Ecosystem Model-Data Intercomparison Workshop
Outlier Detection and Flagging for Class B Sites
R.J. Olson, J.M.O. Scurlock, K.J. Johnson, and EMDI Workshop Participants
January 27, 2000
- Assigned consistent biome class to Class B sites (2363 records, 1271 sites)
- Calculated new NPP ensemble values (8 models)
- Calculated new AET ensemble values (4 models)
- Performed outlier analysis on NPP and driver data (18 flags)
- Excluded managed sites (crops, pasture, plantation and wetlands) (169 sites)
- Identified a set of 373of the 2194 (2363 –169) sites to be excluded, including:
One or more critical flags:
189 flagged related to differences with NPP ensemble (bias, NE, MAE)
180 flagged related to high elevation (>2500 m)
49 flagged related to big differences between site and global precipitation
35 flagged related to big differences between site and global temperature
Five or more less critical flags:
Outside of .05 to .95 percentile by biome
Outside of .95 CI determined by regressions with AET, PREC, TAVE
- Recalculated NPP for 959 sites from the 1821 NPP records
- Compared revised NPP with model ensemble NPP, modeled ensemble averaged 91 gC/m2 higher than observed NPP
The Ecosystem Model-Data Intercomparison (EMDI) Workshop was held December 5-8, 1999 in Durham, New Hampshire with 12 modeling groups participating. The EMDI Workshop included a variety of models, including biogeochemical, satellite-driven, detailed process, and DVGM types. Initial results showed general agreement between models and data but with obvious differences that indicate areas for potential data and model improvement. Much of the workshop was devoted to looking at potential outliers and harmonizing some of the driver data, especially land cover or vegetation types.
Goal - The goal is to produce a consistent set of NPP measurements with associated environmental driver data that can be used for regional model development and validation.
QA Issues - The ORNL group had reviewed the data extensively prior to EMDI by looking at scatter plots and data outside of reasonable limits. However, the Workshop provided the initial model results to compare with the observed NPP data. An ensemble NPP value was calculated for each site as the average of the 12 Class A (old class 1-2) and 8 Class B (old Class 3) models, including AVIM, CARAIB, CENTURY, GLO-PEM, IBIS, PnET, STOMATE, and VECODE. In addition, an ensemble AET (actual evapotranspiration) value was calculated based on the average of AET provided by four of the models. The EMDI workshop also provided an opportunity to review the classification of the sites, compare observed to predicted NPP, and look at relationships between variables. The specific issues that we hope to address are:
- Land cover / Biome Class Consistency- This review was prompted in part by the realization of problems in using the satellite-derived land cover for each site (i.e., often this represented the dominant land cover for a 1x1 km area, not the typical 1x1 m to 1 hectare NPP measurement site).
- Managed sites - In addition, modelers decided to flag and exclude likely heavily managed sites and wetlands from the EMDI comparison.
- Multiple NPP values for a site – Some sites have up to 35 observed NPP values, often from several vegetation types. We assume this is often a result of reporting imprecise latitude/longitude coordinates.
- Coordinates – Coordinates for sites are reported in a mix of formats, from whole degrees for a set of Russian sites to 4 decimal places for GPS registered sites. Some of the climate data and model outputs were provided with coordinates rounded off to 2 decimal places. Although we had distributed data with coordinates up to 4 decimal places, we rounded all sites to 2 decimal places for consistency.
The power of the statistical-empirical approach is that we can look for patterns within similar groups (i.e., biomes) and look for relationships between variables. Even if we could review the original literature reference associated with each study, we would not pickup the potential outliers that were found in this process.
Biomes - The outlier process started by reviewing the biome designation for all sites. Twenty-one classes were defined at the EMDI workshop to represent the data and needs of the models. They were assigned based on initial biome class, subbiome, species, vegetation type and evaluation by Jonathan Scurlock, Peter Thornton, Mac Post, Bill Parton, Steve DeGrosa and others. Four classes were assigned to heavily managed or sites typically not addressed by regional models. The types included crops, pasture, plantations, and wetlands. These sites will be flagged and generally excluded from the EMDI exercises. The 21 biome classes were grouped into 12 classes based on the number of sites to ensure there were enough data (at least 30-40 sites) within each biome to conduct the outlier detection described below.
BIOMENEW / Total / Aggregated (BIOME2)*crops / 14 / managed
*pasture / 17 / managed
*plantation / 27 / managed
*wetland / 46 / managed
DBL forest / boreal / 43 / boreal
DBL forest / temperate / 233 / DBL forest / temperate
DBL forest / tropical / 17 / DBL forest / tropical
desert / 26 / desert
DNL forest / boreal / 29 / boreal
EBL forest / temperate / 250 / EBL forest / temperate
EBL forest / tropical / 102 / EBL forest / tropical
ENL forest / boreal / 117 / ENL forest / boreal
ENL forest / temperate / 210 / ENL forest / temperate
grassland / C3 / 41 / grassland
grassland / C4 temperate / 18 / grassland
grassland / C4 tropical / 32 / grassland
mediterranean / 12 / Savanna
mixed forest / 49 / mixed forest
Savanna / temperate / 1 / Savanna
Savanna / tropical / 8 / Savanna
tundra / 24 / tundra
Grand Total / 1317
At the EMDI Workshop, we decided to rename the groups to Class A (old Class 1 &2), Class B (old Class 3) and Class C (old Regional cells. This analysis covers Class B sites. A similar approach will be used with Class A and Class C sites. Actually, we may use the biome level information derived from Class B sites to compare to the sites in the other classes.
Class B Sites
The EMDI NPP and driver data were reviewed to flag potential outliers based on criteria to identify unrepresentative sites or potential errors. Each variable was reviewed independently and then in combination with other variables. At the EMDI Workshop, the QA checking was restricted to average NPP at 918 Class B (old Class 3) sites, those for which a complete set of model predictions from 7 models were available. In this phase, we reviewed all 2363 individual NPP data values that had model predictions from at least 3 models. The final step will be to calculate average NPP for all unique site-biome combinations using the subset of NPP records that pass our flagging criteria. Initially there were 1663 Class B sites; however, this set was reduced to 1271 unique sites with valid driver data. We expect after the exclusion of outliers that there will be approximately 1000 sites remaining.
The approach included the following tests to set flags:
- Flags based on values outside of reasonable limits:
ANPP_C>2000 gC/m2, BNPP_C>2000, TNPP_C > 3000
ELEV > 2500 m (high elevation sites were expected to comprise unrepresentative sub-biomes or present problems with the climate extrapolation algorithm)
ANPP > .95TNPP, BNPP>.95 TNPP (for a site with both above and below ground components)
- Flags based on questionable values. <We didn’t include this in our set of flags but are aware that the Russian sites should be flagged and there may be other sites.>
- Flags based on NPP values outside of the .05-.95 percentiles for each biome calculated assuming a normal distribution of variables (this replaces our initial rule of using 2 standard deviations):
- Flags based on climate values outside of the .01-.99 percentiles for each biome calculated assuming a normal distribution of variables. In addition, we set some specific limits for some biomes:
Temp, Precip
Temp > 6 C for boreal forests
Precip > 1000 mm for desert and tundra
Precip < 1000 mm for tropical forest
- Flags based on inconsistencies at a site, such as precipitation reported for the site being different than the precipitation derived from global climate data. These flags were based on calculating the Normalized Error (NE) as the ratio of the difference (predicted - observed) divided by the average (predicted + observed )/2. Based on the frequency distribution of the ratios, ratios greater than 1.0 were flagged.
Elevation, Precipitation, Temperature
- Flags based on the comparison of measured NPP versus modeled NPP using the average or ensemble value for all available models. The comparison was based on bias (predicted - observed), Normalized Error (predicted - observed) divided by the average (predicted - observed )/2, and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) – (predicted - observed) divided by the observed. . Based on the frequency distributions, bias greater than +_ 1000 gC/m2, NE ratios greater than +_1.0, and MAE ratios greater than +_ 5 were flagged.
NPP vs MODEL ensemble
- Flags based on relationships between variables. Linear regression analysis was performed between NPP and average AET (from 4 models), NPP and precipitation, and NPP and temperature. Points falling outside of the .95 Confidence Interval about the regression line were flagged.
NPP vs AET, NPP vs Prec, NPP vs Tave
Critical flags
We assume that sites that have multiple flags have inconsistencies between NPP, driver data, and model predictions, and are therefore more likely to be an outlier. This seemed to hold true in plots (see below). We also know that some flags are deserve more critical weight as indicators of potential problems. We designated flags by assigning a value of 10 for those critical checks, including NPP inconsistent with model NPP ensemble value, elevation > 2500 m or < -100 m, and either site temperature or precipitation inconsistent with that assigned based on the global climate data. We assigned a flag of 100 to the heavily managed sites for easy identification.
The overall flags value was calculated as the sum of the individual flags. Sites with a sum greater that 100 (managed biomes) were dropped, and those greater than 5 (all those with at least one major flag) were considered potential for excluding.
- Drop managed sites (169 or 7% of the total)
- Select sites with no flags set or less than 5 noncritical flags (or exclude those with a critical flag set or five or more noncritical flags)
A total of 136 of the 2363 records were dropped because they are managed sites. A total of 373 appeared to be outliers. We are in the process of reviewing this list. Virtually all the sites identified at the EMDI workshop as outliers were included in this set. If the EMDI group as a whole accepted these as outliers and we recalculate site and biome averages, we would have a total of 1821 records for 951 sites.
Estimating Total NPP
For those sites lacking a value for TNPP, we calculated biome-specific ratios to estimate NPP_EST from ANPP or BNPP. We will recalculate these ratios based on the new biome classification and recalculate NPP_EST use data with outliers excluded.
Plots and Charts
We plotted NPP observed against the modeled NPP ensemble, by AET ensemble, and by latitude with the plot symbols indicating the magnitude of the flags. In general, the points that had high flag values appeared to be on the fringe of the cluster of points. As included below, the difference between the old NPP and revised included increases and decreases, generally getting bigger with higher NPP levels. There was a strong relationship of the recalculated model ensemble to be higher at low NPP and lower than observed NPP at higher NPP. Bar charts are presented for the new biome groups.
The SAS variable names and labels for the flags are:
Flag name / Flag / Flag labelBIOME_F / 100 / crops, pasture, plantations, wetlands**
ELEV_MXF / 10 / elev >2500, elev < -100*
PREC_F / 10 / (prec – prec_ann) / ave(prec) > 1*
TAVE_F / 10 / (tave – temp_ann) / ave(tave) > 1*
MOD_F / 10 / (npp_est - modcb_av) / ave(npp) > 1*
ANPP_P5F / 1 / anpp outsite .05-.95 percentile by biome2
BNPP_P5F / 1 / bnpp outsite .05-.95 percentile by biome2
TNPP_P5F / 1 / tnpp outsite .05-.95 percentile by biome2
NPP_P5F / 1 / npp outsite .05-.95 percentile by biome2
ANPPBADF / 1 / anpp >2000gc/m2, anpp>95%tnpp
BNPPBADF / 1 / bnpp >2000gc/m2, bnpp>95%tnpp
TNPPBADF / 1 / tnpp >3000gc/m2, anppbadf or bnppbadf
AET_RGF / 1 / NPP outside .95 CI of NPP=a+b*AET regression
PREC_RGF / 1 / NPP outside .95 CI of NPP=a+b*PREC regression
TAVE_RGF / 1 / NPP outside .95 CI of NPP=a+b*TAVE regression
ELEV_F / 1 / (elev_giv - elev_dem) / ave(elev) > 1
PRECBADF / 1 / prec outsite .01-.99 percentile by biome2 (or >1000mm in desert)
TAVEBADF / 1 / temp outsite .01-.99 percentile by biome2 (>6 in boreal forests)
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 202
|NPP_EST |BIOMENEW | | | | | | | |
| |------| | | | | | |
| |*crops | 26| 0| 1137| 673| 132| 210| 3100|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |*pasture | 25| 0| 1327| 814| 163| 120| 3000|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |*plantation | 35| 0| 888| 410| 69| 200| 1860|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |*wetland | 83| 0| 638| 597| 66| 60| 2920|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |DBL forest /| | | | | | | |
| |boreal | 48| 0| 596| 259| 37| 100| 1140|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |DBL forest /| | | | | | | |
| |temperate | 392| 0| 592| 251| 13| 110| 2187|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |DBL forest /| | | | | | | |
| |tropical | 46| 0| 653| 365| 54| 140| 1520|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |DNL forest /| | | | | | | |
| |boreal | 43| 0| 509| 253| 39| 150| 1440|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |EBL forest /| | | | | | | |
| |temperate | 375| 0| 796| 336| 17| 53| 2360|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |EBL forest /| | | | | | | |
| |tropical | 168| 0| 922| 380| 29| 60| 2093|
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 203
|NPP_EST |BIOMENEW | | | | | | | |
| |------| | | | | | |
| |ENL forest /| | | | | | | |
| |boreal | 225| 0| 356| 213| 14| 10| 1120|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |ENL forest /| | | | | | | |
| |temperate | 447| 0| 722| 468| 22| 53| 2413|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |Savanna / | | | | | | | |
| |temperate | 1| 0| 450| .| .| 450| 450|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |Savanna / | | | | | | | |
| |tropical | 8| 0| 434| 434| 153| 60| 1390|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |desert | 43| 0| 141| 191| 29| 20| 810|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |grassland / | | | | | | | |
| |C3 | 68| 0| 332| 237| 29| 40| 1110|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |grassland / | | | | | | | |
| |C4 temperate| 32| 0| 388| 219| 39| 30| 1080|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |grassland / | | | | | | | |
| |C4 tropical | 61| 0| 687| 541| 69| 40| 2260|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |mediterrane-| | | | | | | |
| |an | 12| 0| 422| 259| 75| 80| 800|
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 204
|NPP_EST |BIOMENEW | | | | | | | |
| |------| | | | | | |
| |mixed forest| 173| 0| 550| 278| 21| 80| 2160|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |tundra | 52| 0| 101| 82| 11| 10| 370|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |ALL | 2363| 0| 638| 419| 9| 10| 3100|
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 205
|ANPP_C |ALL | 1484| 879| 429| 323| 8| 10| 2180|
|BNPP_C | | 601| 1762| 151| 175| 7| 10| 2770|
|TNPP_C | | 1486| 877| 638| 373| 10| 10| 3100|
|NPP_EST | | 2363| 0| 638| 419| 9| 10| 3100|
|PREC | | 2363| 0| 1041| 579| 12| 36| 3778|
|TAVE | | 2363| 0| 10| 8| 0| -18| 29|
|ELEV | | 2363| 0| 805| 882| 18| -36| 4240|
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 206
O P P P _ P P P _ P _ P _
M P P _ P P P _ P P E _ P
E _ _ P 9 _ _ P 9 _ S P 9
2 N C 5 5 N C 5 5 N T 5 5
DBL forest / tempera 237 479 190 900 255 598 290 1040 392 592 260 1067
DBL forest / tropica 40 512 150 1220 35 714 190 1510 46 653 190 1350
EBL forest / tempera 44 718 320 1700 340 775 380 1330 375 796 380 1430
EBL forest / tropica 79 662 250 1370 127 890 400 1440 168 921 410 1500
ENL forest / boreal 206 205 30 450 101 312 100 590 225 356 60 820
ENL forest / tempera 345 602 130 1360 265 602 200 1180 447 722 190 1720
boreal 63 297 90 480 41 492 180 920 91 555 180 960
desert 32 53 10 160 22 201 30 800 43 141 20 680
grassland 148 241 40 730 103 513 100 1370 161 478 80 1370
managed 88 508 80 1110 98 844 170 2010 169 869 140 2070
mixed forest 144 431 100 830 69 540 260 760 173 550 173 1080
savanna 18 183 30 400 5 644 340 1390 21 428 80 800
tundra 40 74 15 205 25 87 10 200 52 101 15 270
All 1484 429 50 1030 1486 638 140 1330 2363 638 100 1440
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 207
O E E V _ P E C _ T V E _
M V L _ P R C _ P A E _ P
E _ E P 9 E _ P 9 V _ P 9
2 N V 1 9 C N 1 9 E N 1 9
DBL forest / tempera 392 604 10 2805 935 392 104 2535 7.92 392.00 -5.00 26.00
DBL forest / tropica 46 149 79 1290 1228 46 654 1565 25.91 46.00 20.00 27.00
EBL forest / tempera 375 1386 50 3800 1288 375 593 2550 12.51 375.00 2.00 18.00
EBL forest / tropica 168 567 53 2163 1813 168 943 3778 21.06 168.00 13.00 28.00
ENL forest / boreal 225 490 60 1530 581 225 252 1262 0.44 225.00 -7.00 5.00
ENL forest / tempera 447 1090 6 3900 1150 447 199 3096 9.33 447.00 -5.00 24.00
boreal 91 630 92 1946 616 91 175 1637 0.03 91.00 -10.00 9.00
desert 43 1111 68 3362 330 43 115 789 13.63 43.00 -1.00 26.00
grassland 161 624 28 2367 823 161 167 2315 15.06 161.00 -3.00 28.00
managed 169 467 2 2750 1093 169 162 3464 14.02 169.00 -2.00 27.00
mixed forest 173 627 -1 2900 985 173 136 1890 10.61 173.00 0.00 19.00
savanna 21 418 53 1502 620 21 256 1277 17.05 21.00 6.00 27.00
tundra 52 872 -2 3042 652 52 41 1748 -6.29 52.00 -18.00 6.00
All 2363 805 5 3642 1041 2363 105 3096 10.18 2363.0 -9.00 27.00
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 208
| | N | SUM |NMISS |
|**biome=cro-|ALL | | | |
|ps, pasture,| | | | |
|wetlands, | | | | |
|etc | | 2363| 16900| 0|
|*(npp_est - | | | | |
|modcb_av) / | | | | |
|ave(npp) > 1| | 2326| 1890| 37|
|*(prec - | | | | |
|prec_ann) / | | | | |
|ave(prec) > | | | | |
|1 | | 787| 490| 1576|
|*(tave - | | | | |
|temp_ann) / | | | | |
|ave(tave) > | | | | |
|1 | | 607| 350| 1756|
|*elev >2500 | | | | |
|or elev < - | | | | |
|100 | | 2363| 1800| 0|
|(elev_giv - | | | | |
|elev_dem) / | | | | |
|ave(elev) > | | | | |
|1 | | 2363| 47| 0|
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 209
| | N | SUM |NMISS |
|anpp outsite|ALL | | | |
|.05 | | | | |
|percentile | | | | |
|by biome2 | | 1484| 127| 879|
|bnpp outsite| | | | |
|.05 | | | | |
|percentile | | | | |
|by biome2 | | 601| 41| 1762|
|tnpp outsite| | | | |
|.05 | | | | |
|percentile | | | | |
|by biome2 | | 1486| 132| 877|
|npp outsite | | | | |
|.05 | | | | |
|percentile | | | | |
|by biome2 | | 2363| 215| 0|
|anpp>2000gc-| | | | |
|/m2 or | | | | |
|anpp>95%tnpp| | | | |
|or < 50 | | 1484| 51| 879|
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 210
| | N | SUM |NMISS |
|bnpp>2000gc-|ALL | | | |
|/m2 or | | | | |
|bnpp>95%tnpp| | | | |
|or < 50 | | 601| 90| 1762|
|tnpp>3000gc-| | | | |
|/m2 or | | | | |
|anppbadf or | | | | |
|bnppbadf | | 1486| 102| 877|
|prec | | | | |
|unreasonable| | | | |
|for biome2 | | 2363| 237| 0|
|temp | | | | |
|unreasonable| | | | |
|for biome2 | | 2363| 78| 0|
|npp value | | | | |
|outside | | | | |
|npp=a+b*AET | | | | |
|.95CI | | 1635| 37| 728|
|npp value | | | | |
|outside | | | | |
|npp=a+b*PREC| | | | |
|.95CI | | 1649| 39| 714|
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 211
| | N | SUM |NMISS |
|npp value |ALL | | | |
|outside | | | | |
|npp=a+b*TAVE| | | | |
|.95CI | | 1649| 41| 714|
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 212
O P P P _ P P P _ P _ P _
M P P _ P P P _ P P E _ P
E _ _ P 9 _ _ P 9 _ S P 9
2 N C 5 5 N C 5 5 N T 5 5
DBL forest / tempera 230 472 210 860 242 592 290 1010 375 588 270 1040
DBL forest / tropica 38 464 150 1020 32 682 190 1270 43 625 190 1260
EBL forest / tempera 34 603 320 950 261 837 430 1430 290 836 427 1430
EBL forest / tropica 67 681 290 1180 118 923 420 1470 154 945 430 1480
ENL forest / boreal 172 213 70 420 90 326 140 590 191 368 140 720
ENL forest / tempera 289 578 220 1130 179 653 300 1090 336 724 290 1470
boreal 59 290 90 480 39 505 180 1000 87 545 200 940
desert 16 84 30 390 14 217 30 800 21 193 60 680
grassland 124 222 50 610 87 486 120 1090 134 449 110 1090
mixed forest 116 440 180 760 56 512 310 750 145 551 253 907
savanna 14 221 40 400 5 644 340 1390 17 505 80 1390
tundra 23 84 20 180 14 94 20 200 28 121 30 270
All 1182 421 80 950 1137 648 180 1270 1821 633 180 1270
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 213
O E E V _ P E C _ T V E _
M V L _ P R C _ P A E _ P
E _ E P 9 E _ P 9 V _ P 9
2 N V 1 9 C N 1 9 E N 1 9
DBL forest / tempera 375 529 10 2188 948 375 107 2535 7.76 375.00 -5.00 25.00
DBL forest / tropica 43 153 79 1290 1227 43 654 1565 25.88 43.00 20.00 27.00
EBL forest / tempera 290 923 50 2414 1354 290 737 2138 13.73 290.00 6.00 18.00
EBL forest / tropica 154 552 53 2163 1805 154 943 3778 21.03 154.00 13.00 28.00
ENL forest / boreal 191 516 60 1625 583 191 252 1262 0.61 191.00 -7.00 5.00
ENL forest / tempera 336 656 6 2310 1243 336 223 3096 10.57 336.00 -1.00 25.00
boreal 87 641 92 1946 615 87 175 1637 0.03 87.00 -10.00 9.00
desert 21 1018 68 2464 246 21 115 647 13.52 21.00 6.00 26.00
grassland 134 585 30 2367 832 134 186 2315 14.61 134.00 -3.00 28.00
mixed forest 145 505 -1 1970 1014 145 320 1890 10.74 145.00 0.00 19.00
savanna 17 339 53 1095 634 17 301 1277 17.18 17.00 6.00 27.00
tundra 28 560 -2 2218 370 28 41 1748 -10.18 28.00 -18.00 6.00
All 1821 619 10 2300 1069 1821 105 3096 10.28 1821.0 -12.00 27.00
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 214
|NPP_EST |BIOMENEW | | | | | | | |
| |------| | | | | | |
| |DBL forest /| | | | | | | |
| |boreal | 46| 0| 591| 249| 37| 100| 960|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |DBL forest /| | | | | | | |
| |temperate | 375| 0| 588| 233| 12| 110| 1547|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |DBL forest /| | | | | | | |
| |tropical | 43| 0| 625| 317| 48| 187| 1350|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |DNL forest /| | | | | | | |
| |boreal | 41| 0| 495| 205| 32| 180| 1130|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |EBL forest /| | | | | | | |
| |temperate | 290| 0| 836| 292| 17| 200| 1670|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |EBL forest /| | | | | | | |
| |tropical | 154| 0| 945| 342| 28| 330| 1910|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |ENL forest /| | | | | | | |
| |boreal | 191| 0| 368| 169| 12| 80| 900|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |ENL forest /| | | | | | | |
| |temperate | 336| 0| 724| 348| 19| 67| 1813|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |Savanna / | | | | | | | |
| |temperate | 1| 0| 450| .| .| 450| 450|
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 215
|NPP_EST |BIOMENEW | | | | | | | |
| |------| | | | | | |
| |Savanna / | | | | | | | |
| |tropical | 6| 0| 552| 444| 181| 180| 1390|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |desert | 21| 0| 193| 198| 43| 30| 800|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |grassland / | | | | | | | |
| |C3 | 59| 0| 356| 242| 32| 80| 1110|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |grassland / | | | | | | | |
| |C4 temperate| 30| 0| 399| 216| 39| 90| 1080|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |grassland / | | | | | | | |
| |C4 tropical | 45| 0| 604| 404| 60| 40| 1400|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |mediterrane-| | | | | | | |
| |an | 10| 0| 482| 240| 76| 80| 800|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |mixed forest| 145| 0| 551| 215| 18| 173| 1520|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |tundra | 28| 0| 121| 82| 16| 20| 345|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |ALL | 1821| 0| 633| 333| 8| 20| 1910|
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 216
|ANPP_C |ALL | 1182| 639| 421| 264| 8| 20| 1430|
|BNPP_C | | 470| 1351| 141| 117| 5| 10| 790|
|TNPP_C | | 1137| 684| 648| 320| 9| 20| 1910|
|NPP_EST | | 1821| 0| 633| 333| 8| 20| 1910|
|PREC | | 1821| 0| 1069| 584| 14| 36| 3778|
|TAVE | | 1821| 0| 10| 8| 0| -18| 28|
|ELEV | | 1821| 0| 619| 559| 13| -36| 2500|
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 217
| | N |NMISS | MEAN | STD | MIN | MAX |
|NPP_EST |BIOMENEW | | | | | | |
| |------| | | | | |
| |DBL forest /| | | | | | |
| |boreal | 29| 0| 582| 248| 100| 960|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |DBL forest /| | | | | | |
| |temperate | 199| 0| 592| 215| 110| 1353|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |DBL forest /| | | | | | |
| |tropical | 12| 0| 564| 212| 187| 830|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |DNL forest /| | | | | | |
| |boreal | 28| 0| 498| 158| 210| 815|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |EBL forest /| | | | | | |
| |temperate | 215| 0| 853| 281| 380| 1670|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |EBL forest /| | | | | | |
| |tropical | 98| 0| 932| 314| 330| 1910|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |ENL forest /| | | | | | |
| |boreal | 78| 0| 348| 169| 97| 900|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |ENL forest /| | | | | | |
| |temperate | 139| 0| 632| 298| 67| 1676|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |Savanna / | | | | | | |
| |temperate | 1| 0| 450| .| 450| 450|
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 218
| | N |NMISS | MEAN | STD | MIN | MAX |
|NPP_EST |BIOMENEW | | | | | | |
| |------| | | | | |
| |Savanna / | | | | | | |
| |tropical | 6| 0| 552| 444| 180| 1390|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |desert | 17| 0| 192| 191| 45| 800|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |grassland / | | | | | | |
| |C3 | 36| 0| 358| 211| 95| 795|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |grassland / | | | | | | |
| |C4 temperate| 16| 0| 454| 207| 120| 1080|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |grassland / | | | | | | |
| |C4 tropical | 24| 0| 525| 387| 40| 1370|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |mediterrane-| | | | | | |
| |an | 9| 0| 467| 249| 80| 800|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |mixed forest| 38| 0| 536| 167| 244| 1107|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |tundra | 14| 0| 124| 76| 30| 270|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |ALL | 959| 0| 637| 322| 30| 1910|
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 219
| | N |NMISS | MEAN | STD | MIN | MAX |
|MODCB_AV |BIOMENEW | | | | | | |
| |------| | | | | |
| |DBL forest /| | | | | | |
| |boreal | 26| 3| 648| 149| 175| 782|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |DBL forest /| | | | | | |
| |temperate | 196| 3| 705| 155| 133| 1278|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |DBL forest /| | | | | | |
| |tropical | 12| 0| 731| 124| 430| 892|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |DNL forest /| | | | | | |
| |boreal | 28| 0| 503| 160| 215| 856|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |EBL forest /| | | | | | |
| |temperate | 215| 0| 899| 92| 539| 1160|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |EBL forest /| | | | | | |
| |tropical | 98| 0| 1026| 144| 625| 1415|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |ENL forest /| | | | | | |
| |boreal | 78| 0| 560| 121| 303| 809|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |ENL forest /| | | | | | |
| |temperate | 139| 0| 697| 225| 126| 1234|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |Savanna / | | | | | | |
| |temperate | 1| 0| 720| .| 720| 720|
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 220
| | N |NMISS | MEAN | STD | MIN | MAX |
|MODCB_AV |BIOMENEW | | | | | | |
| |------| | | | | |
| |Savanna / | | | | | | |
| |tropical | 6| 0| 460| 162| 282| 746|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |desert | 17| 0| 222| 126| 72| 539|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |grassland / | | | | | | |
| |C3 | 36| 0| 490| 173| 159| 839|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |grassland / | | | | | | |
| |C4 temperate| 16| 0| 639| 235| 152| 927|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |grassland / | | | | | | |
| |C4 tropical | 22| 2| 676| 237| 72| 1143|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |mediterrane-| | | | | | |
| |an | 9| 0| 519| 175| 329| 787|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |mixed forest| 37| 1| 757| 158| 464| 1051|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |tundra | 9| 5| 304| 167| 93| 616|
| |------+------+------+------+------+------+------
| |ALL | 945| 14| 738| 232| 72| 1415|
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 221
|ANPP_C |ALL | 481| 478| 382| 241| 11| 20| 1353|
|BNPP_C | | 200| 759| 146| 110| 8| 20| 570|
|TNPP_C | | 688| 271| 671| 319| 12| 30| 1910|
|NPP_EST | | 959| 0| 637| 322| 10| 30| 1910|
|PREC | | 959| 0| 1031| 556| 18| 36| 3778|
|TAVE | | 959| 0| 10| 8| 0| -18| 28|
|ELEV | | 959| 0| 674| 563| 18| -36| 2500|
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 222
| |Obser-| | |
| | ved | | |
| | NPP, | | |
| |outli-| | |
| | ers | | |
| |dropp-|MODCB-| Predicted(ensemble) - |
| | ed | _AV | Observed NPP |
| |------+------+------
| | MEAN | MEAN | N | MEAN | STD | MAX |
|BIOMENEW | | | | | | |
|------| | | | | |
|DBL forest / boreal | 415| 470| 9| 20| 259| 385|
|DBL forest / temperate | 592| 705| 196| 109| 220| 569|
|DBL forest / tropical | 598| 732| 11| 134| 200| 367|
|DNL forest / boreal | 498| 503| 28| 5| 197| 235|
|EBL forest / temperate | 853| 899| 215| 46| 265| 538|
|EBL forest / tropical | 932| 1026| 98| 94| 330| 708|
|ENL forest / boreal | 352| 528| 65| 177| 192| 546|
|ENL forest / temperate | 632| 697| 139| 66| 268| 719|
|Savanna / temperate | 450| 720| 1| 270| .| 270|
EMDI Outlier Analysis January 28, 2000 223
| |Obser-| | |
| | ved | | |
| | NPP, | | |
| |outli-| | |
| | ers | | |
| |dropp-|MODCB-| Predicted(ensemble) - |
| | ed | _AV | Observed NPP |
| |------+------+------
| | MEAN | MEAN | N | MEAN | STD | MAX |
|BIOMENEW | | | | | | |
|------| | | | | |
|Savanna / tropical | 552| 460| 6| -91| 350| 207|
|desert | 192| 222| 17| 30| 205| 409|
|grassland / C3 | 358| 490| 36| 132| 172| 433|
|grassland / C4 temperate | 454| 639| 16| 185| 179| 485|