FLCC Executive Meeting
Monday, December 19, 2016After 6pm potluck
9264 213 Street, Langley BC
PRESENT:Cheryl MacIntosh, Susie Tuttle, Cec Welk, Grant Rawstron, Bob Anderson, Gralin Doubleday, Debbie Scott, Dianne Shrimpton
Regrets: Joyce May
In attendance:
Call to order. The meeting commenced at7:25pm
MOTION by Bob to adopt the agenda asamended.
Seconded by Gralin Carried
Item C-1
MINUTES: / MOTION byDebbie to accept the minutes of themeetingas amended.
Seconded byGrant. Carried.
REPORTS / Reports are attached to these minutes. All divisions/disciplines/ committee representatives are required to provide regularreports.
A reminder to committee representatives to submit to the executive for keeping: agendas, minutes, and brief reports relevant to FLCC.
Item D-1
TREASURER / A month end financial statement is sent to each executive member prior to meeting or review. Statements are available to any member upon request.
MOTION by Susieto adopt the financial reports as distributed.
Seconded by Dianne Carried
Item D-2
- Dragon Boat(DB) (attached)
- Flatwater/Sprint (FW) (attached)
- Voyageur/Rec Canoe (VOY) (attached)
- Outrigger Canoe (OC) (attached)
Seconded by Susie. Carried
Item E-1 CLUB
Item E-1.1
General / .
Coach Boats and Motors / Gas User Fee
Diane, Joyce and Cheryl will figure out a coach boat usage fee per season for teams using the coach boats based on the gas usage over the year by Sprint.
Boat & Motor Purchase
Cheryl emailed many boat users about their experiences with various styles of boats and motors. More input and evaluation is needed before a purchase is made.
Canoe Docks / Grant will talk to Early Risers about repairs on the NE corner of the canoe dock platform.
Fort Langley Historic Site / No update
FLCC Strategic Plan / Grant would like the executive to work on the development of strategic planning for youth across all divisions. Grant will circulate some challenges he sees in youth strategic planning.
Club Apparel / We still have some hats for sale; we are carrying their cost on the books and do not want inventory over year-end. The parkas have arrived and been distributed.
Insurance / Cheryl gave an update of our meeting with Central Insurance. The executive agreed to proceed with investigation of this insurance.
Susie has sent the list of club equipment to reps to ensure their equipment is included and costs are correct on the boat insurance policy.
Boathouse Lease Update / Cheryl has printed out and attached copies of emails with Bedford Channel Society about our storage of gas in the gas storage area. These will be attached to the boathouse lease agreement.
Executive Job Descriptions / Cec will send Sue the revised job descriptions to ensure all the additions are included.
BC Societies Act Committee / We must update our Constitution and Bylaws (C&B) to meet the new Societies Act by 2018. The committee consisting of Cheryl, Cec, Bob, Jean Chan and Dan Peebles. has met and discussed revisions, agreeing that we will not change the intent of our current C&B as they were updated at the last AGM, but make the required changes to meet the new Societies Act. We hope to have it prepared for approval at the upcoming AGM.
1.1.11AGM Planning / Those members of the executive stepping down are asked to help with finding a replacement in their position.
BCS Representatives 2017 / Betsy Heal has expressed interest in running for BCS rep. Jonathan Wilkins has said that he will run again.
The executive confirmed the appointment of Betsy and Jonathan as our two new 2017 BCS representatives. Thank you Betsy and Jonathan. To the past board, thank you to Barb Ydenburg for her service the past four years who is stepping down, as well as to Carolyn Kessler, Marlene Hoyt and Jonathan Wilkins who have been on and will remain on the BCS board in 2017.
2017 Budgets / Division reps are asked to submit their budgets this month so Susie can prepare pages for the AGM.
We have a budget meeting scheduled for January 16, 2017.
Susie will create the club budget ensuring actual maintenance costs and boat repairs are covered.
QuickBooksUpdate / Susie and Cheryl are working through the learning curve of the QuickBooks Online program.
Item E-1.3
Safety / Also see report attached.
Safety Training for Divisions / Due to the cold weather, the club has recommended that paddlers not use the docks or boats.
Bob will develop a cold-water policy.
Item E-1.4
Paddlesport Dock & Boathouse / No update
Dock Expansion Project Update / FW would like extra space on the between shore and docks; Jonathan has taken the plans to a ToL meeting today for approval. The dock expansion committee is getting quotes for materials from various suppliers.
Joseph Haldi House Update / No update
Maintenance / John has been checking the boats and docks. He has bought a pump that attaches to a drill to facilitate pumping.
Item E-2
DRAGON BOAT / Also see report attached.
DB 10 Purchase / MOTION by Joyce to purchase the two Swift DB10s that were leased last year from DragonZone at $3000 apiece.
Seconded by Cec Carried
Item E-3
FLATWATER/SPRINT / Also see report attached.
Sprint Update / Sprint has been off the water with the cold weather. They are doing dryland training and last week held their Xmas party.
Item E-4
OUTRIGGER / Also see report attached.
OC Update / Gralin received an email about a used Bradley Lightning for sale. He has responded with some questions about specifications and price point.
Bob is in contact with a supplier of the C-Lion OC1s and suggests these would be good boats for the club.
Item E-5
VOY/REC CANOE / Also see attached report.
Hoist Proposal / Glenn will talk to Vancouver Island Docks at the Boat Show about suitable hoist components for voyageur hoist. Gralin wondered if they could be battery operated.
Item G-1
Next Meetings / Next executive meeting:
7:00pm, Monday,January 23,2017
Fort Langley Community Hall
Item H-1
Meeting Adjournment / MOTION by Debbie to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm
Submitted by Cecilia Welk
Attachments: Combined Reports
Dragonboat Report
December 2016
Joyce May
December was all about weather; snow, ice and freezing temperatures. Teams sensibly cancelled practices with a nod to safety. The weather also delivered slippery docks and boats full of water, ice and/or snow. A huge thank-you is due those who spent hours bailing and making sure boats were safe and secure.
Unfortunately, these tasks fell into the hands of the few and not the many. Time to kick around some solutions and I have some thoughts on the matter.
I am currently working on an online steers course. The course will be based on the info contained in the FLCC Steers Manual. All new steers will be encouraged to take the course.
The division has purchased the two, leased DB10s from Dragonzone.
Memberships expire December 31st and I will be asking DB captains to check a database drawn from the membership lists (view only) to ensure all paddlers have their 2017 membership before they enter docks or boats.
The south finger is in serious need of repairs and the DB division will be looking for repairs/upgrades.
OC Report
Presented by Gralin Doubleday
Dec 19, 2016
Team practices have been sporadic due to the extended cold snap that we have been in these past few weeks. I suspect that crews have been using good judgment when deciding whether to paddle in the sub zero temperatures.
There did not seem to be a problem with the river icing up until this past week when the sudden wind chill caused a quick freeze. The OC6s were broken free of the ice on Thursday, and again on Saturday. With the forecast of warmer weather after the weekend there was no need for more extensive actions.
As always, information on any CORA items, your annual membership renewal and race schedule & results can be found by visiting
December Sprint Report
Submitted by Emily Raymond
Sprint is preparing for a new season on the water. The 2017 Spring/Summer schedule is completed and we look forward to the opening of online registration through TOL in February. The Year 2 Strategic plan is in progress. The Sprint Team has several fundraising efforts planned for 2017. We kick it off on January 2ndwith a bottle drive and a coin drive at the Otter Co-op in Aldergrove.All are welcome to bring their bottles to the Co-op parking lot that day.
December Voyager Report
Submitted by Debbie Scott
We had a good paddle on the 1st Saturday of December but have cancelled the last 2 due to cold weather.
I've sent out emails looking for volunteers to take over voyager rep for next year. Only 1 person maybe interested in sharing the position so still looking for volunteers.
New Years’Paddle and Potluck is posted on the FLCC website; we have lots of space for more paddlers.
Merry Christmas, everyone!Have a safe holiday!
Fort Langley Canoe Club PO Box 1098, Fort Langley, BC V1M 2S4 fortlangleycanoeclub.ca