Servers that are dispersed through the Internet. This attack led to a slow down of web access across the world for a few hours. According to the link from the lecture page that describes how Internet E-mail works, which of the following is the best example the function of a Domain Name Server?

A)Converts the data bus information into a memory address hexidecimal number

B)Does the check-sum error checking on packets

C)Sends IP number location information of addresses like “ or “amazon.com”

D)Inspects the packet sequence number and re-assembles packets into their correct sequence

E)Assigns an IP number as the return address in the network TCP/IP layer

  1. Which of the following best describes how Image Compression was accomplished by the voyager space probe, as described in the assigned reading on line?

A)Only every other pixel was sent back to earth from Voyager, and the missing pixels were interpolated to match the other pixels.

B)The first pixel in each image row was sent back as a reference, but only the difference in brightness of adjacent pixels was sent back for the remaining pixels in the row.

C)A reduced color palette of 125 colors (8-bits) was used instead of the 24-bit per pixel.

D)A run-time algorithm was used to record the number of pixels with exactly the same brightness in the row.

E)The sum of all the 1 bits was sent along with each packet of image data that was downloaded to earth.

43. Imagine you are creating a web page and you find this really sweet image of a sunrise that you want to use in your page. You decide to include the tag <IMG SRC= in your web page. Which of the following is the main advantage of using this tag instead of using a tag like <IMG SRC=sunrise.jpg>?

A)The first tag method will always load the image faster than the second method.

B)The first tag method is safer because the image is stored on its own server.

C)The first tag method is less likely to break any copyright laws on images.

D)The first tag method is more precise because it locates the image in cyberspace.