Flash – Create Movie Clips & Use Drawing Tools


o  Create basic movie clips in Flash.

o  Familiarize yourself with the drawing tools in Flash.


o  Open Flash. Click Start > Programs > Adobe Master Collection CS3 > Adobe Flash CS3 Professional

o  Create a new file. Click File > New > Flash File (ActionSript 2.0) > OK

o  Create a movie clip. Click Insert > New Symbol > Name: mc_ball > Type: Movie clip > Click “Export for ActionScript” > Click OK

o  Use the drawing tools to draw a ball in the middle of the stage.

o  Click in frame 2 of the movie clip. Then right-click and choose Convert to Keyframe. Frame 2 of the movie clip is now the same as frame 1.

o  Use the drawing tools to make changes to frame 2 of the movie clip.

o  If you would like additional frames, follow the previous two steps to add the frames.

o  Close the movie clip by clicking on Scene 1 above the stage.

o  Open the library. Click Window > Library.

o  Drag the movie clip from the library to the stage.

o  Test your movie by clicking Control > Test Movie (or Ctrl+Enter).

o  If you want more copies of the movie clip on the stage, drag additional movie clips from the library to the stage.

Assignment #1:

o  In one Flash file (name the file “Movie Clip Practice”, create at least 10 different movie clips. Drag each movie clip from the library to the stage. More points will be awarded for more complex movie clips. 10 points total.


o  Following are URL’s for drawing tutorials in Flash. Work through them to learn how to use the Flash drawing tools.

http://www.echoecho.com/flashdrawing.htm à good background info

http://sunflic.deviantart.com/art/Flash-Drawing-Tutorial-21598353 à Assignment #2

http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Flash_drawing_tutorial à good background info

http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flash/articles/beg_drawing_04.html à pretty simple tutorial that draws a house (alternate Assignment #2)

Assignment #2:

o  Complete one of the tutorials above (either Assignment #2 or alternate Assignment #2). Save the file as “Drawing Practice.” 10 points total.